1986~1990 合肥工业大学、 本科\r\r1990~1997 安徽巢湖柴油机厂、 工程师\r\r1997~2000 北京科技大学、 硕士\r\r2001~2004 清华大学、 博士\r\r2004~2006 上海交大材料学院、 博士后\r\r2006~2008 上海交大材料学院、 讲师\r\r2008~ 上海交大材料学院、 副教授研究领域
"""""研究方向一 微电子材料、技术及可靠性 \r研究方向二 纳米电子材料"近期论文
Hangtao Anmin Hu, Ming Li, Dali Mao,Structural Control of Cobalt Nanocones Array Grown by Directional Electrodeposition,CrystEngComm. 12 (2010) 2799–2802\r\rJing Hu, Anmin Hu, Ming Li, Dali Mao,Depressing effect of 0.1 wt.% Cr addition into Sn–9Zn solder alloy on the intermetallic growth with Cu substrate during isothermal aging, Materials Characterization, 61 (2010) 355-361.\r\rTao Hang, Huiqin Ling, Anmin Hu and Ming Li, Growth Mechanism and Field Emission Properties of Nickel Nanocones Array Fabricated by One-Step Electrodeposition, J. Electrochem. Soc., 157 (2010) 624-627.\r\rJinlingBi, Jin Hu, Tinbi Luo, Anmin Hu, Ming Li, and Dali Mao, Intermetallic compound growth between the Sn-Zn-Bi-(Cr) solder and Cu/electroplated Ni substrates, Microele. Relib.(Accept) DOI: 10.1016/j.microrel.2010.09.028\r\rJie Gao, Anmin Hu, Ming Li, Dali Mao,Influence of crystal orientation on copper oxidation failure,Applied Surface Science 255 (2009) 5943-5947\r\rXi, Chen, Anmin Hu, Ming Li, Dali Mao,Oxidation of Lead Frame Copper Alloys with Different Compositions and Its Effect on Oxide Film Adhesion,Journal of Electronic Materials: 38, (2009), 372-378.\r\rXi Chen, Anmin Hu, Ming Li, Dali Mao,Effect of a trace of Cr on intermetallic compound layer for tin/zinc lead-free solder joint during aging, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 470 (2009) 429-43\r\rHu AM, Li M, Mao DL,Preparation and characterization of a titanium-substituted hydroxyapatite photocatalyst,Journal of molecular catalysis a-chemical, 267 (2007)79-85\r\rHu AM, Li M, Mao D.L., Preparation of nanocrystals hydroxyapatite/TiO2 compound by hydrothermal treatment. Applied Catalysis B, Environmental,63 (2006) 41-44\r\rHu AM, Li M, Mao DL, Developed a whisker spodumene glass ceramics, Journal of American Ceramics Society,89 (2006) 358-360 相关热点
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