2023-05-12 14:47
  • 陈代荣
  • 陈代荣 - 教授 博导-山东大学-国家胶体材料工程技术研究中心-个人资料




1982年-1986年 山东大学化学系 理学学士\r
1986年-1989年 山东大学应用化学系 理学硕士\r
1994年-1997年 吉林大学无机合成与制备化学国家重点实验室 理学博士\r
1989年-1994年 山东大学应用化学系(化学与化工学院)助教、讲师\r
1997年-1999年 山东大学化学与化工学院 副教授\r
1999年至今 山东大学化学与化工学院 教授(校关键岗、教授二级岗)、博士生导师、无机化学、材料化学学科学术带头人、曾去美国、德国、乌克兰和加拿大作短期学术交流与访问




Feng Liu,Qifang Lu, Xiuling Jiao* and DairongChen*, Fabrication ofNylon-6/POMs nanofibrous membranesand the degradationmustardstimulant research,RSC Adv.,2014, 4, 41271-41276.\r
Yan Wang, Wei Li, Yuguo Xia, XiulingJiao* and Dairong Chen*, Electrospun flexible self-standingγ-aluminafibrous membranesand their potential ashigh efficiency fine particulatefiltrationmedia,J. Mater. Chem. A,2014, 2, 15124-15131.\r
YanWang, Wande Ding, Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen*, Electrospun flexibleself-standing silica/mesoporous alumina core-shell fibrous membranes as adsorbenttoward Congo red,RSC Adv.,2014, 4, 30790-30797.\r
ZhenJiang, Weijun Lu, Zhengping Li, Kuan Hung Ho, Xu Li, Xiuling Jiao,* and DairongChen,*Synthesis ofamorphous cobalt sulfide polyhedral nanocages for high performancesupercapacitors,J. Mater. Chem. A,2014, 2, 8603-8605.\r
Zhen Jiang, Zhengping Li,Zhenhua Qin, Haiyan Sun, Xiuling Jiao,* and Dairong Chen*, LDH nanocages synthesizedby MOF templates and the high performance as supercapacitor,Nanoscale,2013,5 (23), 11770 - 11775.\r
Yuguo Xia, Li Zhang, XiulingJiao,*and Dairong Chen*, Synthesis of γ-AlOOH nanocrystalswith different morphologies under sulfate ion and corresponding formation mechanismstudy,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,2013, 15 (41), 18290 – 18299.\r
Wei Jiang, Xiuling Jiao, Dairong Chen,* Photocatalytic watersplitting of surfactant-free fabricated high surface area NaTaO3nanocrystals,Int. J. Hydrogen Energy,2013, 38, 12739-12746.\r
Yan Wang, Wei Li, Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen,* Electrospinningpreparation and adsorption property of mesoporous alumina fibers,J. Mater. Chem. A,2013, 1, 10720-10726.\r
Yuguo Xia, Xiuling Jiao,* Yongjun Liu, Dairong Chen,* Li Zhang andZhenhua Qin, Study of the Formation Mechanism of Boehmite with Different Morphologyupon Surface Hydroxyls and Adsorption of Chloride Ions,J. Phys. Chem. C,2013, 17, 15279-15286.\r
Zhanxia Shu, Xiuling Jiao,* and Dairong Chen,* Hydrothermal synthesisand selectively photocatalytic properties of tetragonal star-like ZrO2nanostructures,CrystEngComm,2013, 15, 4288-4294.\r
Zhenhua Qin, Haiyan Sun, Zhen Jiang, Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen,*Synthesis of metal sulfide nanoboxes based on Kirkendall effect and Pearson hardness,CrystEngComm,2013, 15, 897-902.\r
Haiyan Sun, Xiuling Jiao,* Yanyang Han, Zhen Jiang, and Dairong Chen,*Synthesis of Fe3O4-Au Nanocomposites with EnhancedPeroxidase-like Activity,Eur. J. Inorg.Chem.,2013,109-114.\r
Shenguang Ge, Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen,* Ultrasensitiveelectrochemical immunosensor for CA 15-3 using thionine-nanoporousgold–graphene as a platform and horseradish peroxidase- encapsulated liposomesas signal amplification,Analyst,2012, 137, 4440-4447.\r
Pingping Zhang, Dairong Chen,* Xiuling Jiao, Fabrication of Flexibleα-Alumina Fibers Composed of Nanosheets,Eur.J. Inorg. Chem.,2012, 4167-4173.\r
Zhen Jiang, Haiyan Sun, Zhenhua Qin, Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen,*Synthesis of novel ZnS nanocages utilizing ZIF-8 polyhedral template,Chem. Commun.,2012,48, 3620–3622.\r
Haiyan Sun, Bo Chen, Xiuling Jiao,* Zhen Jiang, Zhenhua Qin, and Dairong Chen,* Solvothermal Synthesis of Tunable Electroactive Magnetite Nanorods by Controlling the Side Reaction,J. Phys. Chem. C,2012, 116, 5476−5481.\r
Shuqin Shang, Xiuling Jiao, Dairong Chen,* Template-Free Fabricationand Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2Hollow Spheres,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2012, 4(2), 860-865.\r
Zhanxia Shu, XiulingJiao* and Dairong Chen,*Synthesis and photocatalyticproperties of flower-like zirconiananostructures,CrystEngComm,2012,14, 1122-1127.\r
HaiyanSun, Xiuling Jiao,* Hanyu Wang, Zhen Jiang, and Dairong Chen*, Solvothermal Preparationof Pd Nanostructures under Nitrogen and Air Atmospheres and ElectrocatalyticActivities for the Oxidation of Methanol, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2011, 3(7), 2425–2430.\r
Zhenhua Qin,Xiuling Jiao and Dairong Chen,* Preparation of coral-like magnetite through aglucose-assisted solvothermal synthesis, CrystEngComm,2011, 13, 4646.

