2023-05-12 21:21
  • 陈谦斌
  • 陈谦斌 - 教授-上海交通大学-密西根学院-个人资料




教育背景 Ph.D. Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Michigan State University (1983) B. S. Dept. of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University (1978) 工作经历 2017- pres. Tang Junyuan Chair Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, SJTU 2014–pres. Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, SJTU 2010–2014 Chairman, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA 1997–2014 Professor, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA 1992–1997 Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA 1986–1992 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA 1984–1986 National Research Council Research Scientist, NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center, USA 1983–1984 Post Doc., Polymer Institute, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada


Chen, X., Khani, E. and Chen, C. P., “A Unified Jet Fuel Surrogate for Droplet Evaporation and Ignition”, Fuel, 182, 284-291, 2016. Wang, G., Yang, F., Wei Zhao, Chen, C. P.,“Direct observation of scalar turbulence in microfluidics at low Reynolds number,” Lab on a Chip, Vol. 16, 1030-1038. 2016. Hung, S. W., Shiao, P. Y., Chen, C. P. and Chieng, C. C., “Wettability of Graphene-coated Surface: Free Energy Investigations using Molecular Dynamics Simulation”, J. Physical Chem, C, Vol. 119, 8103-8111, 2015. Yang, Z., Chen, C. P., Chen, Z. J. and Chieng, C. C., “Multiscale Modeling of Macroparticle Stretching in Nanofluidic Flows”, J. of Computational Multiphase Flows, Vol. 6, 169-178, 2014. Samimi Abianeh, O., Chen, C. P., and S. Mahalingam, “Modeling of Multicomponent Droplets Coalescence in Evaporating and Non-Evaporating Sprays”, Int. J. Automotive Tech., Vol. 15, 1091-1100, 2014. Samimi Abianeh, O., Chen, C. P., and Mahalingam, S., “Numerical Modeling of Diesel Fuel Spray Evaporation Process,” Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 69, 44-54, 2014. Samimi Abianeh, O., Chen, C. P. and Cerro, R., “Mass Transfer and Conservation from a Finite Point Source to an Infinite Media,” Int. J. Chemical Reaction Eng., Vol. 11 (2), 657–666, 2013. Samimi Abianeh, O., Chen, C. P. and Ramon Cerro, R. “Batch Distillation: The forward and inverse iroblems; Surrogate fuel development,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 51, 12435-12488, 2012. Samimi Abianeh, O. and Chen, C. P., “A Discrete Multi-component Fuel Evaporation Model with liquid turbulence effects” Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 55, 6897-6907, 2012. Brumback, T. E. and Chen, C. P., “Hybrid Modeling of Homogeneous Gas-Phase Reaction,” Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, Vol. 17, pp. 99-116. 2011. Movahednejad, E, Ommi, F., Chen, C. P. and S. M. Hosseinalipour, “Application of Maximum Entropy Method for Droplet Size Distribution Prediction using Instability Analysis of Liquid Sheet,” Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 47, pp. 1591-1600, 2011. Lineberry, D., Balasubramanyan, M. S., Chen, C. P. and Landrum, D. B., “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Non- axisymmetric Strut Based Ejector,” Int. J. Hypersonics, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 181-197, 2010. Balasubramanyan, M. S., Chen, C. P. and Bazarov, V. G., “Design Investigation of a Hydro-mechanical Pulsator for Injector Dynamics Research,” Eng. Applications Computational Fluid Mech., vol. 4, pp. 314-325, 2009. Trinh, Huu P., Chen, C. P. and Balasubramanyan, M. S., “Numerical Simulation of Liquid Jet Atomization Including Turbulence Effects,” J. Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 129, pp. 920-928, 2007.

