2023-05-12 12:39
  • 丁雪琴
  • 丁雪琴 - 助理研究员 博士-四川大学-分析测试中心-个人资料




2015/01 - 2017/12,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,81400218,细胞核内低氧诱导因子转录活性的调节机制研究,23万元,主持
2014/01 - 2016/12,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,81300107,铜调节HIF-1转录调控特异性的作用机制,23万,第一主研
2013/01- 2018/12,国家自然科学基金委重点基金项目,8123004,线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶在心肌组织损伤与修复中的作用,280万,第三主研
2013/01- 2015/12,四川省科技厅支撑项目,2013SZ0048,新药开发及规模化生产关键技术研究创新药研发-肝癌及口腔癌生物标志物的筛选及研究,100万,第二主研
2010/01 - 2011/12,四川省科技厅基础研究项目,肝移植供体脂肪肝能量代谢与肝功能的相关性前期研究,2010JY007,6万,第二主研
2010/11 – 2013/11,广东省佛山市科技局项目,佛山市高分子材料分析检测中心项目,10H0995,110万,第二主研




1、Ding Xueqin, Xie Huiqi, Kang Y.James, The significance of copper chelators in clinical and experimental application,Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry,2011, 22, 301-310
2、Ke Liang#,Ding Xueqin.#, Lin Chen, Kang Y.James, Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α dependent nuclear entry of factor inhibiting HIF-1,Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2015, 1:1 - 6
3、Li Qifeng#,Ding Xueqin#,Kang Y.James, Copper promotion of angiogenesis in isolated rat aortic ring: role of vascular endothelial growth factor.Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry,2014, 25: 44 - 49
4、Qiu Liying#,Ding Xueqin#,Zhang Zheng., Kang Y.James,Copper is required for cobalt-induced transcriptional activity of hypoxia-inducible factor-1.The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics,2012, 342: 561 - 567
5、Dong Daoyin, Wang Biao, Yin Wen,Ding Xueqin, Yu Jingjing, Kang Y. James, Disturbance of copper homeostasis is a mechanism for homocysteine-induced vascular endothelial cell injury,PLoS One, 2013, 8: e76209.
6、Jiang Yang, Sun Chengjun,Ding Xueqin, Yuan Ding, Chen Kefei, Gao Bo, Chen Yi, Sun Aimin, Simultaneous determination of adenine nucleotides, creatine phosphate and creatine in rat liver by high performance liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry,Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis,2012, 66: 258 - 263
7、Gao Bo, Xie Mingsheng, Sun Aimin, Hu Xiaolei,Ding Xueqin, Liu Xiaohua, Lin Lili, Feng Xiaoming, Probing the Mechanism of the Asymmetric Aminolysis of meso-Epoxides Catalyzed by a Proline-based N,N’-dioxide-Indium Tris(triflate) Complex,Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis,2012, 354, 1509 - 1518
二、 会议论文
1、Ding X.Q., Wang Y.M, Xun T, Quan H, Chen J.X., Kang Y.James. Prepatation of human acellular amniotic membrane for use in skin wound healing,2015 International Experimental Biology and Medicine Conference, Chengdu, China, 2015, 10,10~12,Poster
2、Ding X.Q, Liang K, Sun L.H, Zhang W.J, Kang Y.James. Copper proteins involved in hypoxia inducible factoe-1 transcriptional activity regulation through factor inhibiting HIF-1,2015 International Experimental Biology and Medicine Conference, Chengdu, China, 2015,10.10~12,Poster
3、Qiu L.Y#,Ding X.Q#,Zhang Z., Xie H.Q, Kang Y. J,Copper is required for cobalt-induced transcriptional activity of hypoxia-inducible factor-1,14thinternational symposium on trace elements in man and animals, Enshi, China, 2011.9.19 ~ 24, Poster
4、Ge Y,Ding X.Q, Wang T, Fan M.R, Xie H.Q, Kang Y.J, Copper chelation reduces HIF-1a accumulation induced by dimethyloxallylglycine in human umbilical endothelial cells,14thinternational symposium on trace elements in man and animals, Enshi, China, 2011.9.19 ~ 24, Poster
5、Han P.F,Ding X.Q, Zhang X.Y, Wang H.G, Sun X.R, Fan S.Z, Cai, Y, Kang Y.James. Improve recovery of failing heart after ischemic infarction by cardiac-specific copper supplementation,2015 International Experimental Biology and Medicine Conference, Chengdu, China, 2015,10.10 ~12, Poster
6、Luo Z.H, Fu C.Y,Ding X.Q, Kang Y. James. Synthetic Crystallographic and Cytotoxicity Study of Copper (II) complexes of Trientine (TETA) Ligands,2015 International Experimental Biology and Medicine Conference, Chengdu, China, 2015,10.10 ~12, Poster

