教育经历 2008-2013四川大学生物材料工程研究中心高分子化学与物理专业理学博士学位 2004-2008中北大学化工与环境学院化学工程系工学学士学位 工作经历 2015.07――至今四川大学生物材料工程研究中心副研究员 2013.07――2015.06 四川大学生物材料工程研究中心助理研究员 现担任国家生物医学材料工程技术研究中心硕士研究生党支部支部书记,2014级研究生班主任。主要学术兼职包括中国生物材料学会会员,国际杂志J Mater Chem, Int J Nanomed, Mol Pharm, J BioactCompatPolym等审稿人。研究领域
1. Yani Cui, Junhui Sui, Mengmeng He, ZhiyiXu, Yong Sun*, Jie Liang, Yujiang Fan*, and Xingdong Zhang. Reduction-degradable polymeric micelles decorated with parg for improving anticancer drug delivery efficacy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2016;8(3):2193−2203. 2.ShaoquanBian, Mengmeng He, Junhui Sui, HanxuCai, Yong Sun*, Jie Liang, Yujiang Fan*, and Xingdong Zhang. The self-crosslinking smart hyaluronic acid hydrogels as injectable three-dimensional scaffolds for cells culture.Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2016; (140): 392?402. 3. Huanan Li, Yani Cui, Junhui Sui, ShaoquanBian, Yong Sun*, Jie Liang, Yujiang Fan*, and Xingdong Zhang. Efficient delivery of DOX to nuclei of hepatic carcinoma cells in subcutaneous tumor model using pH-sensitive pullulan-DOX conjugates. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2015;7(29):15855-15865. 4. Yong Sun, Yaning Wang, Yani Cui, Wen Zou, Yanfei Tan, Jie Liang, Yujiang Fan*, Xingdong Zhang. DOX-encapsulated intelligent PAA-g-PEG/PEG?Fa polymeric micelles for intensifying antitumor therapeutic effect via active-targeted tumor accumulation.Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2015;3(27):5478-5489. 5. Huanan Li, Yong Sun, Jie Liang, Yujiang Fan*, and Xingdong Zhang. pH-Sensitive Pullulan-DOX Conjugate Nanoparticles for Co-loading PDTC to Suppress Growth and Chemoresistance of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2015; 3(41):8070-8078. (Cover Page) 6. Taiming Yuan, Yaning Wang, Wanxu Cao, Yong Sun*, Jie Liang, Yujiang Fan* and Xingdong Zhang.Reducible cationic PAA-g-PEI polymeric micelle/DNA complexes for enhanced gene delivery.Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers. 2014;2014:1-16. 7. Yihang Huang, Jun Liu, Yani Cui, Huanan Li, Yong Sun*, Yujiang Fan*, and Xingdong Zhang.Reduction-Triggered Breakable Micelles of Amphiphilic Polyamide Amine-g-Polyethylene Glycol for Methotrexate Delivery.BioMed Research International. 2014;2014:1-11. 8. Yong Sun, Yihang Huang, ShaoquanBian, Jie Liang, Yujiang Fan*, Xingdong Zhang. Reduction-degradable PEG-b-PAA-b-PEG triblock copolymer micelles incorporated with MTX for cancer chemotherapy. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2013;112: 197-203. 9. Yong Sun, Wen Zou, ShaoquanBian, Yihang Huang, Yanfei Tan, Jie Liang, Yujiang Fan*, Xingdong Zhang. Bioreducible PAA-g-PEG graft micelles with high doxorubicin loading for targeted antitumor effect against mouse breast carcinoma. Biomaterials. 2013;34(28),6818-6828. 10. Yong Sun, Xiaoli Yan, Taiming Yuan, Jie Liang, Yujiang Fan*, Xingdong Zhang. Disassemblable micelles based on reduction-degradable amphiphilic graft copolymers for intracellular delivery of doxorubicin. Biomaterials. 2010;31,7124-7131.标签: 四川大学 生物材料工程研究中心
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