2023-05-12 21:29
  • 刘越
  • 刘越 - 副教授-上海交通大学-微纳电子学系-个人资料




刘越博士2008年6月于大连理工大学物理与光电工程学院取得学士学位,2013年9月获得上海交通大学物理系光学博士学位。2014-2015年间曾在欧洲大型激光研究项目ELI(Extreme Light Infrastructure)中任初级研究员。主要进行实验室天体物理方面理论和模拟的研究。期间她的合作者主要包括德国汉堡亥姆霍兹联合研究中心DESY(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)的LUX小组,Queen’s university的Borghesi Marco教授以及日本原子能机构先进光子研究中心的Sergei V. Bulanov教授和Timur Zh. Esirkepov教授等。她的研究方向包括激光等离子体作用中的电子质子加速、新型辐射源的产生等问题,她的研究成果发表在Physical Review Letter, New journal of Physics等学术期刊以及AIP, SPIE等国际会议上。




[1] Yue Liu, Ondrej Klimo, Timur Zh. Esirkepov, Sergei V.Bulanov, Yanjun Gu, Stefan Weber, Georg Korn, Evolution of laser induced electromagnetic postsolitons in multi-species plasma, Physics of Plasmas, 2015, 22(112302). [2] Yue Liu, Wei-Min Wang, Zheng-Ming Sheng, Electromagnetic radiation from laser wakefields in underdense plasma,High Power Laser Science and Engineering,2014, 2(e7). [3] Y.LIU, F.Y. LI, M. ZENG, M. CHEN, Z.M. SHENG, Ultra-intense attosecond pulses emitted from laser wakefields in non-uniform plasmas, Laser and Particle Beams, 2013, 2(31). [4] Yue Liu, Z M Sheng, J Zheng, F Y Li,X L Xu, W Lu,W B Mori, C S Liu, J Zhang, Ultrafast XUV emission from laser wakefields in underdense plasmas, New Journal of Physics, 2012, 14(083031). [5]G. Q. Liao, Y. T. Li , C. Li, L. N. Su, Y. Zheng, M. Liu, W. M. Wang, Z. D. Hu, W. C. Yan, J. Dunn, J. Nilsen, J. Hunter, Y. Liu, X. Wang, L.M. Chen, J. L. Ma, X. Lu, Z. Jin, R. Kodama, Z. M. Sheng, J. Zhang, Bursts of Terahertz Radiation from Large-Scale Plasmas Irradiated by Relativistic Picosecond Laser Pulses, Physical Review Letters,, 2015, 114(255001). [6] F.Y. Li, Z. M. Sheng, Y. Liu, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, W. B. Mori, W. Lu, J. Zhang, Dense attosecond electron sheets from laser wakefields using an up-ramp density transition, Physical Review Letters , 2013, 110(135002). [7] Wei-Min Wang, Zheng-Ming Sheng, Ming Zeng, Yue Liu, Zhi-Dan Hu, Shigeo Kawata, Chun-Yang Zheng, Warren B. Mori, Li-Ming Chen, Yu-Tong Li, Jie Zhang, Upper limit power for self-guided propagation of intense lasers in plasmas,Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 101(184104).

