2023-05-12 21:43
  • 叶瑶瑶
  • 叶瑶瑶 - 讲师-上海交通大学-微纳电子学系-个人资料




叶瑶瑶博士2013年11月于香港科技大学取得博士学位,2008年于中国科学技术大学取得学士学位。在加入上海交通大学以前,叶瑶瑶博士曾任职华为香农IT实验室研究工程师,从事众核处理器体系架构相关研究工作。叶瑶瑶博士是IEEE会员,曾为IEEE TC, TVLSI, DAC, ISPLED, ISCAS, ISVLSI等20多个期刊和国际会议担任论文评审专家,并担任ASP-DAC 2016的技术评议会委员。她的研究方向包括多核架构、互连网络、硅光互连、嵌入式系统等,她的研究成果发表在IEEE TVLSI, IEEE TCAD, ACM JETC等学术期刊,以及ISCAS, ISVLSI, 3DIC, DAC, DATE等国际会议上。




[1] Yaoyao Ye, Jiang Xu, Xiaowen Wu, Wei Zhang, Weichen Liu, and Mahdi Nikdast, “A Torus-Based Hierarchical Optical-Electronic Network-on-Chip for Multiprocessor System-on-Chip”, ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, vol. 8, no 1, February 2012. [2] Yaoyao Ye, Jiang Xu, Baihan Huang, Xiaowen Wu, Wei Zhang, Xuan Wang, Mahdi Nikdast, Zhehui Wang, Weichen Liu, and Zhe Wang, “3D Mesh-based Optical Network-on-Chip for Multiprocessor System-on-Chip”, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 32, no.4, pp. 584-596, April 2013. [3] Yaoyao Ye, Jiang Xu, Xiaowen Wu, Wei Zhang, Xuan Wang, Mahdi Nikdast, Zhehui Wang, and Weichen Liu, “System-Level Modeling and Analysis of Thermal Effects in Optical Networks-on-Chip”, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 292-305, February 2013. [4] Yaoyao Ye, Zhehui Wang, Peng Yang, Jiang Xu, Xiaowen Wu, Xuan Wang, Mahdi Nikdast, Zhe Wang, Luan Huu Kinh Duong, “System-Level Modeling and Analysis of Thermal Effects in WDM-Based Optical Networks-on-Chip”, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2014. [5] Xiaowen Wu, Yaoyao Ye, Jiang Xu, Wei Zhang, Weichen Liu, Mahdi Nikdast, Xuan Wang, “UNION: A Unified Inter/Intra-Chip Optical Network for Chip Multiprocessors”, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems. [6] Kai Feng, Yaoyao Ye, Jiang Xu, “A Formal Study on Topology and Floorplan Characteristics of Mesh and Torus-based Optical Networks-on-Chip”, Microprocessors and Microsystems, June 2012. [7] Xiaowen Wu, Jiang Xu, Yaoyao Ye, Wei Zhang, Zhehui Wang, Mahdi Nikdast, Xuan Wang, Zhe Wang, “Sectioned Undirectional Photonic-electronic Ring Network for Chip Multiprocessors”, Accepted by ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems. [8] Xiaowen Wu, Jiang Xu, Yaoyao Ye, Xuan Wang, Mahdi Nikdast, Zhehui Wang, Zhe Wang, An Inter/Intra-chip Optical Network for Manycore Processors”, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems. [9] Zhehui Wang, Jiang Xu, Xiaowen Wu, Yaoyao Ye, Wei Zhang, Mahdi Nikdast, Xuan Wang, Zhe Wang, “Floorplan Optimization of Fat-Tree Based Networkson-Chip for Chip Multiprocessors”, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computers. [10] Mahdi Nikdast, Jiang Xu, Xiaowen Wu, Wei Zhang, Yaoyao Ye, Xuan Wang, Zhehui Wang, Zhe Wang, “Systematic Analysis of Crosstalk Noise in FoldedTorus-Based Optical Networks-on-Chip”, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. [11] Weichen Liu, Zonghua Gu, Jiang Xu, Xiaowen Wu, Yaoyao Ye, “Satisfiability Modulo Graph Theory for Task Mapping and Scheduling on Multiprocessor Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 22, no. 8, August 2011. [12] Weichen Liu, Xuan Wang, Jiang Xu, Wei Zhang, Yaoyao Ye, Xiaowen Wu, Mahdi Nikdast, Zhehui Wang, “On-Chip Sensor Networks for Soft-Error Tolerant RealTime Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip”, Accepted by ACM Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems. [13] Xuan Wang, Jiang Xu, Weichen Liu, Wei Zhang, Xiaowen Wu, Yaoyao Ye, Zhehui Wang, Mahdi Nikdast, Zhe Wang, “Actively Alleviate Power-Gating-Induced Power/Ground Noise Using Parasitic Capacitance of On-Chip Memories in MPSoC”, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems. [14] Yiyuan Xie, Mahdi Nikdast, Jiang Xu, Xiaowen Wu, Wei Zhang, Yaoyao Ye, Xuan Wang, Zhehui Wang, Weichen Liu, “A Formal Worst-Case Analysis of Crosstalk Noise in Mesh-Based Optical Networks-on-Chip”, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, no. 99, pp. 1-14, 2012. [15] Weichen Liu, Jiang Xu, Jogesh Muppala, Wei Zhang, Xiaowen Wu, Yaoyao Ye, “Coroutine-based Synthesis of Efficient Embedded Software from SystemC Models”, IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, vol.3, no.1, March 2011.

