2023-05-12 12:43
  • 傅强
  • 傅强 - 教授 博导-四川大学-高分子科学与工程学院-个人资料




傅强,教授,博士生导师,1993年获四川大学高分子材料加工专业博士学位。1995.1-1997.12美国阿克隆大学博士后,1999.8-2000.9德国Freiburg大学洪堡学者,1999年获国家杰出青年基金。现任四川大学高分子科学与工程学院院长,四川省学术和技术带头人,中国化学会纤维素专业委员会主任,中国塑料加工协会副理事长;2010被国务院授予全国先进工作者(全国劳动模范)荣誉称号,2011年国家创新群体学术带头人。国际期刊Polymer副主编,国际期刊Composites Science and Technology 的国际编委,国内期刊高分子学报,高等学校化学学报(中英文版)、功能高分子学报等杂志编委,亚洲聚合物加工学会AWPP执行委员会委员




Li Zhu, Xin Zhou, Yuhang Liu, and Qiang Fu*, Highly Sensitive, Ultra-Stretchable Strain Sensors Prepared by Pumping Hybrid Fillers of Carbon Nanotubes /Cellulose Nanocrystalinto Electrospun Polyurethane Membranes, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2019, 11 (13), pp 12968–12977\r
Xiang Zhang, Kai Wu, Yuhang Liu, Bowen Yu, Qin Zhang, Feng Chen∗, Qiang Fu∗,Preparation of Highly Thermally Conductive but Electrically Insulating Composites by Constructing a Segregated Double Network in Polymer Composites,Composites Science and Technology,2019,175, 135-142\r
Kunkun Zhu#, Hu Tu#, Pengcheng Yang, Cuibo Qiu, Donghui Zhang, Ang Lu*, Longbo Luo, Feng Chen, Xiangyang Liu, Lingyun Chen, Qiang Fu*, Lina Zhang*, Mechanically Strong Chitin Fibers with Nanofibril Structure, Biocompatibility and Biodegradability, Chem. Mater., 2019, 31 (6), pp 2078–2087 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b05183\r
Lingyu Wu, Kai Wu, Chuxin Lei, Dingyao Liu, Rongni Du, Feng Chen and Qiang Fu, Surface Modifications of Boron Nitride Nanosheets for Poly(vinylidene Fluoride) Based Film Capacitor: Artful Virtue of Edge-Hydroxylation, J.Mater. Chem. A, 2019,7, 7664-7674 DOI:10.1039/C9TA00616H\r
Wenjing Ji, Hua Deng∗∗, Chengxiao Sun, Qiang Fu∗, Nickel hydroxide as novel filler for high energy density dielectric polymer composites , Composites Science and Technology 172 (2019) 117–124\r
HuixianZhang, Hongwei Bai, Shihao Deng, Zhenwei Liu, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu∗, Achieving all-polylactidefibers with significantly enhanced heat resistance and tensile strength via in situ formation of nanofibrilized stereocomplex polylactide, Polymer, 2019, 16.13-20\r
Shihao Deng, Hongwei Bai,* Zhenwei Liu, Qin Zhang, and Qiang Fu*, Toward supertough and heat-resistant stereocomplex-typepolylactide/elastomer blends with impressive melt stability viainsitu formation of graft copolymer during one-pot reactive meltblending, Macromolecules, 2019,52,1718-1730\r
Zhenwei Liu, Meirui Fu, Fangwei Ling, Guopeng Sui, Hongwei Bai*, Qin Zhang,Qiang Fu*, Stereocomplex-type polylactide with bimodal meltingtemperature distribution: toward desirable melt-processability andthermomechanical performance, Polymer, 2019, 169, 21-28\r
Yuhang Liu, Xunen Wu, Yuxin Tian, Xiaoyao Zhou, BowenYu, Qin Zhang, Rongni Du, QiangFu*, Feng Chen*, Largely Enhanced Oxidationof Graphite Flakes via Ammonium Persulfate Assisted Gas Expansion for thePreparation of Graphene Oxide Sheets, Carbon, 2019,146, 618-626\r
Guopeng Sui, Ke Wang, Shuman Xu, Zhenwei Liu, Qin Zhang, Rongni Du, Qiang Fu∗, The combined effect of reactive and high-shear extrusion on the phase morphologies and properties of PLA/OBC/EGMA ternary blends, Polymer, 2019, 169, 66-73\r
Cuibo Qiu,Kunkun Zhu,Weixing Yang,Yi Wang,Lina Zhang*, Feng Chen*, and Qiang Fu*. Super Strong All-Cellulose Composite Filaments by Combination of Inducing Nanofiber Formation and Adding Nanofibrillated Cellulose. Biomacromolecules, 2018, 19, 4386−4395.\r
Weixing Yang,Yu Zhang,Tianyu Liu,Rui Huang,Songgang Chai,Feng Chen*, and Qiang Fu*. Completely Green Approach for the Preparation of Strong and Highly Conductive Graphene Composite Film by Using Nanocellulose as Dispersing Agent and Mechanical Compression. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng, 2017, 5, 10, 9102-9113.\r
Sirui Fu,Bowen Yu,Wei Tang,Mao Fan,Feng Chen*,Qiang Fu*. Mechanical properties of polypropylene composites reinforced by hydrolyzed and microfibrillated Kevlar fibers. Composites Science and Technology. 2018, 163, 141-150.\r
Lingyu Wu, Kai Wu, Dingyao Liu, Rui Huang, Jinlei Huo, Feng Chen* and Qiang Fu*,Largely enhanced energy storage density of poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites based on surface hydroxylation of boron nitride nanosheets. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 7573.\r
Shuman Xu, Dingyao Liu, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*. Electric field-induced alignment of nanofibrillated cellulose in thermoplastic polyurethane matrix. Comp. Sci. Tech. 2017.12.017\r
Xin Zhou, Li Zhu, Li Fan, Hua Deng*, and Qiang Fu*.Fabrication of Highly Stretchable, Washable, Wearable, Water-Repellent Strain Sensors with Multi-Stimuli Sensing Ability. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018 10 (37), 31655-31663\r
Kai Wu,† Ping Liao,† Rongni Du, Qin Zhang, Feng Chen* and Qiang Fu*. Preparation of a thermally conductive biodegradable cellulose nanofiber/hydroxylated boron nitride nanosheet film: the critical role of edge-hydroxylation. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 11863–11873\r
Yuan Wei, Xiaodong Qi, Shiwen He, Shihao Deng, Dingyao Liu, and Qiang Fu*. Gradient Polydopamine Coating: A Simple and General Strategy toward Multishape Memory Effects. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 38, 32922-32934\r
Yuhang Liu, Jie Zeng, Di Han, Kai Wu, Bowen Yu, Songgang Chai, Feng Chen*, Qiang Fu*. Graphene enhanced flexible expanded graphite film with high electric, thermal conductivities and EMI shielding at low content. Carbon 133 (2018) 435-445\r
Yuhang Liu, Kaiyi Zhang, Yanling Mo, Li Zhu, Bowen Yu, Feng Chen** ,Qiang Fu*. Hydrated aramid nanofiber network enhanced flexible expanded graphite films towards high EMI shielding and thermal properties. Composites Science and Technology 168 (2018) 28–37\r

