2023-05-12 21:39
  • 吴继刚
  • 吴继刚 - 副教授-上海交通大学-密西根学院-个人资料




教育背景 Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology (2008) M.S. Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology (2005) M.S. Physics, Tsinghua University (2004) B.S. Applied Physics, Tsinghua University (2001) 工作经历 2011 – pres. Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, UM-SJTU Joint Institute 2010 – 2011 Research Engineer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Caltech 2009 – 2010 Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, Caltech


Guangshuo Liu, Changhuei Yang, and Jigang Wu, “Characterization of Talbot pattern illumination for scanning optical microscopy,” Optical Engineering, 52, 091714 (2013) Jigang Wu, Guoan Zheng, and Lap Man Lee, “Optical imaging techniques in microfluidics and their applications,” Lab on a Chip 12, 3566 (2012) Jigang Wu, Guoan Zheng, Zheng Li, and Changhuei Yang, “Focal plane tuning in wide-field-of-view microscope with Talbot pattern illumination,” Optics Letters 36, 2179 (2011) Jian Ren, Henrick K. Gille, Jigang Wu, and Changhuei Yang, “Ex vivo optical coherence tomography imaging of collector channels with a scanning endoscopic probe,” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 52, 3921 (2011) Jigang Wu, Lap Man Lee, and Changhuei Yang, “Focus grid generation by in-line holography,” Optics Express 18, 14366 (2010). Jigang Wu, Xiquan Cui, Guoan Zheng, Ying Min Wang, Lap Man Lee, and Changhuei Yang, “A wide field-of-view microscope based on holographic focus grid illumination,” Optics Letters 35, 2188 (2010). Jian Ren, Jigang Wu, Emily J. McDowell, and Changhuei Yang, “Manual-scanning optical coherence tomography probe based on position tracking,” Optics Letters 34, 3400 (2009). Jigang Wu, Xiquan Cui, Lap Man Lee, and Changhuei Yang, “The application of Fresnel zone plate based projection in optofluidic microscopy,” Optics Express 16, 15595 (2008). Shuo Han, Marinko V. Sarunic, Jigang Wu, Mark Humayun, and Changhuei Yang, “Handheld forward-imaging needle endoscope for ophthalmic optical coherence tomography inspection,” Journal of Biomedical Optics Letters 13, 020505 (2008). Jigang Wu, Zahid Yaqoob, Xin Heng, Xiquan Cui, and Changhuei Yang, “Harmonically matched grating-based full-field quantitative high-resolution phase microscope for observing dynamics of transparent biological samples,” Optics Express 15, 18141 (2007). David T. Raphael, Changhuei Yang, Nancy Tresser, Jigang Wu, Yaoping Zhang, and Linda Rever, “Images of spinal nerves and adjacent structures with optical coherence tomography: preliminary animal studies,” The Journal of Pain 8, 767 (2007). Jigang Wu, Zahid Yaqoob, Xin Heng, Lap Man Lee, Xiquan Cui, and Changhuei Yang, “Full field phase imaging using a harmonically matched diffraction grating pair based homodyne quadrature interferometer,” Applied Physics Letters 90, 151123 (2007). Zahid Yaqoob, Jigang Wu, Emily J. McDowell, Xin Heng, and Changhuei Yang, “Methods and application areas of endoscopic optical coherence tomography,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 11, 063001 (2006). Xiquan Cui, Xin Heng, Jigang Wu, Zahid Yaqoob, and Changhuei Yang, “Slanted hole array beam profiler (SHArP) — a high-resolution portable beam profiler based on a linear aperture array,” Optics Letters 31, 3161 (2006). Xin Heng, Xiquan Cui, David W. Knapp, Jigang Wu, Zahid Yaqoob, Emily J. McDowell, Demetri Psaltis, and Changhuei Yang, “Characterization of light collection through a subwavelength aperture from a point source,” Optics Express 14, 10410 (2006). Zahid Yaqoob, Emily McDowell, Jigang Wu, Xin Heng, Jeff Fingler, and Changhuei Yang, “Molecular contrast optical coherence tomography: a pump-probe scheme using indocyanine green as a contrast agent,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 11, 054017 (2006). Zahid Yaqoob, Jigang Wu, Xiquan Cui, Xin Heng, and Changhuei Yang, “Harmonically-related diffraction gratings-based interferometer for quadrature phase measurements,” Optics Express 14, 8127 (2006). Jigang Wu, Michael Conry, Chunhui Gu, Fei Wang, Zahid Yaqoob and Changhuei Yang, “Paried-angle-rotation scanning optical coherence tomography forward-imaging probe,” Optics Letters 31, 1265 (2006). Guanglei Xiong, Ping Xue, Jigang Wu, Qin Miao, Rui Wang, and Liang Ji, “Particle-fixed Monte Carlo model for optical coherence tomography,” Optics Express 13, 2182 (2005). Tieying Zhou, Kai Zhang, Yu Chen, Huan Wang, Jigang Wu, Kaili Jiang, and Ping Xue, “A cylindrical rod ultrasonic motor with 1 mm diameter and its application in endoscopic OCT,” Chinese Science Bulletin 50, 826 (2005).

