2023-05-13 08:28
  • 苏立新
  • 苏立新 - 副教授 硕士生导师-沈阳大学-生命科学与工程学院-个人资料








1. Su Lixin &Liu Guangchun. 2009a. A review of the genus Terrilimosina Rohá?ek(Diptera, Sphaeroceridae, Limosininae) from China. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 85(2): 51–57. (SCI)
2. Su Lixin &Liu Guangchun. 2009b. One new species and one new record species of PhthitiaEnderlein (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) from China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 34(3): 475–480.(CSCD)
3. Su L. X., Liu G. C. & Xu J. 2009. A newspecies and a new record species of the genus Terrilimosina (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) from China. Acta ZootaxonomicaSinica 34(4): 807–811.(CSCD)
4. Su Lixin, Liu Guangchun, Xu Jie & Wang Jianfeng.2011. Noteson the genus Monorbiseta(Sphaeroceridae: Limosininae) in China, with Description of a New Species. Entomotaxonomia 33(4): 273–278. (CSCD)
5. Su Lixin, Liu Guangchun, Xu Jie & Wang Jianfeng.2012a. Noteson the genus Richardsia Papp in China(Diptera, Sphaeroceridae, Copromyzinae). ActaZootaxonomica Sinica 37(1): 248–251. (CSCD)
6. Su Lixin, Liu Guangchun, Xu Jie & Wang Jianfeng.2012b. Anew species of the genus Nearacticorpus Rohá?ekand Marshall, 1982 from China (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 88(3): 342–346.(SCI)
7. Su Lixin, Liu Guangchun &Xu Jie. 2013a. Opalimosina(Diptera: Sphaeroceridae) from China with descriptions of two new species. EntomologicaFennica 24(2): 94–99. (SCI)
8. Su Lixin, Liu Guangchun &Xu Jie. 2013b. Thegenus Telomerina Rohá?ek (Diptera:Sphaeroceridae) from China, with the descriptions of four new species. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 89(1): 7–17.(SCI)
9. Su Lixin, LiuGuangchun & Xu Jie. 2013c. Genus Pullimosina(Diptera: Sphaeroceridae) in China with descriptions of a new species. Entomologica Fennica 24(1): 1–8. (SCI)
10. Su Lixin, Liu Guangchun & Xu Jie. 2013d. Anew sphaerocerid Eulimosina prominulata sp.nov. (Diptera) from China. OrientalInsects 47(4): 199–202.(SCI
11. Su Lixin, Liu Guangchun & Xu Jie. 2013e. Phthitia Enderlein (Diptera:Sphaeroceridae: Limosininae) in China, with descriptions of three new species. the Kansas Entomological Society 86(2):155–170.(SCI)
12. Su Lixin, LiuGuangchun, Xu Jie & Wang Jianfeng. 2013. The genus Minilimosina (Svarciella) (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) from China withdescription of a new species. Oriental Insects 47(1): 15–22.(SCI)
13. Su Lixin,Liu Guangchun & Xu Jie. 2015. A review of Minilimosina Rohá?ek (Diptera:Sphaeroceridae) from China. Zootaxa4007(1): 001–028. (SCI)
14. Su Lixin, Liu Guangchun & Xu Jie. 2016. A new species of Ischiolepta Lioy (Diptera:Sphaeroceridae) from China. Oriental Insects49(1-2):1–5.(SCI)

