2023-05-12 22:04
  • 王海东
  • 王海东 - 副教授 博士-上海理工大学-环境与建筑学院-个人资料




王海东 博士 副教授 上海市浦江人才 LEED-AP 通信地址:上海市杨浦区军工路516号上海理工大学 484信箱(200093)
2013:博士,美国科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado Boulder)
建筑环境非稳态问题的快速CFD模拟方法研究 (国家自然科学基金青年基金)
基于快速CFD反计算方法的建筑环境污染源实时定位研究 (上海市浦江人才计划)
动态通风房间空气污染源实时定位研究 (教育部留学回国人员启动基金)
§ 国际室内空气质量协会(ISIAQ)会员
§ 上海市制冷学会会员
§ 美国机械工程师学会(ASME)第四届国际能源与可持续性会议 委员
§ 第二届国际建筑能源与环境大会秘书长




Wang H., Lu S., Cheng J. and Zhai Z.J. 2017. Inverse modeling of indoor instantaneous airborne contaminant source location with adjoint probability-based method under dynamic airflow field. Building and Environment. WOS: 000400226300016
Wang H., Tang X. and Huang C. 2017. Investigating ventilation system performance in large space building: A nozzle primary air supply with secondary airflow-relay system. Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 23(2): 296-306. WOS: 000396872900008
Wang H. and Zhai Z.J. 2016. Advances in building simulation and computational techniques: A review between 1987 and 2014. Energy and Buildings. 128: 319-335. WOS: 000382794200026
Wang H., Lu S., Zhai Z.J. and Liu X. 2016. Identification of indoor instantaneous airborne contaminant source under dynamic indoor airflow. 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. July 3-8, 2016. Ghent, Belgium.
Wang, H., Huang C., Cui Y. and Jia X. 2015. Research on a Secondary Airflow-Relay System to Improve Ventilation Performance of Nozzle Supply in Large Space Buildings. Procedia Engineering, 121: 816-823. The 9th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, ISHVAC 2015 Joint with the 3rd International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, COBEE 2015 WOS:000380499000111/EI: 20160701939548
Wang, H., Zhai Z.J. and Liu X. 2014. Feasibility of Utilizing Numerical Viscosity from Coarse Grid CFD for Fast Turbulence Modeling of Indoor Environments. Building Simulation. 7(2): 155-164 WOS: 000328900300007
Wang, H., Zhai Z.J. and Liu X. 2012. Simplify turbulence modeling in indoor environment study by using coarse grid. The Second International Conference on Building Energy and Environment. August 1-4, 2012. Boulder, Colorado.
Wang, H. and Zhai Z.J. 2012. Application of Coarse Grid CFD on Indoor Environment Modeling: Optimizing the Trade-off between Grid Resolution and Simulation Accuracy. HVAC&R Research. 18(5): 915-933. WOS: 000309749200008
Wang, H. and Zhai Z.J. 2012. Analyzing Grid-Independency and Numerical Viscosity of Computational Fluid Dynamics for Indoor Environment Applications. Building and Environment. 52: 107-118. WOS: 000301319200010
Wang, H., Zhai Z.J., Li Y. and Liu X. 2012. Identifying Index (Source) Patient Location of SARS Transmission in a Hospital Ward. HVAC&R Research. 18(4): 616-625. WOS: 000308130100007
Zhai Z.J. and Wang H. 2011. Optimizing the Trade-off between Grid Resolution and Simulation Accuracy: Coarse Grid CFD Modeling. Final Report of ASHRAE Research Project 1418.
Zhai Z.J., Liu X., Wang H., Li Y. and Liu J. 2012. Experimental Verification of Tracking Algorithm for Dynamically-Releasing Single Indoor Contaminant. Building Simulation. 5(1): 5-14. WOS: 000301567000003
Liu, J., Wang H. and Wen W. 2009. Numerical simulation on a horizontal airflow for airborne particles control in hospital operating room. Building and Environment. 44(11): 2284-2289. WOS: 000268426800011
Wang H., Zhai J.Z., Li Y. and Liu X. 2010. Identifying Sources of SARS Transmission in a Hospital Ward. IAQ2010. November 10-12, 2010. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. EI: 20123515370403
Liu, J., Ma Q., Wang H., Qi J., Li Y. and Sun W. 2008. The Experimental Research on the Classification of Air Cleanliness for Non-unidirectional Flow cleanroom. The First International Conference on Building Energy and Environment. July 13-16, 2008. Dalian, China. WOS: 00259578900156
刘俊杰,王海东. 2008. 燃气辐射供暖房间的供暖负荷计算及能耗分析. 暖通空调39(2): 108-112.

