2023-05-12 21:57
  • 于平
  • 于平 - 研究员-上海科技大学-物质科学与技术学院-个人资料




2000-2004 就读于南开大学获得理学学士学位\r
2005-2009 就读于复旦大学获得物理学博士学位\r
2009-2013 德国马普所(Max Planck Institute of Microstructure physics) 博士后\r
2013-2015 德国雷根斯堡大学(University of Regensburg) 博士后 \r




On-surface synthesis of triangulene trimers via dehydration reation Suqin Cheng#, Zhijie Xue#, Can Li#, Yufeng Liu, Longjun Xiang, Youqi Ke, Kaking Yan, Shiyong Wang* and Ping Yu* Nature Communications 13, Article number: 1705 (2022)\r
Helical Conformation Tunability via Hydrogen Bonding in Supramolecular Frameworks Zhijie Xue#, Fuwei Gan#, Hong Liu#, Chengshuo Shen, Huibin Qiu*, Bo Yang* and Ping Yu* CCS Chem. 3, 1639-1647 (2021)\r
Atomically Precise Synthesis and Characterization of Heptauthrene with Triplet Ground State Xuelei Su#, Can Li#, Qingyang Du#, Kun Tao, Shiyong Wang*, and Ping Yu* Nano Letter. 20, 9, 6859 (2020)\r
On-Surface Synthesis of All-cis Standing Phenanthrene Polymers upon Selective C-H Bond Activation Qingyang Du#, Weiwen Pu#, Zhaoru Sun* and Ping Yu* J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 13, 5022-5028 (2020)\r
Stepwise On-Surface Synthesis of Porous Carbon Nanoribbons with Notched Zigzag Edges Suqin Cheng, Xuelei Su, Fuwei Gan, Chengshuo Shen, Huibin Qiu*, Kun Tao* and Ping Yu* J. Phys. Chem. C. 124, 1, 756-763 (2020)\r
Chiral Recognition of Hexahelicene on a surface via the Forming of Asymmetric Heterochiral Trimers Hong Zhang, Hong Liu, Chengshuo. Shen, Fuwei. Gan, Xuelei. Su, Huibin Qiu*, Bo Yang*, Ping Yu* Int. J. Mol. Sci, 20, 8, 2018 (2019)\r
Edge State Engineering of Graphene Nanoribbons Xuelei. Su, Zhijie Xue, Gang Li*, Ping Yu* Nano Letter. 18, 9, 5744 (2018)\r
Apparent Reversal of Molecular Orbitals Reveals Entanglement. P. Yu, N. Kocić, J. Repp, B. Siegert, and A. Donarini. Physical Review Letters 119, 056801 (2017)\r
Tracking the ultrafast motion of a single molecule by femtosecond orbital imaging. T. L. Cocker, D. Peller, P. Yu, J. Repp, R. Huber Nature, 539, 263 (2016).\r
Nanoscale photoelectron mapping and spectroscopy with an atomic force microscope. P. Yu, J. Kirschner. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 067602 (2013).\r
Nanoscale imaging of photoelectrons using an atomic force microscope. P. Yu, J. Kirschner. Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 063111 (2013).\r
Spin-orbit coupling in unoccupied quantum well states: experiment and theory for Co/Cu(001). C.-T. Chiang, A. Winkelmann, P. Yu, J. Henk and J. Kirschner, Phys. Rev. B. 81, 115130 (2010).\r
Magnetic dichroism from optically excited quantum well states. C.-T. Chiang, A. Winkelmann, P. Yu, and J. Kirschner. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 077601 (2009).\r
Unconventional spin topology in surface alloys with Rashba-type spin splitting. H. Mirhosseini, J. Henk, A. Ernst, S. Ostanin, C.-T. Chiang, P. Yu, A. Winkelmann, and J. Kirschner. Phys. Rev. B. 79, 245428 (2009).\r

