2023-05-12 14:59
  • 张家良
  • 张家良 - 教授-山东大学-晶体材料国家重点实验室-个人资料








(1) Y. L. Qin, J. L. Zhang(通信作者), W. Z. Yao, C. J. Lu, and S. J. Zhang, Domain Configuration and Thermal Stability of (K0.48Na0.52)(Nb0.96Sb0.04)O3-Bi0.50(Na0.82K0.18)0.50ZrO3 Piezoceramics with High d33 Coefficient, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8 (2016) 7257. (2) Y. Q. Wu, X. Zhao, J. L. Zhang(通信作者), W. B. Su, and J. Liu, Huge low-frequency dielectric response of (Nb,In)-doped TiO2 ceramics, Appl. Phys. Lett., 107 (2015) 242904. (3) Y.Q. Tan, J. L. Zhang (通信作者), Y. Q. Wu, C. L. Wang, V. Koval, B. G. Shi, H. T. Ye, R. McKinnon, G. Viola, and H. Y. Yan, Unfolding grain size effects in barium titanate ferroelectric ceramics, Sci. Rep.,5 (2015) 9953. (4) Y. L. Qin, J. L. Zhang(通信作者), Y. Q. Tan, W. Z. Yao, C. L. Wang, and S. J. Zhang, Domain Structure of Potassium-Sodium Niobate Ceramics Before and After Poling, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 98 (2015) 1027. (5) J.L. Zhang, X. Tian, Y. Gao, W. Z. Yao, Y. L. Qin, and W. B. Su, Domain structure of poled (K0.50Na0.50)1-xLixNbO3 ceramics with different stabilities, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 98 (2015) 990. (6) Y. Q. Tan, J. L. Zhang(通信作者), C. L. Wang, G. Viola, H. X. Yan, Enhancement of Electric Field-Induced Strain in BaTiO3 Ceramics through Grain Size Optimization, Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 212 (2015) 433. (7) J.L. Zhang, Y. L. Qin, Y. Gao, W. Z. Yao, and X. Tian, Comparative study of two (K,Na)NbO3-based piezoelectric ceramics, J. Appl. Phys., 116 (2014) 104106 (8) Y. L. Qin, J. L. Zhang(通信作者), Y. Q. Tan; W. Z. Yao, C. L. Wang, and S. J. Zhang, Domain Configuration and Piezoelectric Properties of (K0.50Na0.50)1-xLix(Nb0.80Ta0.20)O3 Ceramics, J. Europ. Ceram. Soc., 34 (2014) 4177. (9) J. L. Zhang, P. F. Ji, Y. Q. Wu, X. Zhao, Y. Q. Tan and C. L. Wang,Strong Piezoelectricity Exhibited By Large-Grained BaTiO3 Ceramics, Appl. Phys. Lett., 104 (2014) 222909. (10) J. L. Zhang, Y. L. Qin, Y. Gao, and M. L. Zhao, Improvement of Physical Properties for KNN-based Ceramics by Modified Two-Step Sintering, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 97 (2014) 759. (11) Y.L. Qin, J. L. Zhang(通信作者), Y. Gao, Y. Q. Tan, and C. L. Wang, Study of Domain Structure of Poled (K,Na)NbO3 Ceramics, J. Appl. Phys., 113 (2013) 204107. (12) W. T. Hao, J. L. Zhang(通信作者), P. Zheng, Y. Q. Tan,Y. Q. Tan, X. Zhao, Influence of Orthorhombic-Tetragonal Phase Transition on Microwave Dielectric Dispersion of BaTiO3 Ceramic, Chin. Phys. Lett., 30 (12) (2013) 127701. (13) J. L. Zhang, W. T. Hao, Y. Gao, Y. L. Qin, Y. Q. Tan, and C. L. Wang, Large Decrease of Characteristic Frequency of Dielectric Relaxation Associated with Domain-Wall Motion in Sb5+-modified (K,Na)NbO3-based Ceramics, Appl. Phys. Lett., 101 (2012) 252905. (14) P. Zheng, J. L. Zhang(通信作者), Y. Q. Tan, and C. L. Wang, Grain-Size Effects on Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of Poled BaTiO3 Ceramics, Acta Mater., 60 (2012) 5022-5030. (15) Y. Gao, J. L. Zhang (通信作者), Y. L. Qing, Y. Q. Tan, Z. Zhang, and X. P. Hao, Remarkably Strong Piezoelectricity of Lead-Free (K0.45Na0.55)0.98Li0.02(Nb0.77Ta0.18Sb0.05)O3 Ceramic, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 94 (2011) 2968-2973. (16) W. T. Hao, J. L. Zhang (通信作者), Y. Q. Tan, M. L. Zhao, and C. L. Wang, Giant dielectric-permittivity properties and relevant physical mechanism of NaCu3Ti3SbO12 ceramics, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 94 (2011) 1067–1072. (17) J. L. Zhang, Z. Zhang, S. F. Shao and P. Zheng, High piezoelectric performance and relevant physical mechanism of CuO-modified Ba(Ti0.96Sn0.04)O3 ceramics, J. Adv. Dielectr., 1 (2011) 79-84. (18) J. L. Zhang, X. J. Zong, Y. Gao, Y. L. Qing, M. L. Zhao, and C. L. Wang, Recent Study Progresses of (K,Na)NbO3-based Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramics, J. Opt. Adv. Mater., 12 (2010) 1921-1925

