2023-05-12 21:23
  • 冯洁
  • 冯洁 - 研究员-上海交通大学-微纳电子学系-个人资料




1984和1987年毕业于四川大学物理系,获得理学学士和硕士学位。2000年毕业于日本东京工业大学电子物理工学专业,获工学博士学位。现任上海交通大学,微纳电子学系 研究员,博士生导师。长期从事微纳电子薄膜材料及器件方面的研究。研究方向涉及氧化物阻变存储薄膜及其RRAM应用、硫系化合物薄膜及其PCRAM应用、巨磁电阻薄膜及GMR生物传感器、氮化物薄膜等。目前的主要研究方向:基于金属氧化物的阻变存储器研究;自整流、自选通阻变器件研究;新型硫系相变材料及相变存储器研究。


""Electronic Thin Films: Materials and Devices, metal oxide films for RRAM,self-rectify RRAM cell, Self-selective RRAM cell, selector, chalcogenide films for PCRAM""""


“Drastic reduction of RRAM reset current via plasma oxidization of TaOx film”, Xiaorong Chena, Jie Feng, Dukwon Bae, Applied Surface Science 324 (2015) 275–279 “Crystallization Characteristics of SiNx-Doped SbTe Films for Phase Change Memory”, WAN Qi-Jian, FENG Jie, GUO Gang, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 29, No. 3 (2012) 036101 “Effects of nitrogen doping on the properties of Ge15Sb85 phase-change thin film”, Yin Zhang, Jie Feng, Bingchu Cai, Applied Surface Science, 256 (2010) 2223–2227. “Thermal stability and electronic structures of N-doped SiSb films for high temperature applications of phase-change memory”, Jie Feng, Yin Zhang, Bingchu Cai, and Bomy Chen, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 97 (2009) 507-511. “Oxygen-doped Si15Sb85 thin film for good data retention and high speed phase-change memory application”, Yin Zhang, Jie Feng and Bingchu Cai, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 24 (2009) 045016 “Characteristics of Si-doped Sb2Te3 thin films for phase-change random access memory”, Y. Zhang, J. Feng, Z. F. Zhang, et al., Applied Surface Science, 254 (2008) 5602-5606. “Crystallization process and amorphous state stability of Si-Sb-Te films for phase change memory”, Feng, Y. Y. Lin, Z.F. Zhang, Y. Zhang, B. C. Cai, T. A. Tang, and B. Chen, Journal of Applied Physics, 101 (2007) 074502. “Si doping in Ge2Sb2Te5 film to reduce the writing current of phase change memory”, Feng, Y. Zhang, B. W. Qiao, Y. F. Lai, Y. Y. Lin, B. C. Cai , T. A. Tang, and B. Chen, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 87 (2007) p57-62. “Multi-bit storage in reset process of Phase Change Random Access Memory (PRAM)”, Yi Zhang, Jie Feng, et al., Physica Status Solidi, Vol.1, Issue 1, R 1 (1), (2007) p R28-R30.

