2023-05-12 21:46
  • 张文涛
  • 张文涛 - 研究员-上海交通大学-物理与天文学院-个人资料




教育和科研经历 2001年9月-2005年7月 中国科学技术大学 本科 2005年9月-2010年7月 中国科学院物理研究所 博士 2010年10月-2013年11月 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 博士后 2013年12月-2015年9月 美国加州大学伯克利分校 助理研究员 2015年9月-至今 上海交通大学物理与天文系 研究员


在发展超高分辨真空紫外激光角分辨光电子能谱和时间分辨光电子能谱技术,以及使用这两类技术对高温 超导体的电子结构和超导电性研究中,做出了重要的工作,是国际上最早利用时间分辨光电子能谱仪来研究铜氧化物动态电子结构并取得重要成果的人员之一。


Jin Mo Bok, Jong Ju Bae, Han-Yong Choi, Chandra M. Varma, Wentao Zhang, Junfeng He, Yuxiao Zhang, Li Yu and X. J. Zhou, Science Advances 2, e1501329 (2016). Gabriel Autès, Anna Isaeva, Luca Moreschini, Jens C. Johannsen, Andrea Pisoni, Ryo Mori, Wentao Zhang, Taisia G. Filatova, Alexey N. Kuznetsov, László Forró, Wouter Van den Broek, Yeongkwan Kim, Keun Su Kim, Alessandra Lanzara, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Eli Rotenberg, Aaron Bostwick, Marco Grioni & Oleg V. Yazyev, “A novel quasi-one-dimensional topological insulator in bismuth iodide β-Bi4I4”, Nature Materials 15, 154 (2015). Drew W. Latzke, Wentao Zhang, Aslihan Suslu, Tay-Rong Chang, Hsin Lin, Horng-Tay Jeng, Sefaattin Tongay, Junqiao Wu, Arun Bansil, and Alessandra Lanzara, “Electronic structure, spin-orbit coupling, and interlayer interaction in bulk MoS2 and WS2”, Physical Review B 91, 235202 (2015). Wentao Zhang et al, “Simultaneous ultrafast laser pumping of the electron-boson interaction and superconducting gap”, Accepted by Nature Communications 5, 4959 (2014). Seung Hwan Hong, Jin Mo Bok, Wentao Zhang, Junfeng He, X. J. Zhou, C. M. Varma, and Han-Yong Choi, “Sharp Low-Energy Feature in Single-Particle Spectra due to Forward Scattering in d-Wave Cuprate Superconductors”, Physical Review Letters 113, 057001 (2014). Christopher L. Smallwood, Wentao Zhang, Tristan L. Miller, Chris Jozwiak, Hiroshi Eisaki, Dung-Hai Lee, and Alessandra Lanzara, “Time- and momentum-resolved gap dynamics in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8”, Physical Review B 89, 115126 (2014) Wentao Zhang et al., “Signatures of superconductivity and pseudogap formation in non-equilibrium nodal quasiparticles revealed by ultrafast angle-resolved photoemission”, Phys. Rev. B 88, 245132 (2013). Wentao Zhang, “Photoemission Spectroscopy on High Temperature Superconductor: A Study of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 by Laser-Based Angle-Resolved Photoemission”, Springer Theses: Recognizing Outstanding Ph.D. Research, ISBN 978-3-642-32471-0, Springer, 2012. Junfeng He, Wentao Zhang, X. J. Zhou et al., “Coexistence of Two Sharp-Mode Couplings and their Unusual Momentum Dependence in the Superconducting State of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta Revealed by Laser-Based Angle-Resolved Photoemission”, Physical Review Letters 111, 017005 (2013). Christopher L. Smallwood, James P. Hinton, Christopher Jozwiak, Wentao Zhang, Jake D. Koralek, Hiroshi Eisaki, Dung-Hai Lee, Joseph Orenstein, and Alessandra Lanzara, “Tracking Cooper Pairs in a Cuprate Superconductor by Ultrafast Angle-Resolved Photoemission”, Science 336, 1137 (2012). C. L. Smallwood, C. Jozwiak, W. T. Zhang, and Alessandra Lanzara, “Au ultrafast angle-resolved photoemission apparatus for measuring complex materials”, Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 123904 (2012). Wentao Zhang, Jin Mo Bok, Jae Hyun Yun, Junfeng He, Guodong Liu, Lin Zhao, Haiyun Liu, Jianqiao Meng, Xiaowen Jia, Yingying Peng, Daixiang Mou, Shanyu Liu, Li Yu, Shaolong He, Xiaoli Dong, Jun Zhang, J. S. Wen, Z. J. Xu, G. D. Gu, Guiling Wang, Yong Zhu, Xiaoyang Wang, Qinjun Peng, Zhimin Wang, Shenjin Zhang, Feng Yang, Chuangtian Chen, Zuyan Xu, H.