2023-05-12 21:24
  • 郭云龙
  • 郭云龙 - 副教授-上海交通大学-密西根学院-个人资料




教育背景 Ph.D. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Louisville (2009) M.S. Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University (2003) B.S. Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University (2000) 工作经历 2014 – pres. Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China 2012 – 2014 Associate Research Scholar, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA 2009 – 2012 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA 2009 – 2009 Visiting Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA


Physical properties of polymeric glasses Dynamics of nanoscopically confined polymers Structural and responsive materials


Guo, Y., Zhang, C., and Priestley, R.D. “Polymer thin film instability from a patterned edge,” Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105, 041603. Zhang, C., Guo, Y., Shepard, K.B., and Priestley, R.D. “Fragility of an Isochorically Confined Polymer Glass,” Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2013, 4, 431-436. Guo, Y., Morozov, A., Schneider, D., Chung, J.W., Zhang, C., Waldmann, M., Yao, N., Fytas, G., Arnold, C.B. and Priestley, R.D. “Ultrastable Nanostructured Polymer Glasses,” Nature Materials, 2012, 11, 337-343. Chung, J.W., Guo, Y., Kwak, S.Y. and Priestley, R.D. “Understanding and Controlling Gold Nanoparticle Formation from A Robust Self-assembled Cyclodextrin Solid Template,” Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 6017-6026. Guo, Y., Zhang, C., Lai, C., Priestley, R.D., D’Acunzi, M. and Fytas, G. “Structural Relaxation of Polymer Nanospheres under Soft and Hard Confinement: Isobaric versus Isochoric Conditions,” ACS Nano, 2011, 5, 5365-5373. Zhang, C., Guo, Y. and Priestley, R.D. “Glass Transition Temperature of Polymer Nanoparticles under Soft and Hard Confinement,” Macromolecules, 2011, 44, 4001-4006. Chung, J.W., Guo, Y., Priestley, R.D. and Kwak, S.Y. “Colloidal Gold Nanoparticle Formation Derived From Self-assembled Supramolecular Structure of Cyclodextrin/Au Salt Complex,” Nanoscale, 2011, 3, 1766-1772. Guo, Y. and Bradshaw, R.D. “Long Term Creep of Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) subjected to Complex Thermal Histories: the Effects of Physical Aging,” Polymer, 2009, 50, 4048-4055. Guo, Y., Wang, N., Bradshaw, R.D., and Brinson, L.C. “Modeling Mechanical Aging Shift Factors in Glassy Polymers during Nonisothermal Physical Aging: Part 1. Experiments and KAHR-ate Model Prediction,” Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 2009, 47, 340-352. Guo, Y. and Bradshaw, R.D. “Isothermal Physical Aging Characterization of Polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) and Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) Films by Creep and Stress Relaxation,” Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2007, 11, 61-89.

