2023-05-12 21:21
  • 陈长鑫
  • 陈长鑫 - 教授-上海交通大学-微纳电子学系-个人资料




陈长鑫,男,博士生导师。2007年毕业于上海交通大学微电子学与固体电子学专业并获博士学位、被评为“上海市优秀毕业生”,毕业后任教于上海交通大学、于2011年起担任博士生导师,2012年初至2014年底在斯坦福大学美国科学院院士Hongjie Dai(戴宏杰)教授研究组作“博士后”,目前任教于上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院微纳电子学系。主要从事碳纳米管、石墨烯和新型二维材料的光电和电子器件、特性调控、组装操纵和制备等研究。 近年来作为项目负责人主持过国家自然科学基金优青、面上和青年项目、全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项项目、新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目、教育部霍英东青年教师基金项目等十多个重要课题。研究成果获全国百篇优秀博士学位论文奖、第二十二届上海市优秀发明银奖、2013年度上海市自然科学奖二等奖等多个奖项;本人2009年获“晨星学者奖励计划”SMC优秀青年教师奖,入选2010年度“上海市科技启明星”,2011年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才、被评为上海交大首届“科研新星”,2012年获第十三届教育部霍英东高等院校青年教师基金奖励,2013年获美国国家科学基金美国竞争力博士后奖励,2015年入选上海市浦江人才,2016年入选国家优青。




1. Changxin Chen*, et al. “High-work-function metal/carbon nanotube/low-work-function metal hybrid junction photovoltaic device”. NPG Asia Materials, 2015, 7: e220. 2. Changxin Chen*, et al. “Graphene nanoribbons under mechanical strain”. Advanced Materials, 2015, 27:303–309. (期刊封面论文) 3. Changxin Chen*, et al. “Intramolecular p-i-n junction photovoltaic device based on selectively doped carbon nanotubes”. Nano Energy, 2017, 32: 280-286. 4. Changxin Chen*, et al. “Nanowelded carbon-nanotube-based solar microcells”. Small, 2008, 4:1313-1318. (期刊封面论文) 5. Changxin Chen*, et al. “Carbon nanotube intramolecular p-i-n junction diodes with symmetric and asymmetric contacts”, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 22203. 6. Xiaodong Liu, Changxin Chen*, et al. “A p-i-n junction diode based on locally doped carbon nanotube network”, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:23319. (通讯作者) 7. Meng-Chang Lin1, Ming Gong1, Bingan Lu1, Yingpeng Wu1, Di-Yan Wang, Mingyun Guan, Michael Angell, Changxin Chen, et al. “An Ultra-Fast Rechargeable Aluminum Ion Battery”. Nature, 2015, 520, 324-328. 8.Guosong Hong1, Shuo Diao1, Junlei Chang1, Alexander L.Antaris, Changxin Chen, Bo Zhang, Su Zhao, Dmitriy N. Atochin, Paul L. Huang, Katrin I. Andreasson, Calvin J. Kuo, Hongjie Dai. “Through-skull fluorescence imaging of the brain in a new near-infrared window”, Nature Photonics, 2014, 6: 723-730. 9. Changxin Chen*, et al. “Carbon nanotube photovoltaic device with asymmetrical contacts”. Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 94: 263501. (期刊封面论文) 10.Changxin Chen*, et al. “Multichannel carbon-nanotube FETs and complementary logic gates with nanowelded contacts”. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2006, 27: 852-855. 11.Changxin Chen*,et al. “Multichannel carbon nanotube field-effect transistors with compound channel layer”. Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95 :192110. 12. Changxin Chen*, et al. “Assessment of optical absorption in carbon nanotube photovoltaic device by electromagnetic theory”. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2009,8:303-314. (期刊封面论文) 13.Liangming Wei, Changxin Chen*, et al. “Poly (acrylic acid sodium) grafted carboxymethyl cellulose as a high performance polymer binder for silicon anode in lithium ion batteries”. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 19583.(通讯作者) 14.Cuilian Wen, Ying Wei, Dian Tang, Baisheng Sa, Teng Zhang, Changxin Chen*. “Improving the electrocatalytic properties of Pd-based catalyst for direct alcohol fuel cells: effect of solid solution”. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 4907.(通讯作者) 15.Changxin Chen*, et al. “A method for creating reliable and low-resistance contacts between carbon nanotubes and microelectrodes”. Carbon, 2007,45: 436-442. 16.Changxin Chen*, et al. “Ultrasonic nanowelding of carbon nanotubes to metal Electrodes”. Nanotechnology, 2006,17: 2192-2197. 17.Guosong Hong, Yingping Zou, Alexander L. Antaris, Shuo Diao, Di Wu, Kai Cheng, Xiaodong Zhang, Changxin Chen, Bo Liu, Yuehui He, Justin Z. Wu, Jun Yuan, Bo Zhang, Zhimin Tao, Chihiro Fukunaga, Hongjie Dai. “Ultrafast fluorescence imaging in vivo with conjugated polymer fluorophores in the second near-infrared window”. Nature Communications, 2014, 5: 4206. 18.Xueyu Liu, Pengbo Liu, Hui Huang, Changxin Chen*, et al. “Growth and large-scale assembly of InAs/InP core/shell nanowire: effect of shell thickness on electrical characteristics”. Nanotechnology, 2013,24: 245306.(通讯作者)

