2023-05-12 21:33
  • 马澄斌
  • 马澄斌 - 副教授-上海交通大学-密西根学院-个人资料




教育背景 Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, The University of Tokyo (2004) M.S. Electrical Engineering, The University of Tokyo (2001) B.S. Industrial Automation, East China University of Science and Technology (1997) 工作经历 2010.07 – pres. Joint Faculty Appointment, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2008.08 – pres. Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2006.11 – 2008.03 Postdoctoral Research Assistant & Associate Director, IMS-Mechatronics laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of California Davis 2004.10 – 2006.10 R&D Researcher, Servo Laboratory, Fanuc Limited, Yamanashi, Japan


C. Ma, J. Cao, *Y. Qiao (2012), Polynomial Method Based Design of Low Order Controllers for Two-Mass System, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 969-978, March 2012. C. Ma, M. Xu, *H.Wang (2011), Dynamic Emulation of Road/Tire Longitudinal Interaction for Developing Electric Vehicle Control Systems, Vehicle System Dynamics, , Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 433-447, March 2011. J. Cao, C. Ma, H. Xie, Z. Jiang (2010), Nonlinear Dynamics of Duffing System with Fractional Order Damping, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 5, October 2010. C. Ma, Y. Hori (2007), Fractional-Order Control: Theory and Applications in Motion Control, IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol.1, No.4, pp. 6-16, Winter 2007. C. Ma, Y. Hori (2004), The Time-Scaled Trapezoidal Rule for Discrete Fractional Order Controllers, Non-linear Dynamics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 38, pp. 171-180, 2004 C. Ma, X. Zhu, *M. Fu (2011), Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles: A Review and Experiments, ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Aug. 28–Aug. 31, 2011, Washington D. C., USA. C. Ma, Y. Hori (2004), Time-domain Evaluation of Fractional Order Controllers’ Direct Discretization Methods, IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 124, No. 8, pp. 837-842, 2004 (IEEJ: The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan). C. Ma, Y. Hori (2004), Backlash Vibration Suppression Control of Torsional System by Novel Fractional Order PIDk Controller, IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 124, No. 3, pp. 312-317, 2004. C. Ma, Y. Hori (2004), The Application of Fractional Order Control to Backlash Vibration Suppression, American Control Conference, June 30–July 2, 2004, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. C. Ma, Y. Fujii and K. Yamaji (2002), China’s electric power sector’s options considering its environmental impacts, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Springer-Verlag Publisher, Vol. 5, No.4, pp. 319-340, 2002.

