谢丹教授2011年博士毕业于伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)生物工程系,导师为Sheng Zhong教授。2011年至2015年,在斯坦福大学医学院(Stanford University, School of Medicine)从事博士后研究(导师:Michael Snyder教授,斯坦福教授遗传学系系主任)。研究领域
1)生物信息学,高通量组学技术,多组学数据分析 2)开发高通量,高解析度的单细胞多组学复合测序技术 3)单细胞测序技术研究肿瘤发生、发展和耐药等分子机制 4)无创液体活检诊断技术开发和转化 5)三代测序技术开发和应用近期论文
1. Song, Chun-Xiao(*); Yin, Senlin(*); Ma, Li; Wheeler, Amanda; Chen, Yu; Zhang, Yan; Liu, Bin; Xiong, Junjie; Zhang, Weihan; Hu, Jiankun; Zhou, Zongguang; Dong, Biao; Tian, Zhiqi; Jeffrey, Stefanie S.; Chua, Mei-Sze; So, Samuel; Li, Weimin; Wei, Yuquan; Diao, Jiajie; Xie, Dan(#); Quake, Stephen R(#), 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine signatures in cell-free DNA provide information about tumor types and stages. Cell Research, 2017, 27(10):1231-1242. 2. Kuleshov, Volodymyr(*); Xie, Dan(*); Chen, Rui(*); Pushkarev, Dmitry(*); Ma, Zhihai; Blauwkamp, Tim; Kertesz, Michael; Snyder, Michael(#), Whole-genome haplotyping using long reads and statistical methods. Nature Biotechnology, 2014, 32(3):261-266. 3. Xie, Dan(*); Boyle, Alan P(*); Wu, Linfeng(*); Zhai, Jie; Kawli, Trupti;Snyder, Michael(#), Dynamic-Acting Factor Colocalization in Human Cells. Cell, 2013, 155(3):713-724. 4. Xiao, Shu(*); Xie, Dan(*); Cao, Xiaoyi(*); Yu, Pengfei(*); Xing, Xiaoyun; Chen, Chieh-Chun ; Musselman, Meagan; Xie, Mingchao; West, Franklin D; Lewin, Harris A; Wang, Ting; Zhong, Sheng(#), Comparative epigenomic annotation of regulatory DNA. Cell, 2012, 149(6):1381-1392. 5. Xie, Dan(*); Chen, Chieh-Chun(*); He, Xin; Cao, Xiaoyi; Zhong, Sheng(#), Towards an Evolutionary Model of Transcription Networks. Plos Computational Biology, 2011, 7(6):e1002064. 6. Xie, Dan(*); Chen, Chieh-Chun(*); Ptaszek, Leon M(*); Xiao, Shu; Cao, Xiaoyi; Fang, Fang; Ng, Huck H; Lewin, Harris A; Cowan, Chad; Zhong, Sheng(#), Rewirable gene regulatory networks in the preimplantation embryonic development of three mammalian species. Genome Research, 2010.6, 20(6):804-815. 7. Xie, Dan(*); Cai, Jun; Chia, Na-Yu; Ng, Huck H; Zhong, Sheng, Cross-species de novo identification of cis-regulatory modules with GibbsModule: application to gene regulation in embryonic stem cells. Genome Research, 2008.8, 18(8): 1325-1335. 8. Xie, Dan(*); Li, Ao; Wang, Minghui; Fan, Zhewen; Feng, Huanqing(#), LOCSVMPSI: a web server for subcellular localization of eukaryotic proteins using SVM and profile of PSI-BLAST. Nucleic Acids Research, 2005.7.1, 33: W105-W110. 9. Maya Kasowski(*); Sofia Kyriazopoulou-Panagiotopoulou(*); Fabian Grubert(*); Judith B. Zaugg(*); Anshul Kundaje(*); Yuling Liu; Alan P. Boyle; Qiangfeng Cliff Zhang; Fouad Zakharia; Damek V. Spacek; Jingjing Li; Dan Xie; Anthony Olarerin-George; Lars M. Steinmetz; John B. Hogenesch; Manolis Kellis; Serafim Batzoglou; Michael Snyder(#), Extensive variation in chromatin states across humans. Science, 2013.11.8, 342(6159): 750-752. 10. Carlos L. Araya(*); Trupti Kawli; Anshul Kundaje; Lixia Jiang; Beijing Wu; Dionne Vafeados; Robert Terrell; Peter Weissdepp; Louis Gevirtz; Daniel Mace; Wei Niu; Dan Xie; Lijia Ma; Alan P. Boyle; John I. Murray; Valerie Reinke; Robert H. Waterston; Michael Snyder(#), Regulatory analysis of the C.elegans genome with spatiotemporal resolution. Nature, 2014.8.28, 512: 400-405. 11. Linfeng Wu(*); Sophie I. Candille(*); Yoonha Choi; Dan Xie; Lihua Jiang; Jennifer Li-Pook-Than; Hua Tang(#); Michael Snyder(#), Variation and genetic control of protein abundance in humans. Nature, 2013.5.15, 499: 79-82. 12. Alan P. Boyle(*); Carlos L. Araya(*); Cathleen Brdlik; Philip Cayting; Chao Cheng; Yong Cheng; Kathryn Gardner; Ladeana W. Hillier; Judith Janette; Lixia Jiang; Dionna Kasper; Trupti Kawli; Pouya Kheradpour; Anshul Kundaje; Jingyi Jessica Li; Lijia Ma; Wei Niu; E. Jay Rehm; Joel Rozowsky; Matthew Slattery; Rebecca Spokony; Robert Terrell; Dionne Vafeados; Daifeng Wang; Peter Weisdepp; Yi Chieh Wu; Dan Xie; Koon Kiu Yan; Elise A. Feingold; Peter J. Good; Michael J. Pazin; Haiyan Huang; Peter J. Bickel; Steven E. Brenner; Valerie Reinke; Robert H. Waterston; Mark Gerstein; Kevin P. White; Manolis Kellis; Michael Snyder, Comparative analysis of regulatory information and circuits across distant species. Nature, 2014.08.28, 512: 453-456. 13. Rivas-Astroza, Marcelo(*); Xie, Dan; Cao, Xiaoyi; Zhong, Sheng(#), Mapping personal functional data to personal functional data to personal genomes. Bioinformatics, 2011.12.15,27(24): 3427-3429.标签: 四川大学 生物治疗国家重点实验室
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