教育背景1996年毕业于河北医科大学医疗系2000年-2003年首都医科大学宣武医院 外科学硕士研究生2007年-2010年首都医科大学附属友谊医院 外科学博士研究生2015年3月-2015年10月 密歇根大学访问学者,开展胰腺癌合作研究个人荣誉2013年第二届中华外科青年学者奖研究领域
[1] Liu AY, Liu DG, Du YJ, Pei FH, Yang G, Liu BR, Zhang HT, Wang XH, Fan YJ, Chen YZ, Jiang Y, Chen J. Relationship between tumor and peripheral blood NPRL2 mRNA levels in patients with colorectal adenoma and colorectal cancer. Cancer Biol Ther 2014; 15(5). (Liu AY and Liu DG co-first author)[2] Chen J, Li DG, Yang G, Kong LJ, Du YJ, Wang HY, Li FD, Pei FH, Song JT, Fan YJ, Liu AY,Wang XH, Li BX. Endostar, a novel human recombinant endostatin, attenuates liver fibrosis in CCL4-induced mice. 2014,accept on Experimental Biology and Medicine.( Chen J, Li DG co-first author)[3] Osterman M., Kathawa D., Liu D., Guo H., Zhang C., Li M., Yu X.,* Li F. Elevated DNA damage response in pancreatic cancer. Histochem Cell Biol. 2014. 142(6). 713-720(Michael (Diangang Liu have contributed equally to this work).[4] Liu D G, Zhang YX, Li F Multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis with liver dysfunction as the first presentation: A case report. Oncol Lett. 2012 Feb;3(2):391-394. 2011 Oct 26.[5] Diangang-liu, Jin Wang, Zhongtao-Zhang, Yu Wang The urotension II antagonist SB-710411 arrests fibrosis in CCL4 cirrhotic rats Molecular Medicine REPORTS 2009, 6:953-961[6] Diangang Liu, Jing Chen, Jin Wang, Zhongtao Zhang, Xuemei Ma, Jidong Jia, Yu Wang Increased expression of urotensin II and GPR14 in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension International Journal of Molecular Medicine.2010. 6:845-851[7] Zhang F K, Liu D G, Jia J D. Antiviral therapy for hepatitis B in special populations. Antiviral Therapy. 2010,15(8):1067.标签: 首都医科大学 宣武医院/第一临床医学院
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