2023-05-12 13:23
  • 王启光
  • 王启光 - 副研究员-四川大学-生物材料工程研究中心-个人资料




2001-2004年 新加坡淡马锡理工学院,生物医学信息工程,本科 2004年 新加坡科学院国立GIS基因组研究所,实习研究员 2005年 英国利物浦大学,医学工程,杰出硕士 2009年 英国基尔大学,生物医学组织工程/细胞生物学,博士 2009-2010年 英国基尔大学医学科技研究所,博士后研究员 2010-2013年 英国谢菲尔德大学医学院骨科研究中心,博士后研究员 2013-2015年 英国曼彻斯特大学医学院组织损伤与修复中心,高级研究员 2016年-至今 四川大学生物材料工程中心,特聘副研究员


1. 组织工程化骨和软骨组织再生,2. 骨和软骨生物学及病理研究,3. 组织工程化生物反应器,4. P2X7嘌呤受体与骨/软骨疾病的关联


1. N Kuiper*, QG Wang*, S Cartmell, A perfusion co-culture bioreactor for osteochondral tissue engineered plugs, J. Biomater. Tissue Eng. 4, pp. 162-171. 2. QG Wang, B Nguyen, C Thomas, Z Zhang, A El Haj and N Kuiper, Molecular profiling of single cells in response to mechanical force: comparison of chondrocytes, chondrons and encapsulated chondrocytes, Biomaterials. 31, pp. 1619?1625. 3. QG Wang, N Hughes, N Kuiper, S Cartmell, The composition of hydrogels for cartilage tissue engineering can influence glycosaminoglycan profiles, Eur. Cell. Mater. 19, pp. 86-95. 4. QG Wang, S Monhanty, B Bellantuono, A Gartland, Tibila plateau bone surface roughness ? a potential new early marker to detect arthritis? Osteoporos Int 23, Suppl 5, pp521-611. 5. QG Wang, J Magnay, B Nguyen, C Thomas, Z Zhang, A El Haj and N Kuiper, Gene expression profiles of dynamically compressed single chondrocytes and chondrons, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 379, pp. 738?742. 6. QG Wang, A El Haj and N Kuiper, Glycosaminoglycans in the pericellular matrix of chondrons and chondrocytes, J. Anat. 213, pp. 266?273. 7. V Nguyen, QG Wang, N Kuiper, A El Haj, C Thomas, Z Zhang, Biomechanical properties of single chondrocytes and chondrons determined by micromanipulation and finite element modelling, J. R. Soc. Interface, 2010, 7: 1723-1733 8. V Nguyen, QG Wang, N Kuiper, A El Haj, C Thomas, Z Zhang, Strain-dependent viscoelastic behaviour and rupture force of single chondrocytes and chondrons under compression, Biotechnol. Lett. 31, pp. 803?809 9. R Dey, X Zhong, P Youle, QG Wang, I Wimpenny, S Downes, J Hoyland, et al., Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(vinylphosphonic acid-co-acrylic acid) Copolymers for Application in Bone Tissue Scaffolds, Macromolecules, 2016, 49, pp 2656?2662 10. A Giuliani, D Colognesi, T Ricco, C Roncato, M Capece, F Amoroso, QG Wang, D Machi, A Gartland, F Virgilio, E Adinolfi, Trophic activity of human P2X7 receptor isoforms A and B in osteosarcoma, PloS ONE, 9, pp.9: e107224

