2023-05-12 17:38
  • 王勇
  • 王勇 - 副教授-首都师范大学-化学系-个人资料




Yong Wang, Xiaowen Su, Shan Lu. Shape-controlled synthesis of TiO2 hollow structures and their application in lithium batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22(5), 1969-1976. (IF5.968)
Yong Wang, Qingshan Zhu, Ling Tao, Xiaowen Su, Controlled-synthesis of NiS hierarchical hollow microspheres with different building blocks and their application in lithium batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21(25), 9248–9254. (IF5.968)
Yong Wang, Xiaowen Su, Panshuang Ding, Shan Lu, Huaping Yu. Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Hollow Silica Colloids. Langmuir, 2013, 29, 11575-11581. (IF4.187)
Yong Wang, Qingshan Zhu, Ling Tao, Fabrication and growth mechanism of hierarchical porous Fe3O4 hollow sub-microspheres and their magnetic properties. CrystEngComm, 2011,13, 4652–4657. (IF3.842)
Yong Wang, Qingshan Zhu, Huigang Zhang, Fabrication of ?-Ni(OH)2 and NiO hollow spheres by a facile template-free process.Chemical Communications, 2005, 5231-5233. (IF6.169)
Yong Wang, Qingshan Zhu, Huigang Zhang, Fabrication and magnetic properties of hierarchical porous hollow nickel microspheres. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2006, 16, 1212 -1214. (IF5.968)
Yong Wang, Qingshan Zhu, Electrochemical properties and controlled-synthesis of hierarchical β-Ni(OH)2 micro-flowers and hollow microspheres. Materials Research Bulletin, 2010, 45(12), 1844-1849. (IF2.105)
Yong Wang, Qingshan Zhu, Huigang Zhang,Selected-control synthesis of hierarchical nickel structures. Materials Research Bulletin, 2007, 42(8), 1450-1456. (IF2.105)
Yong Wang, Minggui Zou, Zhiqiang Li. Morphological Evolution and Optical Properties of Dumbbell-shaped ZnO Aggregates. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2013, 146:138-143. (SCI检索)
Hui Gang Zhang, Qingshan Zhu, Yang Zhang, Yong Wang, Li Zhao, Bin Yu, One-pot synthesis and hierarchical assembly of hollow Cu2O microspheres with nanocrystals-composed multilayer and their gas-sensing properties. Advanced Functional Materials, 2007, 17, 2766-2771. (IF10.179)
Hui Gang Zhang, Qingshan Zhu, Yong Wang, Morphologically controlled synthesis of hydroxyapatite with partial substitution of fluoride. Chemistry of Materials, 2005, 17, 5824-5830. (IF7.286)

