2023-05-12 14:50
  • 李妍璐
  • 李妍璐 - 副教授-山东大学-晶体材料国家重点实验室-个人资料




2007年毕业于济南大学材料学院材料物理专业,获得学士学位。2011年于山东大学晶体材料研究所材料物理与化学专业博士毕业,博士期间研究方向为功能晶体材料构效关系的理论研究。2012年赴德国帕德博恩大学理论物理系从事博士后研究学习及工作经历: 2014.12至今:山东大学晶体所,副研究员 2012.06-2014.12:德国帕德博恩大学,理论物理系,博士后 2007.09-2011.12:山东大学晶体所,材料物理与化学专业,博士 2003.09-2007.07:济南大学材料学院,材料物理专业,本科


一、晶体缺陷与掺杂的理论研究 二、无机功能晶体线性及非线性光学响应的理论研究 三、低维材料的结构构筑及电子结构的理论研究


1. Yanlu Li,Xian Zhao,* Xiufeng Cheng “Point defects and defect-induced optical response internary LiInSe2 crystals: First-principles insight” J. Phys.Chem. C 119, 29123 (2015). 2. Yanlu Li,Wolf Gero Schmidt, Simone Sanna* “Defect complexes in congruent LiNbO3and their optical signatures” Phys. Rev. B 91, 174106 (2015). 3. Huan Wang,Chuanyi Jia, Jing Yang, Xian Zhao, Yanlu Li, Honggang Sun, Weiliu Fan*“Theoretical study of surface dependence of NH3 adsorption and decomposition onspinel-type MgAl2O4” RSC Adv. 5, 77973 (2015). 2014年: 1. Lei Yang,Weiliu Fan, Yanlu Li,* Lei Wei, Xian Zhao* “Pressure-inducedferroelastic phase transition in SnO2 from density functionaltheory” J. Chem. Phys. 140, 164706 (2014). 2. Yanlu Li,*Simone Sanna, Wolf Gero Schmidt “Modeling intrinsic defects in LiNbO3within the Slater-Janak transition state model” J. Chem. Phys. 140,234113 (2014). 3. Yanlu Li,*Wolf Gero Schmidt, Simone Sanna “Intrinsic LiNbO3 point defects fromhybrid density functional calculations” Phys. Rev. B 89, 094111 (2014). 2013年: 1. S. Sanna, A.Riefer, M. Rohrmueller, M. Landmann, E. Rauls, N. J. Vollmers, R. Hoelscher, M.Witte, Yanlu Li, U. Gerstmann, W. G. Schmidt, “Lithium niobatedielectric function and second-order polarizability tensor from massivelyparallel ab initio calculations” High performance computing in science andengineering ’13, Springer, 93-104 (2013). 2. A. Riefer, M.Rohrmueller, M. Landmann, S. Sanna, E. Rauls, N. J. Vollmers, R. Hoelscher, M.Witte, Yanlu Li, U. Gerstmann, A. Schindlmayr, W. G. Schmidt, “Polarizationdependent water adsorption on the lithium niobate Z-cut surfaces” Highperformance computing in science and engineering ’13, Springer, 155-166(2013). 3. Lei Wei,Guodong Zhang, Weiliu Fan, Yanlu Li, Lei Yang, Xian Zhao, “Anisotropicthermal anharmonicity of CdSiP2 and ZnGeP2: Ab initiocalculations” J. Appl. Phys. 114, 233501 (2013). 4. Lei Wei, WeiliuFan, Yanlu Li, Xian Zhao, Lei Yang, “Effect of cation ordering on theelectronic and lattice dynamic properties of Ag2CdGeS4 polytypes:First-principle calculation” J. Solid State Chem. 201, 48 (2013). 1. Yanlu Li,Weiliu Fan, Xiufeng Cheng, Xian Zhao “Theoretical insights into the Ag dopingin monolayer and bilayer ZnO armchair nanoribbons: Edge effect and position-dependentproperties” J. Nanopart. Res. 14, 1 (2012). 2. Yanlu Li,Weiliu Fan, Honggang Sun, Xiufeng Cheng, Xian Zhao “Role of cross section onthe stability and electronic structure of Ag-doped ZnO nanowires” J.Nanopart. Res. 14, 739 (2012). 3. Liming Sun,Xian Zhao, Xiufeng Cheng, Honggang Sun, Yanlu Li, Pan Li, Weiliu Fan,“Role of passivated N-F pairs in enhancing photoactivity of ZnWO4 (010)surface: Emphasis on correlation between codoping forms and compensationmechanisms” Chem. Eng. J. 211, 168 (2012). 4. Pan Li, XianZhao, Chunjiang Jia, Honggang Sun, Yanlu Li, Liming Sun, Xiufeng Cheng,Li Liu, Weiliu Fan, “Mechanism of morphology transformation of tetragonal phaseLaVO4 nanocrystals by surface chemistry: Experimental andtheoretical insights” Cryst. Growth Des. 12, 5042 (2012). 5. Lei Yang,Weiliu Fan, Yanlu Li, Honggang Sun, Lei Wei, Xiufeng Cheng, Xian Zhao,“Theoretical insight into the structural stability of KZnB3O6polymorphs with different BOx polyhedral networks” Inorg. Chem.51, 6762 (2012). 6. Liming Sun,Xian Zhao, Xiufeng Cheng, Honggang Sun, Yanlu Li, Pan Li, Weiliu Fan,“Synergistic effects in La/N codoped TiO2 anatase (101) surfacecorrelated with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity” Langmuir28, 5882(2012). 7. Pan Li, XianZhao, Yanlu Li, Honggang Sun, Liming Sun, Xiufeng Cheng, Xiaopeng Hao,Weiliu Fan, “Effects of surface chemistry on the morphology transformation ofZnWO4 nanocrystals: investigated from experiment and theoreticalcalculations” CrystEngComm 14, 920 (2012).

