教育背景1998.09-2002.12清华大学精密仪器与机械学系(硕博)博士1998.09-2002.12清华大学精密仪器与机械学系(硕博)硕士1993.09-1998.07清华大学精密仪器与机械学系学士工作经历2017.06 - 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,常务副院长2015.01 - 上海交通大学致远工科荣誉计划,项目主任2015.01 - 2017.06 上海交通大学学生处副处长2013.01 - 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室,副主任2012.01 - 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,教授2009.03 - 2011.12 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,特别研究员2008.07 - 2009.02 英国Sheffield大学自动控制系,Research Fellow2007.10 - 2008.06 英国Loughborough大学机械电子研究中心,Research Fellow2005.04 - 2007.09 英国Sheffield大学自动控制系,Research Fellow2004.06 - 2005.04 英国Cranfield大学过程与系统工程系,Research Fellow2003.03 - 2004.03 香港城市大学工业工程系,Research Associate研究领域
1) 设备故障诊断与智能运维2) 信号处理与大数据分析3) 振动分析与控制4) 非线性动力学近期论文
1) X.Z. Li, Z.K Peng, X.J Dong, W.M Zhang, G. Meng, A new transmissibility based indicator of local variation in structure and its application for damage detection, Shock and Vibration, (2015) Accepted 2) J.C. Lan, X.J Dong, Z.K. Peng*, W.M. Zhang, G. Meng: Uncertain eigenvalue analysis by sparse grid stochastic collocation method. Acta Mechanica Sinica, Doi: 10.1007/s10409‐014‐0083‐0 (2015) 3) MW Zhang, ZK Peng*, XJ Dong, WM Zhang, G Meng, A forward selection reverse path method for spatial location identification of nonlinearities in MDOF systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s11071-015-2244-5 (2015) 4) S.Q Chen, Y. Yang, X.J Dong, Z.K Peng*, W.M Zhang, Time-varying Frequency Modulated Component Extraction Based on Parameterized Demodulation and Singular Value Decomposition, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,(2015) Accepted 5) Y Yang, XJ Dong, ZK Peng*, WM Zhang, G Meng, Vibration signal analysis using parameterized time–frequency method for features extraction of varying-speed rotary machinery, Journal of Sound and Vibration 335(2015), 350-366 6) CM Cheng, ZK Peng*, X.J Dong, WM Zhang, G Meng, A novel damage detection approach by using Volterra kernel functions based analysis, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 352(2015) 3098–3112 7) Y Yang, X Dong, Z Peng*, W Zhang, G Meng, Component Extraction for Non-Stationary Multi-Component Signal Using Parameterized De-chirping and Band-Pass Filter, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 22 (2015), 1373-1377 8) Y Liu, E Pavlovskaia, M Wiercigroch, Z Peng, Forward and backward motion control of a vibro-impact capsule system, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 70(2015), 30-46 9) KM Hu, WM Zhang, XJ Dong, ZK Peng, G Meng, Scale Effect on Tension-Induced Intermodal Coupling in Nanomechanical Resonators, ASME-Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 137 (2015), 021008 10) H Yan, WM Zhang, ZK Peng, G Meng, Effect of random surface topography on the gaseous flow in microtubes with an extended slip model, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 18 (2015), 897-910 11) H Yan, WM Zhang, ZK Peng, G Meng, Effect of Three-Dimensional Surface Topography on Gas Flow in Rough Micronozzles, Journal of Fluids Engineering 137 (2015), 051202 12) X Zhang, Q Han, Z Peng, F Chu, A new nonlinear dynamic model of the rotor-bearing system considering preload and varying contact angle of the bearing, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 22 (2015), 821-841 13) 彭志科*,程长明,Volterra 级数理论研究进展与展望, 科学通报,60(2015) 1874-1888 14) Y. Yang, Z. K. Peng*, X. J. Dong, W. M. Zhang, and G.Meng,Application of Parameterized Time-FrequencyAnalysis on Multicomponent Frequency Modulated Signals,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,63 (2014), 3169-3180 15) CM Cheng, ZK Peng*, XJ Dong, WM Zhang, G Meng, Locating non-linear components in two dimensional periodic structures based on NOFRFs, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 67(2014), 198-208 16) X.J Dong*, L Ye, Z.K Peng, H.X Hua, G. Meng.. Performance evaluation of vibration controller for piezoelectric smart structures in finite element environment. Journal of vibration and Control., 20 (2014), 2146-2161 17) X.J Dong*, L Ye, Z.K Peng, H.X Hua, G. Meng. A study on controller structure interaction of piezoelectric smart structures based on finite element method. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 25 (2014), 1401-1413 18) X.J Dong, Z.K Peng, W.M Zhang, G. Meng. Connection between Volterra Series and Perturbation Method in Nonlinear Systems Analysis. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 30 (2014), 600-606 19) Y. Yang, Z. K. Peng*, X. J. Dong, W. M. Zhang, and G.Meng,General Parameterized Time-Frequency Transform, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, 62,(2014) 2751-2764 20) WM Zhang, H Yan, ZK Peng, G Meng, Electrostatic pull-in instability in MEMS/NEMS: A review, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 214(2014), 187-218 相关热点
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