2023-05-12 22:19
  • 杨仲南
  • 杨仲南 - 博士,教授-上海师范大学-生命科学学院-个人资料




Yu QB, Jiang Y, Chong K*, and Yang ZN*. 2009. AtECB2, a Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein, is Involved in Chloroplast Transcript accD RNA Editing and Essential for Early Chloroplast Biogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal.59:1011-1023.
Jiang H, Wang FF, Wu YT, Zhou X, Huang XY, Zhu J, Gao JF, Dong RB,Cao KM*, Yang ZN*.2009. MULTIPOLAR SPINDLE 1 (MPS1), a novel coiled-coil protein of Arabidopsis thaliana, is required for meiotic spindle organization. Plant Journal. 59:1001-1010.
Lv HX, Guo GQ, Yang ZN*. 2009. Translocons on the Inner and Outer Envelopes of Chloroplasts Share Similar Evolutionary Origin in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 22:1418-1428.
Huang JF, Yang JJ, Wang G, Yu QB, and Yang ZN*. 2008. Prediction of anther-expressed gene regulation in Arabidopsis. Chinese Science Bulletin. 53(20): 3198-3203
Yu QB, Li G, Wang G, Sun JC, Wang PC, Wang C, Mi HL, Ma WM, Cui J, Cui YL,Chong K, Li YX, Li YH, Zhao ZM,Shi TL*, and Yang ZN*. 2008. Construction of a Chloroplast Protein Interaction Network and Functional Mining of Photosynthetic Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell Research. 18(10):1007-1019.
Zhu J, Chen H, Li H, Gao JF, Jiang H, Wang C, Guan YF, and Yang ZN*. 2008. Defective of Tapetum Development and Function1 (TDF1) Is Essential for Anther Development and Tapetum Function for Microspore Maturation in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 55: 266-277
Guan YF, Huang XY, Zhu J, Gao JF, Zhang HX and Yang ZN*. 2008. RUPTURED POLLEN GRAIN 1 (RPG1), a Member of MtN3/Saliva Gene Family, is Crucial for Exine Pattern Formation and Cell Integrity of Microspores in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 147: 852-862
Zhang ZB, Zhu J, Gao JF, Wang C, Li H, Zhang HQ, Zhang S, Wang DM, Wang QX, Huang H, Xia HJ, Yang ZN*. 2007. Transcription Factor AtMYB103 is Required for Anther Development by Regulating Microspore Release from Tetrads and Exine Formation in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 52(3): 528-538。

