2020年06月博士毕业于四川大学化学学院,攻读博士学位期间曾在美国University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign访学两年,2020年07月加入四川大学华西基础医学与法医学院法医毒(药)物分析教研室,目前主要研究方向为毒物小型化检测分析。近年来以第一或共同第一作者在 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,Anal. Chem.,Environ. Sci. Technol. 等国际权威SCI期刊发表论文6余篇。主持四川大学引进人才基金项目,曾参与2项国家自然科学基金课题。目前负责法医毒物分析、远离毒品部分课程,多次协助指导硕士研究生、本科生大创及本科生毕业设计,协助指导的学生获得国家级大学生创新创业计划。主张培养学生独立思考能力,帮助学生掌握更多实用的实验技能。研究领域
1)Y. Lin, Z. Yang, R. Lake, C. Zheng*, Y. Lu*, Enzyme-mediated endogenous and bioorthogonal control of a DNAzyme fluorescent sensor for imaging metal ions in living cells,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(Nature Index, IF=12.257), 2019, 58, 17061.2) S. Xing#,Y. Lin#(共同一作), L. Cai, P. Basa, A. Shigemoto, C. Zheng, F. Zhang*, S. Burdette*, Y. Lu*, Detection and quantification of tightly bound Zn2+ in the blood serum using a photocaged chelator and a DNAzyme fluorescent sensor, Anal. Chem.(Nature Index, IF=6.35),2021, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c001403) Y. Lin, L. B. He, T. Chen, D. Zhou, L. Wu, X. Hou, C. Zheng*. Cost-effective and environmentally friendly synthesis of 3D Ni2P from scrap nickel for highly efficient hydrogen evolution in both acidic and alkaline media,J. Mater. Chem. A(IF=10.733), 2018, 6, 4088.4) Y. Lin, Y. Yang, Y. Li, L. Yang, X. Hou, X. Feng, C. Zheng*, Ultrasensitive speciation analysis of mercury in rice by headspace solid phase microextraction using porous carbons and gas chromatography-dielectric barrier discharge optical emission spectrometry,Environ. Sci. Technol.(Nature Index, IF=7.149), 2016, 50, 2468.5) Y. Lin, L. Wu, K. Xu, Y. Tian, X. Hou, C. Zheng*, In situ synthesis of porous carbons by using room-temperature, atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge plasma as high-performance adsorbents for solid-phase microextraction, Chem. Eur. J.(IF=5.16), 2015, 21, 13618.6) A. Leng#,Y. Lin#(共同一作), Y. Tian, L. Wu, X. Jiang, X. Hou, C. Zheng*, Pump- and valve-free flow injection capillary liquid electrode discharge optical emission spectrometry coupled to a droplet array platform,Anal. Chem.(Nature Index, IF=6.35), 2016, 89, 1, 703.标签: 四川大学 华西基础医学与法医学院
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