-Y. Choi, C. M. Varma, X. J. Zhou, “Extraction of Electron Self-Energy and Gap Function in the Superconducting State of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Superconductor via Laser-Based Angle-Resolved Photoemission”, Physical Review B 85, 064514 (2012). Chaoyu Chen, Shaolong He, Hongming Weng, Wentao Zhang, Lin Zhao, Haiyun Liu, Xiaowen Jia, Daixiang Mou, Shanyu Liu, Junfeng He, Yingying Peng, Ya Feng, Zhuojin Xie, Guodong Liu, Xiaoli Dong, Jun Zhang, Xi Dai, Zhong Fang and X. J. Zhou, ”Robustness of topological order and formation of quantum well states in topological insulators exposed to ambient environment”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109, 3694-3698 (2012). Shanyu Liu, Hongming Weng, Daixiang Mou, Wentao Zhang et al., “Fermi surface sheet-dependent band splitting in Sr2RuO4 revealed by high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy”, Physical Review B 86, 165112 (2012). Jae Hyun Yun, Jin Mo Bok, Han-Yong Choi, Wentao Zhang, X. J. Zhou, Chandra M. Varma, “Analysis of Laser ARPES from Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ in superconductive state: angle resolved self-energy and fluctuation spectrum”, Physical Review B 84, 104521 (2011). Lin Zhao, Jing Wang, Junren Shi, Wentao Zhang, Haiyun Liu, Jianqiao Meng, Guodong Liu, Xiaoli Dong, Jun Zhang, Wei Lu, Guiling Wang, Yong Zhu, Xiaoyang Wang, Qinjun Peng, Zhimin Wang, Shenjin Zhang, Feng Yang, Chuangtian Chen, Zuyan Xu, and X. J. Zhou, “Quantitative determination of Eliashberg function and evidence of strong electron coupling with multiple phonon modes in heavily overdoped (Bi,Pb)(2)Sr(2)CuO(6+delta)”, Physical Review B 83, 184515 (2011). Jin Mo Bok, Jae Hyun Yun, Han-Yong Choi, Wentao Zhang, X. J. Zhou, and Chandra M. Varma, “Momentum dependence of the single-particle self-energy and fluctuation spectrum of slightly underdoped Bi(2)Sr(2)CaCu(2)O(8+delta) from high-resolution laser angle-resolved photoemission”, Physical Review B 81, 174516 (2010). Haiyun Liu, G. F. Chen, Wentao Zhang, Lin Zhao, Guodong Liu, T.-L. Xia, Xiaowen Jia, Daixiang Mu, Shanyu Liu, Shaolong He, Yingying Peng, Junfeng He, Zhaoyu Chen, Xiaoli Dong, Jun Zhang, Guiling Wang, Yong Zhu, Zuyan Xu, Chuangtian Chen, and X. J. Zhou, “Unusual Electronic Structure and Observation of Dispersion Kink in CeFeAsO Parent Compound of FeAs-based Superconductors”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 027001 (2010). Jianqiao Meng, Guodong Liu, Wentao Zhang, Lin Zhao, Haiyun Liu, Xiaowen Jia, Daixiang Mu, Shanyu Liu, Xiaoli Dong, Wei Lu, Guiling Wang, Yong Zhou, Yong Zhu, Xiaoyang Wang, Zuyan Xu, Chuangtian Chen, X. J. Zhou, “Direct Observation of Fermi Pocket in High Temperature Cuprate Superconductors”, Nature 462, 335 (2009). Guodong Liu, Haiyun Liu, Lin Zhao, Wentao Zhang, Xiaowen Jia, Jianqiao Meng, Xiaoli Dong, Jun Zhang, G. F. Chen, Guiling Wang, Yong Zhou, Yong Zhu, Xiaoyang Wang, Zuyan Xu, Chuangtian Chen, and X. J. Zhou, “Band-structure reorganization across the magnetic transition in BaFe2As2 seen via high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission”, Phys. Rev. B 80, 134519 (2009).

