2023-05-12 21:31
  • 龙泳
  • 龙泳 - 助理教授-上海交通大学-密西根学院-个人资料




教育背景 Ph.D. Electrical Engineering: Systems, The University of Michigan (2011) M.S. Electrical Engineering, Fudan University (2006) B.S. Electrical Engineering,East China Normal University(2003) 工作经历 2014-pres. Assistant Professor, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2012-2014 Research Scientist, General Electric Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY 2011-2012 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 2007-2011 Graduate Student Research Assistant, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI


Model-based image reconstruction for biomedical imaging. Image processing in image-guided interventions. General inverse problems in medical signal processing Algorithm development and performance analysis


Y. Long, J. A. Fessler and J. M. Balter. Fast and accurate three-dimensional forward and back-projection methods. Provisional patent application, No. 61/378,041 (08/2010). Patent application filed/pending, Application No. 13/219,997, Publication No. US 2012/0051626 A1(08/2011). Y. Long, L. Cheng, X. Rui, A. Alessio, E. Asma, P. Kinahan and B. De Man, Ultra-low dose CT attenuation correction for PET/CT: analysis of sparse-view acquisition protocol and reconstruction algorithm combinations. Phys. Med. Biol., Submitted. Y. Long and J. A. Fessler. Multi-material decomposition using statistical image reconstruction for Spectral CT. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., Special Issue on Spectral CT, To appear. Y. Long, J. A. Fessler, and J. M. Balter. 3D forward and back-projection for X-ray CT using separable footprints. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 29(11):1839–50, November 2010. Y. Long, J. A. Fessler, and J. M. Balter. Accuracy estimation for projection-to-volume targeting during rotational therapy: A feasibility study. Med. Phys., 37(6):2480–90, June 2010. Y. Long, J. A. Fessler, and J. M. Balter. A 3D forward and back-projection method for X-ray CT using separable footprint. In Proc. Intl. Mtg. on Fully 3D Image Recon. in Rad. and Nuc. Med, pages 146–9, 2009. Winner of poster award. Y. Long, J. A. Fessler, and J. M. Balter. 3D forward and back-projection for X-ray CT using separable footprints with trapezoid functions. In Proc. First Intl. Mtg. on image formation in X-ray computed tomography, pages 216–9, 2010. Y. Long and J. A. Fessler. Multi-material decomposition using statistical image reconstruction in X-ray CT. In Proc. 2nd Intl. Mtg. on image formation in X-ray computed tomography, pages 413–6, 2012. Y. Long, L. Cheng, X. Rui, B. De Man, A. Alessio, E. Asma and P. Kinahan. Analysis of ultra-low dose CT acquisition protocol and reconstruction algorithm combinations for PET attenuation correction. Proc. Intl. Mtg. on Fully 3D Image Recon. in Rad. and Nuc. Med, pages 400–3, 2013. X. Rui, Y. Long, A. Alessio, E. Asma, P. Kinahan and B. De Man. Theoretical analysis of optimal CT spectrum for PET attenuation correction. Proc. IEEE Nuc. Sci. Symp. Med. Im. Conf., October 2013. Y. Long, H. Gao, M. Wu, J. D. Pack, H. Xu, K. Tao, P. F. Fitzgerald and B. De Man. Physicsbased modeling of X-Ray CT measurements with energy-integrating detectors. Proc. SPIE 9033, Medical Imaging, Physics of Medical Imaging, 90334S, 2014. J.Wang, Y. Long, L. Fu, X. Rui and B. De Man. Sinogram rebinning and frequency boosting for high resolution iterative CT reconstruction with focal spot wobbling. Proc. SPIE 9033, Medical Imaging, Physics of Medical Imaging, 903333, 2014. H. Xu, K. Tao, P. GK, M. Wu, X. Cao, Y. Long, M. Yan, Y. Yao and B. De Man. Hybrid model for computed tomography simulations and post-patient collimator design. Proc. SPIE 9033, Medical Imaging Physics of Medical Imaging, 90334R, 2014.

