2023-05-12 13:29
  • 王柯
  • 王柯 - 教授、博导-四川大学-高分子科学与工程学院-个人资料







Sirui Fu, Nan Li, Ke Wang*, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu. Reduction of graphene oxide with the presence of polypropylene micro-latex for facile preparation of polypropylene-graphene nanosheet composites. Colloid Polym. Sci. 2015, DOI 10.1007/s00396-015-3526-7.\r
Juan-juan Su,Cheng-zhen Geng,Ke Wang*, Guang-hui Yang, Qiang Fu.Comparison of the toughening behavior for poly(ethylene terephthalate) with spherulitic or ellipsoid elastomer-particles.J. Polym. Res. 2014, 21: 450 (1-12).\r
Ke Wang*, Nan Li, Kun Ren, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*. Exploring interfacial enhancement in polystyrene/multiwalled carbon nanotube monofilament induced by stretching. Compos. Part A 2014, 61: 84-90.\r
Meng Wu, Zhiqiang Wu, Ke Wang*, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*. Simultaneous the thermodynamics favorable compatibility and morphology to achieve excellent comprehensive mechanics in PLA/OBC blend. Polymer 2014, 55(24): 6409-6417.\r
Nan Li, Ke Wang*, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu. Preparation of polypropylene-graphite nanocomposite with the aids of rotating solid-state mixing and dynamic packing injection molding. Polym. Compos. 2014, 35(10): 1943-1951.\r
Juan-juan Su, Yu-han Li,Ke Wang*, Qiang Fu. Brittle-ductile transition behavior of poly(ethylene terephthalate)/poly(ethylene-octene) blend: the roles of compatibility and test temperature. J. Mater. Sci. 2014; 49(4): 1794-1804.\r
Ke Wang, Feng Chen, Zhongming Li, Qiang Fu*.Control of the hierarchical structure of polymer articles via “structuring” processing. Prog.Polym.Sci.2014, 39: 891-920.\r
Juan-juan Su, Fang Peng, Xiang Gao, Guang-hui Yang, Qiang Fu, Ke Wang*. Superior toughness obtained via tuning the compatibility of poly(ethylene terephthalate)/poly(ethylene–octene) blends. Mater. Des. 2014; 53: 673-680.\r
Songjia Han, Kun Ren, Chengzhen Geng, Ke Wang*, Qin Zhang, Feng Chen, Qiang Fu*.Enhanced interfacial adhesion via interfacial crystallization between sisal fiber and isotactic polypropylene: direct evidence from single-fiber fragmentation testing. Polym. Int. 2014, 63(4): 646-651.\r
Juan-juan Su, Guang-hui Yang, Tian-nan Zhou, Xiang Gao, Ke Wang*, Qiang Fu*. Enhanced crystallization behaviors of poly (ethylene terephthalate) via adding expanded graphite and poly(ethylene glycol). Colloid Polym. Sci. 2013, 291(4): 911-917.\r
Nan Li, Wei Cheng, Kun Ren, Feng Luo, Ke Wang*, Qiang Fu*.Oscillatory shear-accelerated exfoliation of graphite in polypropylene melt during injection molding. Chinese J. Polym. Sci.2013; 31: 98-109.\r
Feng Luo, Chenlong Xu, Nanying Ning, Ke Wang*, Hua Deng, Feng Chen, Qiang Fu*. Combined effect of β-nucleating agent and processing melt temperature on the toughness of impact polypropylene copolymer.Polym. Int. 2013; 62: 172-178.\r
Feng Luo, Yanling Zhu, Ke Wang*, Hua Deng, Feng Chen, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*.Enhancement of b-Nucleated Crystallization in Polypropylene Random Copolymer via Adding Isotactic Polypropylene. Polymer2012; 53: 4861-4870.\r
Feng Luo, Chenlong Xu, Ke Wang*, Hua Deng, Feng Chen, Qiang Fu*. Exploring temperature dependence of the toughening behavior of b-nucleated impact polypropylene copolymer. Polymer 2012;53: 1783-1790.\r
Xi Fan, Zhicheng Wang, Ke Wang*, Hua Deng, Feng Chen, and Qiang Fu*. Unusual Rheological Characteristics of Polypropylene/Organoclay Nanocomposites in Continuous Cooling Process.J. Appl. Polym. Sci.2012; 125, E292-E297.\r
Feng Luo, Li Chen, Nanying Ning, Ke Wang*, Feng Chen, Qiang Fu*. Interfacial Enhancement of Maleated Polypropylene/Silica Composites Using Graphene Oxide. J. Appl. Polym. Sci.2012; 125, E348-E357.\r
NanZhang, Qin Zhang, Ke Wang*, Hua Deng, Qiang Fu*. Combined effect of b-nucleating agent and multi-walled carbon nanotubes on polymorphic composition and morphology of isotactic polypropylene.J. Therm. Anal. Calorim.2012;107 (2): 733-743.\r
Nanying Ning, Sirui Fu, Wei Zhang, Feng Chen, Ke Wang*, Hua Deng, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*. Realizing the enhancement of interfacial interaction in semicrystalline polymer/filler composites via interfacial crystallization. Prog.Polym.Sci.2012;37: 1425-1455.\r
Xi Fan, Zhicheng Wang, Ke Wang*, Hua Deng, Feng Chen, Qiang Fu*. Acid-Modified Carbon Nanotubes Distribution and Mechanical Enhancement in Polystyrene/Elastomer Blends. Polym. Eng. Sci. 2012;52: 964-971.\r
Jinghui Yang, Jianchuan Wang, Qin Zhang, Feng Chen, Hua Deng, Ke Wang*, Qiang Fu*. Cooperative Effect of Shear and Nanoclay on The Formation of polar Phase in Poly (vinylidene fluoride) and The Resultant Properties. Polymer 2011;52: 4970-4978.

