2023-05-12 22:40
  • 陈文聪
  • 陈文聪 - 教授 硕导-商丘师范学院-电子电气工程学院-个人资料




陈文聪,博士,河南省特聘教授,郑州大学硕士生导师,九三社员。安徽省太湖县人,2007年6月毕业于南京大学天文系天体物理专业,获理学博士学位。2011年12月北京大学核物理与核技术国家重点实验室物理学博士后出站。2016.01-2017.01 牛津大学物理系访问学者。
共发表SCI论文40余篇,其中在天体物理三大学术期刊Astrophysical Journal(IF:6.733)、Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society(IF:5.521)、Astronomy & Astrophysics(IF:5.084)发表论文27篇,被Nature等期刊引用300余次。主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、河南省科技创新人才(杰出青年)计划和河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划各1项,作为第一完成人获河南省高校科技成果一等奖1项,河南省自然科学学术奖优秀论文一等奖5项。目前主持国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目和河南省高校科技创新团队支持计划各1项。




[1] L. Jiang, N. Wang*, W. C. Chen*, X. D. Li, W. M. Liu, Z. F. Gao, A strange star scenario for the formation of isolated millisecond pulsars, Astron Astrophys, 2020, 633, A45
[2] H. Shi, H. W. Hu, W. C. Chen*, Application of a two-dipole model to PSR J1640 –4631, a pulsar with an anomalous braking index, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 2019, 71, L5
[3] W. C. Chen*, P. Podsiadlowski,Fast Orbital Shrinkage of Black Hole X-Ray Binaries Driven by Circumbinary Disks,Astrophys J Letters, 2019, 876, L11
[4] L. Jiang, W. C. Chen, X. D. Li, A strange dwarf scenario for the formation of the peculiar double white dwarf binary SDSS J125733.63+542850.5, Mon Not R Astron Soc,2018, 476, 109
[5] W. C. Chen*, Formation of Scorpius X-1 induced by anomalous magnetic braking of Ap/Bp stars, Astron Astrophys, 2017, 606, A60
[6] W. C. Chen*, P. Podsiadlowski, Rapid orbital decay in detached binaries: evidence for circumbinary disks, Astrophys J Letters, 2017, 837, L19
[7] L. Jiang, W. C. Chen, X. D. Li, A circumbinary disk scenario for the negative orbital-period derivative of the ultracompact X-Ray binary 4U 1820-303, Astrophys J, 2017, 837, 64
[8] W. C. Chen*, An evolutionary channel towards the accreting millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658, Mon Not R Astron Soc,2017,464, 4673
[9] W. C. Chen*, Constraining the dipolar magnetic field of M82 X-2 by the accretion model, Mon Not R Astron Soc,2017,465, L6
[10] W. C. Chen*, P. Podsiadlowski, Evolution of intermediate-mass X-ray binaries driven by magnetic braking of Ap/Bp stars. I. ultracompact X-ray binaries. Astrophys J, 2016, 830, 131
[11] W. C. Chen*, High braking index pulsar PSR J1640-4631: low-mass neutron star with a large inclination angle? Astron Astrophys, 2016, 593, L3
[12] W. C. Chen*, X. D. Li, Low braking index of PSR J1734−3333: an interaction between fall-back disc and magnetic field? Mon Not R Astron Soc,2016,455,L87-L90
[13] W. C. Chen*, X. D. Li, Orbital period decay of compact black hole X-ray binaries: the influence of circumbinary disks? Astron Astrophys, 2015, 583, A108
[14] W. M. Liu,W. C. Chen*, Magnetic braking of Ap/Bp stars: an alternative formation mechanism of compact intermediate-mass binary pulsars, Mon Not R Astron Soc, 2014,441, 3615
[15] W. C. Chen*, W. M. Liu, Evolution of neutron star + He star binaries: an alternative evolutionary channel to intermediate-mass binary pulsars,Mon Not R Astron Soc, 2013,432, L75
[16] W. M. Liu,W. C. Chen*, On the progenitors of millisecond pulsars by the recycl- ing evolutionary channel, Mon Not R Astron Soc, 2011, 416,2285
[17] W. C. Chen*, X. D. Li, R. X. Xu, He star evolutionary channel to intermediate-mass binary pulsar PSR J1802-2124, Astron Astrophys, 2011, 530, A104
[18] W. C. Chen*, J. A. Panei, The progenitor of binary millisecond radio pulsar PSR J1713+0747, Astron Astrophys, 2011, 527, A128
[19] W. C. Chen*, X. W. Liu, R. X. Xu, X. D. Li, Can eccentric binary millisecond pulsars form by accretion-induced collapse of white dwarfs? Mon Not R Astron Soc, 2011, 410, 1441
[20] Meng, X. C.*, Chen, W. C., Yang, W. M., Li, Z. M., The birth rate of subluminous and overluminous type Ia supernovae,Astron Astrophys. 2011, 525, A129
[21] W. M. Liu,W. C. Chen*, B. Wang, Z. W. Han, Helium-star evolutionary channel to super-Chandrasekhar mass type Ia supernovae, Astron Astrophys, 2010, 523, A3
[22] W. C. Chen*, X. D. Li, On the progenitors of super-Chandrasekhar mass type Ia supernovae, Astrophys J, 2009, 702, 686
[23] W. C. Chen*, Can angular momentum loss cause the period change of NN Ser? Astron Astrophys, 2009, 499, L1
[24]W. C. Chen*, X. D. Li, Evolving to Type Ia Supernovae with long delay times, Astrophys J, 2007, 658, L51
[25] W. C. Chen*, X. D. Li, Evolution of black-hole intermediate-mass X-ray binaries: the influence of a circumbinary disc, Mon Not R Astron Soc, 2006, 373,305
[26] W. C. Chen*, X. D. Li, and Qian S. B., Orbital Evolution of Algol Binaries with a Circumbinary Disk, Astrophys J, 2006, 649,973
[27] W. C. Chen*, X. D. Li, Why the braking indices of young pulsars are less than 3? Astron Astrophys, 2006, 450, L1
[28] W. C. Chen*, X. D. Li, Z. R. Wang,Low-Mass X-Ray Binary as the Progenitor of PSR J1713+0747, Publ Astron Soc Jpn,2006, 58,153
现为河南省学术技术带头人,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家, 河南省优秀青年科技专家,河南省教学标兵, 河南省物理学会常务理事、河南省物理学专业教学指导委员会副主任。中国天文学会、中国物理学会会员

