2023-05-12 14:48
  • 高泽亮
  • 高泽亮 - 副教授-山东大学-晶体材料国家重点实验室-个人资料




2001-2005年,山东大学信息科学与工程学院获得学士学位 2005-2010年,山东大学晶体所获得博士学位(导师:陶绪堂) 2010-2012年,山东大学物理学院博士后(合作导师:王春雷) 2012-今,山东大学晶体所


1:晶体物理 2:光电器件


1:ZeliangGao,Xiangxin Tian, Junjie Zhang, Qian Wu, Qingming Lu, Xutang Tao*, Large-SizedCrystal Growth and Electric-Elastic Properties of α‑BaTeMo2O9 Single Crystal, CrystalGrowth & Design, 15,759-763,2015. 2:Zeliang Gao, Qian Wu, Xitao Liu, Youxuan Sun, Xutang Tao*, Biaxialcrystal α-BaTeMo2O9: theory study of large birefringenceand wide-band polarized prisms design, Optics Express, 23(4), 3851-3860,2015. 3:Zeliang Gao, Shande Liu, Junjie Zhang, Shaojun Zhang, Weiguo Zhang,Jingliang He, Xutang Tao*, Self-frequency-doubled BaTeMo2O9Raman laser emitting at 589 nm, Optics Express, 21(6), 7821-7827, 2013. 4:Zeliang Gao, Shande Liu, Shaojun Zhang Weiguo Zhang, JingliangHe, Xutang Tao*, High efficient external resonator Raman laser based on themonoclinic single crystal BaTeMo2O9, Applied PhysicsLetters, 100, 261905, 2012. 5:Zeliang Gao, Xiangxin Tian, Shaojun Zhang, Xutang Tao*,Determination and analysis of the linear and second order nonlinear opticalproperties of Na2TeW2O9, Optical MaterialsExpress, 6(1), 106-113, 2016. 6:Zeliang Gao, Youxuan Sun, Junjie Zhang, Shanpeng Wang, Xutang Tao*, Investigationsof the electro-optic behavior of Cs2TeMo3O12single crystal, Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 043502, 2014. 7: Zeliang Gao,Shande Liu, Junjie Zhang, Shaojun Zhang, Weiguo Zhang, Shanpeng Wang, JingliangHe, Xutang Tao*, A high efficiency third order Stokes Raman laser operatingat 1500 nm based on a BaTeMo2O9 crystal, Laser PhysicsLetters, 10, 125403, 2013. 8: Zeliang Gao, Xutang Tao*,Xin Yin, Weiguo Zhang, Minhua Jiang, Elastic, dielectric, and piezoelectricproperties of BaTeMo2O9 single crystal, AppliedPhysics Letters, 93, 252906, 2008. 9: Zeliang Gao, Xin Yin,Weiguo Zhang, Shanpeng Wang, Minhua Jiang, Xutang Tao*, Electro-opticproperties of BaTeMo2O9 single crystal, AppliedPhysics Letters, 95, 151107, 2009. 10: Zeliang Gao, YouxuanSun, Xin Yin, Shanpeng Wang, Minhua Jiang, Xutang Tao*, Growth andelectric-elastic properties of KTiOAsO4 single crystal, Journalof Applied Physics, 108, 024103, 2010. 11: Zelaing Gao, XinYin, Weiguo Zhang, Shanpeng Wang, Minhua Jiang, Xutang Tao*, TemperatureDependence of Elastic Properties and Piezoelectric Applications of BaTeMo2O9Single Crystal, IEEE, TUFFC, 58, 2753-2757, 2011. 12: Peng Zhao, Hengjiang Cong,Xiangxin Tian, Youxuan Sun, Chengqian Zhang, Shengqing Xia, ZeliangGao,*and Xutang Tao*, Top-Seeded Solution Growth, Structure, Morphology, andFunctional Properties of a New Polar Crystal- Cs2TeW3O12,Crystal Growth & Design, 15, 4484-4489, 2015. 13:Xiangxin Tian, Qian Wu, Peng Zhao, Zheng Wang, Xiaoxiao Feng, Conggang Li,Youxuan Sun, Shanpeng Wang, Zeliang Gao,* and Xutang Tao*, Top-seededsolution growth and characterization of a Bi2Mo2.66W0.34O12single crystal, CrystEngComm, 17, 4525, 2015. 14:Peng Zhao, Qian Wu, Chunlong Li, Shaojun Zhang, Youxuan Sun, Chengqian Zhang,Shengqing Xia, Zeliang Gao,* and Xutang Tao*, Second ordernonlinear optical properties of Cs2TeW3O12single crystal, Optical Materials Express, 6(2), 451-458, 2016. 15:Dongsheng Yuan, Zelaing Gao, Shaojun Zhang, Zhitai Jia, Jun Shu,Yang Li, Zhengping Wang, and Xutang Tao*, Linear and nonlinear opticalproperties of terbium calcium oxyborate single crystals, Optics Express,22(22), 027606-027616, 2014. 16:Junjie Zhang, Zeliang Gao, Xin Yin, Zhonghan Zhang, Youxuan Sun,and Xutang Tao*, Investigation of the dielectric, elastic, and piezoelectricproperties of Cs2TeMo3O12 crystals, AppliedPhysics Letters, 101, 062901, 2012. 17:Qingxia Yu, Zeliang Gao, Shanjun Zhang, Weiguo Zhang, ShanpengWang, Xutang Tao*, Second order nonlinear properties of monoclinic singlecrystal BaTeMo2O9, Journal of Applied Physics,111, 013506, 2012. 18: Shande Liu, Zeliang Gao,Junjie Zhang, Baitao Zhang, Jingliang He, Xutang Tao*, An α-BaTeMo2O9Raman Shifting Driven by a Pulsed LD Pumped Nd:YAG Laser, IEEE PTL,26(2), 158-161, 2014. 19: Shande Liu, Zeliang Gao,Junjie Zhang, Baitao Zhang, Jingliang He, Xutang Tao*, A millijoule α-BaTeMo2O9Raman laser driven by a diode-pumped Nd:YLF laser, Laser Phys., 24,045808, 2014.

