Byrnes, Tim
2023-05-12 22:07
  • Byrnes, Tim
  • Byrnes, Tim - Assistant Professor-上海纽约大学-物理联合研究中心-个人资料




Tim Byrnes is Assistant Professor of Physics at NYU Shanghai. He is also Visiting Assistant Professor at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, Japan. He holds a PhD from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.
Tim Byrnes completed his Ph.D. at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia in the fields of condensed matter physics and high energy physics under the supervision of Prof. Chris Hamer. During this time he worked on applications of DMRG (Density Matrix Renomalization Group), a powerful method for solving 1D quantum many-body problems, to lattice gauge theories. He then moved to Tokyo, Japan to commence a postdoctoral fellowship with Prof. Yoshihisa Yamamoto in the field of quantum information at the National Institute of Informatics and the University of Tokyo. There he worked on topics related to quantum simulation, such as methods of solving lattice gauge theories on a quantum computer, and semiconductor implementations of a quantum simulator. He has worked on the theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in exciton-polariton systems, such as the BEC-BCS crossover and applications to the generation of non-classical light.
He is now Assistant Professor at NYU Shanghai, where he examines Bose-Einstein condensates for various applications in quantum information technology.


Professor Byrnes' research interests are in quantum information technologies, condensed matter physics, and AMO (atomic, molecular, optical) physics. Specifically, he is interested in various applications of Bose-Einstein condensates to quantum information. He is also interested in the interface of physics and biology and emergent phenomena.


Tim Byrnes, Kai Wen, Yoshihisa Yamamoto, “Macroscopic quantum computation using Bose-Einstein condensates“, Phys. Rev A 85, 040306(R) (2012).
Tim Byrnes, Tomoyuki Horikiri, Natsuko Ishida, Yoshihisa Yamamoto, “A BCS wavefunction approach to the BEC-BCS crossover of exciton-polariton condensates“, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 186402 (2010).
C.W. Lai, N. Y. Kim, S. Utsunomiya, G. Roumpos, H. Deng, M. D. Fraser, T. Byrnes, P. Recher, N. Kumada, T. Fujisawa and Y. Yamamoto, “Coherent zero-state and π-state in an exciton-polariton condensate array”, Nature 450, 529 (2007).
Tim Byrnes, Patrik Recher, Na Young Kim, Shoko Utsunomiya, Yoshihisa Yamamoto, “Quantum simulator for the Hubbard model with long-range Coulomb interactions using surface acoustic waves”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 016405 (2007).
Tim Byrnes and Yoshihisa Yamamoto, “Simulating lattice gauge theories on a quantum computer”, Phys. Rev. A 73, 022328 (2006).
T. Byrnes, P. Sriganesh, R.J. Bursill, C.J. Hamer, ”Density Matrix Renormalisation Group Approach to the Massive Schwinger Model”,Phys. Rev. D 66, 013002 (2002).
Ebubechukwu O. Ilo-Okeke and Tim Byrnes, \

