2023-05-12 21:27
  • 洪亮
  • 洪亮 - 教授 博导-上海交通大学-物理与天文学院-个人资料




2022-至今 上海交通大学 药学院 双聘教授\r
2015-至今 上海交通大学 物理与天文学院&自然科学研究院 教授,博士生导师\r
2010-2014 美国橡树岭国家实验室,博士后(Jeremy C. Smith)\r
2006-2010 美国阿克伦大学高分子科学系,博士(导师: Alexei P. Sokolov)\r
2004-2006 香港中文大学物理系, 硕士 (导师:郝少康)\r
2000-2004 中国科学技术大学物理系,本科




Weishu Zhao, Bozitao Zhong, Lirong Zheng, Pan Tan, Yinzhao Wang, Hao Leng, Nicolas de Souza, Zhuo Liu, Liang Hong, and Xiang Xiao.Proteome-wide 3D structure prediction provides insights into the ancestral metabolism of ancient archaea and bacteria.Nature Communications, 13, 7861 (2022).\r
Jun Li, Xiaoyu Zhang, Liang Hong, and Yu Liu.Entropy Driving the Mg2+-Induced Folding of TPP Riboswitch RNA.The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2022.\r
Zhiqiang Hu, Wenfeng Liu, Chenbin Zhang, Jiawen Huang, Shaoting Zhang, Huiqun Yu, Yi Xiong, Hao Liu, Song Ke, Liang Hong.SAM-DTA: A Sequence-Agnostic Model for Drug-Target Binding Affinity Prediction.Briefings in Bioinformatics. Accepted.\r
Bingxin Zhou, Outongyi Lv, Kai Yi, Xinye Xiong, Pan Tan, Liang Hong, Yu Guang Wang.Lightweight Equivariant Graph Representation Learning for Protein Engineering.Accepted at NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Structural Biology, 2022.\r
Lei Zhang, Zhuo Liu, Chenxing Yang, Victoria García Sakai, Madhusudan Tyagi, Liang Hong Conduction mechanism in graphene oxide membranes with varied water content: From proton hopping dominant to ion diffusion dominant.ACS Nano, 2022.\r
S. Li, S. Ke, C. Yang, J. Chen, Y. Xiong, L. Zheng, H. Liu,* and L. Hong* A Ligand-and-structure Dual-driven Deep Learning Method for the Discovery of Highly Potent GnRH1R Antagonist to treat Uterine Diseases arXiv, 2207.11547.\r
J. Li , J. Xie , A. Godec , K. R. Weninger , C. Liu , J. C. Smith, and L. Hong* Non-ergodicity of a globular protein extending beyond its functional timescale Chemical Science, In press.\r
L. Zheng, H. Lu, B. Zan, S. Li, H. Liu, Z. Liu, J. Huang, Y. Liu, F. Jiang, Q. Liu,* Yan Feng, and L. Hong* Loosely-packed Dynamical Structures with Partially-melted Surface Being the Key for Thermophilic Argonaute Proteins Achieving High DNA-cleavage Activity Nucleic Acids Research, gkac565, 2022.\r
J. Liang, P. Tan, Y. Zhao, L. Li, S. Jin, L. Hong*, and Z. Xu* Superscalability of the random batch Ewald method The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156, 014114 (2022)\r
R. Li, Z. Liu, F. Jiang, Y. Zhao, G. Yang and L. Hong* Enhancement of Thermal Stability of Proteinase K by Biocompatible Cholinium-based Ionic Liquids Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022, 24, 13057-13065\r
Y. Yu, C. Yang, M. Baggioli, A. E. Phillips, A. Zaccone, L. Zhang, R. Kajimoto, M. Nakamura, D. Yu, L. Hong* The ω3 scaling of the vibrational density of states in quasi-2D nanoconfined solids Nature Communications, 2022, 2041-1723.\r
L. Zheng, Z. Liu, Q. Zhang*, S. Li, J. Huang, L. Zhang, B. Zan, M. Tyagi, H. Cheng*, T. Zuo, V. G. Sakai, T. Yamada,C. Yang, P. Tan, F. Jiang, H. Chen, W. Zhuang*, L. Hong* Universal Dynamical Onset in Water at Distinct Material Interfaces Chemical Science, 2022, 13, 4341.\r
S. Li, P. Tan, J. Li, M. Tang, and L. Hong* Many-body effect renders universal subdiffusion to water on different proteins Physical Review Research, 4, L22003 (2022).\r
X. Qian*, D. Han, L. Zheng, J. Chen, M. Tyag, Q. Li, F. Du, S. Zheng, X. Huang*, S. Zhang, J. Shi, H. Huang*, X. Shi, J. Chen, H Qin, J. Bernholc, X. Chen, L. Q Chen, L. Hong*, Q. M. Zhang High-entropy polymer produces a giant electrocaloric effect at low fields Nature, 600.7890 (2021): 664-669.\r
Z. Lin, M. Mao, C. Yang, Y. Tong, Q. Li, J. Yue, G. Yang, L. Hong, X. Yu, L. Gu, X. Huang, L. Suo and L. Chen Amorphous anion-rich titanium polysulfides for aluminum-ion batteries Science Advances, 7, no. 35 (2021): eabg6314\r
J. Huang, Q. Xu, Z. Liu, N. Jain, M. Tyagi, D. Wei, and L. Hong* Controlling the Substrate Specificity of an Enzyme through Structural Flexibility by Varying the Salt-Bridge Density Molecules, 26, no. 18 (2021): 5693.\r
J. Li, X. Hu, T. Neusius, X. Cheng, M.D. Smith, A. Godec, L. Hong, R. Metzler, J.C. Smith Reply to: Insufficient evidence for ageing in protein dynamics Nature Physics, 17, 775–776 (2021)\r
P. Tan, J. Yue, Y. Yu, B. B. Liu, T. Liu; L. Zheng, L. He, X. Zhang, L. Suo, L. Hong* Solid-like Nano-Anion-Cluster Constructs Free Lithium-ion Conducting Super-Fluid Framework in Water-in-salt Electrolyte. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, (2021), 125, 22, 11838–11847\r
R. Li, Z. Liu, L. Li, J. Huang, T. Yamada, V. G. Sakai, P. Tan* and L. Hong* Anomalous sub-diffusion of water in biosystems: From hydrated protein powders to concentrated protein solution to living cells Structural Dynamics,7, no. 5 (2020): 054703.\r
Z. Dominik, P. Tan, L. Hong, D. D. Bari, V. G. Sakai, and J. Peters. Differences between calcium rich and depleted α-lactalbumin investigated by molecular dynamics simulations and incoherent neutron scattering Physical Review E, 101, no. 3 (2020): 032415\r

