2023-05-12 21:36
  • 沈泳星
  • 沈泳星 - 副教授-上海交通大学-密西根学院-个人资料




教育背景 Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University (2008) MSc. Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University (2006) B.Eng. Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University (2003) 工作经历 2014-pres. Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, SJTU 2011-2014 Tenure-track Lecturer, Applied Mathematics, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain 2008-2011 Postdoctoral Scholar, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, USA


Professor Shen has broad interests in the field of computational mechanics, especially computational fracture mechanics. His interests range from designing numerical methods and analyzing their convergence properties, to discovering materials’ fracture behaviors with numerical simulations, and to applying numerical methods to make an impact to practical engineering problems. His current and past topics of interests include: Efficient numerical methods for crack propagation and hydraulic fracturing Phase-field methods for crack propagation Fracture of thin shells Discontinuous Galerkin methods Universal meshes Simulation methods to study material properties Mathematical analysis of numerical methods Modeling of scanning probe microscopy Phase transformation of alloys


F. Amiri, D. Millan, Y. Shen, T. Rabczuk, and M. Arroyo. Phase-field modeling of fracture in linear thin shells. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. In press. DOI: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2013.12.002 Y. Shen and A. J. Lew. A locking-free discontinuous-Galerkin-based extended finite element method for stress analysis of cracked nearly incompressible materials. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 273 (2014) 119-142. Y. Shen. A variational inequality formulation to incorporate the fluid lag in fluid-driven fracture propagation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 272 (2014) 17-33. M. J. Hunsweck, Y. Shen, and A. J. Lew. A finite element approach to the simulation of hydraulic fractures with lag. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 37 (2013) 993–1015. Y. Shen and A. J. Lew. A family of discontinuous Galerkin mixed methods for nearly and perfectly incompressible elasticity. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 46 (2012) 1003–1028. Y. Shen and A. Lew. Stability and convergence proofs for a discontinuous-Galerkin-based extended finite element method for fracture mechanics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199 (2010) 2360–2382. Y. Shen and A. Lew. An optimally convergent discontinuous-Galerkin-based extended finite element method for fracture mechanics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 82 (2010) 716–755. Y. Shen, D. M. Barnett, and P. M. Pinsky. Simulating and interpreting Kelvin probe force microscopy images on dielectrics with boundary integral equations. Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (2008) 023711. Y. Shen, M. Lee, W. Lee, D. M. Barnett, P. M. Pinsky, and F. B. Prinz. A resolution study for electrostatic force microscopy on bimetallic samples using the boundary element method. Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 035710. Y. Shen, D. M. Barnett, and P. M. Pinsky. Analytic perturbation solution to the capacitance system between a hyberboloidal tip and a rough surface. Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 134105.

