2023-05-13 08:03
  • 胡卫平
  • 胡卫平 - 教授-陕西师范大学-教师专业能力发展中心-个人资料




1978.9——1980.7 山西省霍州中学,高中
1980.9——1984.7 山西师范大学物理系, 本科
1995.9——1998.7 北京师范大学物理系,硕士研究生(在职)
1998.9——2001.6 北京师大发展心理研究所与英国伦敦大学国王学院(99.11--2000.11在英国学习), 博士研究生.
2005.4——2005.7 美国哥伦比亚大学教育学院高级访问学者
2006.9.1——2007.1.5 山西省委党校中青班
2008.5.25-30 中央社会主义学院学习
1984.07—1990.12 在山西省临汾师范专科学校物理系任助教
1990.12—1992.12 在山西师范大学教务处工作并兼物理系任助教
1992.12—1995.08 在山西师范大学教务处工作并兼物理系任讲师
1995.08—1997.08 在山西师范大学物理系任讲师
1997.08—1998.09 在山西师范大学物理系任副教授
其间:1995.09—1998.07 在北京师范大学物理系物理教育专业学习(硕士研究生)
2001.06—2004.02 任山西师范大学课程与教学研究所副所长、所长(正处级)
2004.02—2006.09 任山西师范大学教育与心理科学学院院长并兼课程与教学研究所所长
其间:2005.04—2005.07 在美国哥伦比亚大学访问并从事合作研究
2006.09-2009.03 山西师范大学教育科学研究院院长、教师教育学院副院长
2009.03—2011.04 负责筹建陕西师范大学教师专业能力发展中心
2011.04—至今 任陕西师范大学教师专业能力发展中心主任
2011.12—至今 任现代教学技术教育部重点实验室主任。
2012.11—至今 任国家级教师教学发展示范中心主任
2013.09—至今 任中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心副主任




Hu, W., Jia, X., Liu, J. & Shan, X. (2016). Effects of a “Learn to Think” intervention programme on Chinese primary school students’ learning strategies. The International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving, 26(1), 21-41.
Hu, W., Jia, X., Plucker J. & Shan X. (2016). Effects of a critical thinking skills program on the learning motivation of primary school students. Roeper Review. 38(2): 70-83.
Qi, S., Luo, Y., Tang, X., Li, Y., Zeng, Q., Duan, H.,. Hu, W. (2016). The temporal dynamics of directed reappraisal in high-trait-anxious individuals. Emotion, 16(6): 886-896.
Chen, B., Hu, W., & Plucker, J. A. (2016). The Effect of Mood on Problem Finding in Scientific Creativity. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 50(4): 308- 320.
Cheng L., Hu W., Jia X. & Runco M. (2016). The Different Role of Cognitive Inhibition in Early versus Late Creative Problem Finding. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 10(1): 32- 41.
Wang, B., Duan, H., Qi, S., Hu, W. & Zhang, H. (2017). When a Dog Has a Pen for a Tail: the Time Course of Creative Object Processing. Creativity Research Journal, 29(1), 1-6.
Jia, X., Hu, W*., Cai, F., Wang, H., Li, J., & Runco, M. A*., et al. (2017). The influence of teaching methods on creative problem finding. Thinking Skills & Creativity,(24),86-94. (SSCI)
Qi, S*., Li, Y., Tang, X., Zeng, Q., Diao, L., Li, X., . . . Hu, W*. (2017). The temporal dynamics of detached versus positive reappraisal: An ERP study. Cognitive Affective Behavioral Neuroscience. 17(3), 1-12. (SSCI)
Wang, B., Duan, H., Qi, S., Hu, W*., & Zhang, H. (2017). When a dog has a pen for a tail: the time course of creative object processing. Creativity Research Journal, 29(1), 37-42. (SSCI)
Zhou, H., Lv, B., Guo, X., Liu, C., Qi, B., & Hu, W., . . . Luo, L. (2017). The relation between maternal work hours and primary school students’ affect in china: the role of the frequency of mother–child communication (FMCC) and maternal education. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1777. (SSCI)
Tang, M., Hu, W., & Zhang, H. (2017). Chapter 13 – creative self-efficacy from the chinese perspective: review of studies in mainland china, hong kong, taiwan, and singapore. In A. M. Karwowski & J. C. Kaufman (Eds.), Creative Self (pp. 237-257). Location: Academic press
Li, X., Wang, L., Shen, J., Wang, J., Hu, W., Chen, Y., & Tian, R. (2018). Analysis and Comparison of Scientific Inquiry Activities in Eight-Grade Physics Textbooks in China. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 17(2), 229-238. (SSCI)
Li, X., Tan, Z., Shen, J., Hu, W., Chen, Y., & Wang, J. (2018). Analysis of Five Junior High School Physics Textbooks Used in China for Representations of Nature of Science. Research in Science Education, 1-12. (SSCI)
Wang, H., Pi, Z., & Hu, W. (2018). The instructor's gaze guidance in video lectures improves learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 1-9. (SSCI)
Pi, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhu, F., Xu, K., Yang, J., & Hu, W. (2019 in press). Instructors’ pointing gestures improve learning regardless of their use of directed gaze in video lectures. Computers & Education, 128(2): 345-352. (SSCI)
Weiping Hu, X. W., Lan Yu,Xinfa Yi, Mark A. Runco. (2018). Creative Self-Efficacy as Moderator of the Influence of Evaluation on Artistic Creativity. The International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving, 28(2), 39-55. (SSCI)
Pi, Z., Hong, J., & Hu, W. (2018). Interaction of the originality of peers’ ideas and students’ openness to experience in predicting creativity in online collaborative groups. British Journal of Educational Technology,1-14. (SSCI)

