2023-05-12 15:52
  • 贺正龙
  • 贺正龙 - 副教授 硕士生导师-山东科技大学-安全与环境工程学院-个人资料




(2)山东省自然基金青年基金项目,ZR2020QE127, 2021/01-2023/12,主持




(1)Lu W, Gao A, Sun W L, Liang Y T, He Z L*, Li J L, Sun Y, Song S L, Meng S C, Cao Y J Z, Experimental study on inhibition of spontaneous combustion of different-rank coals by high-performance m-Cresol water-based inhibitor solutions[J]. Energy, 2022, 261.
(2)Yu A Q, Song X Y, Lu W, Liang Y T, He Z L*, Sun Y, Song S L, Facile and safety synthesis of highly loaded phase change microcapsules with paraffin/butyl stearate core and their feasible application in polymer composite[J]. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2022, 247.
(3)Gao A, Sun Y, Hu X M, Song S L, Lu W, Liang Y T, He Z L*, Li J L, Meng S C. Substituent positions and types for the inhibitory effects of phenolic inhibitors in coal spontaneous combustion[J]. Fuel, 2022, 309.
(4)Liang Y T, Gao A, Sun Y, Tian F C, Sun W L, Lu W, He Z L*. Mechanism confirmation of organofunctional silanes modified sodium silicate/polyurethane composites for remarkably enhanced mechanical properties[J]. Scientific Reports, 2021,11(1).
(5)Qin C R, Lu W, He Z L*, Qi G S, Li J L, Hu X M. Effect of Silane Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane/Mesoscopic Fly Ash Composites[J]. Polymers, 2019, 11(4).
(6)Lu W, Meng Q W, Qin C R, Li J L, Qi G S, Kong B, He Z L*. Facile and efficient isocyanate microencapsulation via SDBS/PVP synergetic emulsion[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2019,136(41).
(7)He Z L, Jiang S, An N, Li X D, Li Q F, Wang J W, Zhao Y H, Kang M Q. Self-healing isocyanate microcapsules for efficient restoration of fracture damage of polyurethane and epoxy resins[J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54(11).
(8)He Z L, Jiang S, Li Q F, Wang J W, Zhao Y H, Kang M Q. Facile and cost-effective synthesis of isocyanate microcapsules via polyvinyl alcohol-mediated interfacial polymerization and their application in self-healing materials[J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2017, 138.
(9)He Z L, Li Q F, Wang J W, Yin N, Jiang S, Kang M Q. Effect of silane treatment on the mechanical properties of polyurethane/water glass grouting materials[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2016,116.
(10)贺正龙 等,煤矿用聚氨酯-水玻璃灌浆材料的界面改性及自修复研究[M]. 延边大学出版社,2021,延吉.

