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(1)Xiaoqiang Liu, Jun Yang, Junying Hao*, Jianyun Zheng, Qiuyu Gong, Weimin Liu*, A near-frictionless and extremely elastic hydrogenated amorphous carbon film with self-assembled dual-nanostructure, Advanced Materials, 34 (2012) 4614;(2)Xiaoqiang Liu, Junying Hao*, Jun Yang, Jianyun Zheng, Yongmin Liang, Weimin, Liu. Preparation of superior lubricious amorphous carbon films co-doped by silicon and aluminum. Journal of Applied Physics, 110 (2011) 053507;(3)Xiaoqiang Liu, Jun Yang, Junying Hao*, Jianyun Zheng, Qiuyu Gong, Weimin Liu, Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of Si and Al co-doped hydrogenated amorphous carbon films deposited at various bias voltages. Surface and Coatings Technology, 206(2012) 4119;(4)Jianyun Zheng, Junying Hao*, Xiaoqiang Liu, Weimin Liu, Properties of TiN/TiCN multilayer films by direct current magnetron sputtering, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45 (2012) 095303; 相关热点
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