黄荣夫,特聘研究员,四川大学双百人才。本硕博毕业于厦门大学,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学博士后。回国前担任阿尔伯塔大学土木与环境工程系(环境专业的ARMU世界排名8)副研究员,2019年9月加入四川大学建筑与环境学院。主要从事水环境与水资源工程的科研与教学工作,研究领域主要包括复杂环境污染物分析,油气工业水污染与处理,高级氧化等方面的基础与应用研究。领导或参与了多项加拿大自然科学与工程基金重点支持项目,总经费超过1500万加元。发表相关SCI论文40余篇。获得中国分析测试协会CAIA科技进步一等奖。已发表论文Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rongfu_HuangGoogle Scholar: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=NKCTkvAAAAAJ&hl=en研究领域
1- Huang, R.; Wang, C.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; Fang, Z.; Shi, Q.; Xu, C.; Gamal El-Din, M., Ferrate oxidation of distinct naphthenic acids species isolated from process water of unconventional petroleum production. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 672, 906-915. (JCR一区TOP期刊)2- Huang, R.; Chen, Y.; Meshref, M. N. A.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; Dong, S.; Ibrahim, M. D.; Wang, C.; Klamerth, N.; Hughes, S. A.; Headley, J. V.; Peru, K. M.; Brown, C.; Mahaffey A.; Gamal El-Din, M., Characterization and determination of naphthenic acids in oil sands process-affected water and groundwater from the Alberta oil sands region of Canada. Water Research 2018, 128, 129-137. (JCR一区TOP期刊, Nature Index期刊)3- Huang, R.; Chen, Y.; Gamal El-Din, M., Silver-ion Solid Phase Extraction Separation of Classical, Aromatic, Oxidized, and Heteroatomic Naphthenic Acids from Oil Sands Process-Affected Water. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50 (12), 6433-41. (JCR一区TOP期刊, Nature Index期刊)4- Huang, R.; Chen, Y.; Meshref, M. N. A.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; Dong, S.; Ibrahim, M. D.; Wang, C.; Klamerth, N.; Hughes, S. A.; Headley, J. V.; Peru, K. M.; Brown, C.; Mahaffey A.; Gamal El-Din, M., Monitoring of classical, oxidized, and heteroatomic naphthenic acids species in oil sands process water and groundwater from the active oil sands operation area. Science of the Total Environment 2018, 645, 277-285. (JCR一区TOP期刊)5- Huang, R.; McPhedran, K. N.; Gamal El-Din, M., Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Ion Mobility Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Characterization of Naphthenic Acids Species from Oil Sands Process-Affected Water. Environmental Science & Technology 2015, 49, (19), 11737-11745. (JCR一区TOP期刊, Nature Index期刊)6- Huang, R.; Wang, W.; Qian, Y.; Boyd, J. M.; Zhao, Y.; Li, X.-F., Ultra Pressure Liquid Chromatography - Negative Electrospray Ionization Determination of Twelve Halobenzoquinones at ng/L levels in Drinking Water. Analytical Chemistry 2013, 85, (9), 4520-4529. (JCR一区TOP期刊, Nature Index期刊)7- Huang, R.; Zhang, B.; Zou, D.; Hang, W.; He, J.; Huang, B., Elemental imaging via laser ionization orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 2011, 83, (3), 1102-1107. (JCR一区TOP期刊, Nature Index期刊)8- Huang, R.; Lin, Y.; Li, L.; Hang, W.; He, J.; Huang, B., Two-dimensional separation in laser ionization orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 2010, 82, (7), 3077-3080. (JCR一区TOP期刊, Nature Index期刊)9- Huang, R.; Yu, Q.; Li, L.; Lin, Y.; Hang, W.; He, J.; Huang, B., High irradiance laser ionization orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometry: a versatile tool for solid analysis. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 2011, 30, (6), 1256-68. (JCR一区TOP期刊)10- Fang, Z.#; Huang, R.#; Chelme-Ayala, P.; Shi, Q.; Xu, C.; Gamal El-Din, M., Comparison of UV/Persulfate and UV/H2O2 for the removal of naphthenic acids and acute toxicity towards Vibrio fischeri from petroleum production process water. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 694, 133686. (共同一作, JCR一区TOP期刊)11- Huang, R.; Qin, R.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; Wang, C.; Gamal El-Din, M., Assessment of ozonation reactivity for oxidized and aromatic naphthenic acids species separated using a silver-ion solid phase extraction method. Chemosphere 2019, 219, 313-320. (JCR一区TOP期刊)12- Huang, R.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; Zhang, Y.; Changalov, M.; Gamal El-Din, M., Investigation of dissociation constants for total and individual naphthenic acids species using ultra performance liquid chromatography ion mobility time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis. Chemosphere 2017, 184, 738-746. (IF2019=5.108, 中科院2区,TOP期刊)13- Huang, R.; McPhedran, K. N.; Sun, N.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; Gamal El-Din, M., Investigation of the impact of organic solvent type and solution pH on the extraction efficiency of naphthenic acids from oil sands process-affected water. Chemosphere 2016, 146, 472-477. (JCR一区TOP期刊)14- Huang, R.; McPhedran, K. N.; Yang, L.; Gamal El-Din, M., Characterization and distribution of metal and nonmetal elements in the Alberta oil sands region of Canada. Chemosphere 2016, 147, 218-229. (JCR一区TOP期刊)15- Huang, R.; Sun, N.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; McPhedran, K. N.; Changalov, M.; Gamal El-Din, M., Fractionation of oil sands process-affected water using pH-dependent extractions: A study of dissociation constants for naphthenic acids species. Chemosphere 2015, 127, 291-296. (JCR一区TOP期刊)16- Hughes, S. A.#; Huang, R.#; Mahaffey A.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; Klamerth, N.; Meshref, M. N. A.; Ibrahim, M. D.; Brown, C.; Peru, K. M.; Headley, J. V.; Gamal El-Din, M., Comparison of methods for determination of total oil sands-derived naphthenic acids in water samples. Chemosphere 2017, 187, 376-384. (共同一作, JCR一区TOP期刊)担任Water Res.,Environ. Int.,Anal. Chem.,Sci. Total Environ.,Energ. Fuel.,Chemosphere等10余个主流期刊审稿人,担任Chin. Chem. Lett.青年编委 相关热点
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