2023-05-12 21:45
  • 周健军
  • 周健军 - 教授-上海交通大学-微纳电子学系-个人资料




周健军教授于1991年获得上海交通大学电子工程学士学位, 1998年获得美国俄勒冈州立大学电子与计算机工程博士学位.他自1995年开始致力于CMOS 射频集成电路的研究, 是世界上最早研究CMOS 射频集成电路设计技术的学者之一.其早期的研究成果发表于国际集成电路设计领域最好的会议(ISSCC)和期刊(JSSC), 并荣获 ISSCC 的论文大奖:Beatrice Winner Award;他在美国Qualcomm公司的模拟射频IC部工作了8年多, 领导和参与设计了6款无线通信芯片设计, 经历了Qualcomm公司的模拟射频IC部由10几人的小部门成长为世界上最大的射频IC设计部; 作为项目领导人, 成功设计了世界上首款CMOS CDMA发射器芯片以及世界上首款CMOS CDMA单芯片接受发射器, 销量数亿颗; 2007年回国到上海交大任职, 创立了交大模拟射频IC中心, 任中心主任.积极参与国家的科研工作, 主持了包括4项”核高基”国家重大科技专项, 6项”新一代无线宽带”国家重大科技专项, 1项 863重点项目, 1项863面上项目, 1项NSF面上项目; 其在北斗射频IC的研究成果荣获2016年度上海市最高科技大奖”上海市科技进步特等奖”.周健军教授的主要研究方向是无线通信以及高速有线通信用的混合信号/模拟/射频集成电路设计.他共发表了约100篇国际学术论文,十数项专利授权. 他是IEEE高级会员(自2005年起).


mixed-signal, analog, and RF IC designs for wireless communications and high speed wireline communications


Ke Wang, Chaojie Fan, Wenjie Pan, and Jianjun Zhou, “A 14-bit 100 MS/s SHA-less pipelined ADC with 89 dB SFDR and 74.5 dB SNR,” IEICE Electronics Express, 2015, 12: 20150070. Peng Qin, Hao Yan, Yangyang Zhou, Xiaoyong Li and Jianjun Zhou, “Phase Noise Suppression Techniques for X-Band Frequency Synthesizers,” IEICE Electronics Express, 2014, 11 (22): 20141062, 1-11. Fan Chaojie, Wang Ke, Pan Wenjie, Zhou Jianjun, “Nonlinear inter-stage gain calibration for pipelined ADCs employing double dithering modes,” ICEICE Electronics Express, 2014. Peng Qin, Jinbo Li, Jian Kang, Xiaoyong Li and Jianjun Zhou, “Low Noise Frequency Synthesizer with Self-calibrated Voltage Controlled Oscillator and accurate AFC algorithm,” Journal of Semiconductors, September 2014, 35 (9): 095007, 1-5. Peng Qin, Yangyang Zhou, Hao Yan, Xiaoyong Li and Jianjun Zhou, “A Fast and Efficient Automatic Frequency Calibration Technique for 10GHz PLLs,” IEICE Electronics Express, 2014, 11 (19): 20140845, 1-11. Lu Yuxiao, Fan Chaojie, Sun Lu, Zhe Li, Jianjun Zhou, “A fast low power window-opening logic for high speed SAR ADC,” IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 11, no. 14, pp. 20140454, July, 2014. Fan Chaojie, Lu Yuxiao, Wang Ke, Zhou Jianjun, “Digital nonlinearity calibration for pipelined ADCs using sampling capacitors splitting,” IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 11, no. 13, pp. 20140442, July, 2014. Jing Jin, Xiaopeng Yu, Xiaoming Liu, Wei Meng Lim, and Jianjun Zhou, “A Wideband Voltage-Controlled Oscillator With Gain Linearized Varactor Bank”,IEEE Trans. Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 4, no. 5, pp.905-910, May 2014. LU Yuxiao, SUN Lu, LI Zhe, ZHOU Jianjun, “A single-channel 10-bit 160MS/s SAR ADC in 65nm CMOS,” Journal of Semiconductors, 35(4), 2014. Yuxiao Lu, Zhe Li, and Jianjun Zhou, “A full-swing area-efficient high-speed CMOS bootstrapped sampling switch,” IEICE Electronics Express, 2013. WANG Ke, FAN Chaojie, ZHOU Jianjun, and PAN Wenjie, “A 14-bit 100MS/s CMOS Pipelined ADC with 11.3 ENOB,” Journal of Semiconductors, August 2013. Peichen Jiang, Rui Guan, and Jianjun Zhou, “Low power SAW-less WCDMA transmitter with quadrature driver amplifier and injection-locked frequency divider,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, pp. 1217-1221, June 2013. Peichen Jiang, Zhijian Lu, Rui Guan, and Jianjun Zhou, “All-Digital Adaptive Module for Automatic Background IIP2 Calibration in CMOS Downconverters with Fast Convergence”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II (TCAS-II), pp. 427-431, July, 2013. Y. Taotao, W. Hui, L. Jinbo, and Z. Jianjun, “A digitally calibrated CMOS RMS power detector for RF automatic gain control,” Journal of Semiconductors, vol. 34, pp. 1-7, 2013. (EI) Chaojie Fan, Tingting Mo, Dongpo Chen, Jianjun Zhou, “A Reconfigurable Complex Band-Pass Filter with Improved Passive Compensation”, Journal of Semiconductors, December, 2012. (EI) Dongpo Chen, Wenjie Pan, Peichen Jiang, Jing Jin, Tingting Mo, and Jianjun Zhou, “Reconfigurable Dual-Channel Multi-Band RF Receiver for GPS/Galileo/BD-2 Systems”,IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 60, no. 11, pp.3491-3501, November 2012. Jiang Peichen, Guan Rui, Wang Wufeng, Chen Dongpo, and Zhou Jianjun, “A High Linearity Downconverter for SAW-less LTE Receivers”, Journal of Semiconductors, vol. 33, no. 10, October 2012. (EI) Jing Jin, Xiaoming Liu, Tingting Mo, and Jianjun Zhou, “Quantization Noise Suppression in Fractional-N PLLs Utilizing Glitch-Free Phase Switching Multi-Modulus Frequency Divider”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I (TCAS-I), vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 926-937, May 2012. T.T. Yan, X.B. Shen, J. Jin, J.J. Zhou, “Area-efficient programmable switched-capacitor-based peak detector”, Electronics Letters, issue 3, vol. 48, pp. 146-148, Feb. 2012. Dongpo Chen, Taotao Yan, Jing Jin, Cui Mao, Yuxiao Lu, Wenjie Pan, and Jianjun Zhou, “A Tri-mode Compass/GPS/Galileo RF Receiver with All-digital Automatic Gain Control Loop”, Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, January 2012, pp. 69-77, Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1007/s10470-011-9656-z.

