教育经历时间 单位 学位1987.9-1991.7 北京大学数学系 学士1991.9-1996.5 四川大学数学系 硕士1996.9-2001.5 美国威斯康星大学数学系 博士工作经历时间 单位 职务2001.6-2004.5 麻省理工学院 Moore Instructor2004.6-至今 四川大学数学学院 副院长科研项目编号 项目名称11431001 辛拓扑与规范场中的几何不变量11521061 几何拓扑中的模空间理论11526207 数学物理交叉融合平台II11221101 几何拓扑中的模空间理论11426233 数学物理交叉融合平台I11071173 弦论中的相对理论10631050 与弦论相关的几何不变量2006CB805905 理论物理中的若干数学问题学术荣誉2011-2013 新世纪优秀人才计划(教育部)研究领域
Gluing Principle for Orbifold Stratified Spaces.Ruan cohomologies of the compactifications of resolved orbifold conifoldsHamiltonian Gromov–Witten invariants onℂn+1 with S1-action.Corrigendum to “A regularity theorem of the Abreu equation”[J. Math. Anal. Appl. 431 (2015) 169–185].A regularity theorem of the Abreu equation.A quantum modification of relative cohomologyA quantum modification of relative Chen-Ruan cohomologyUniform K-stability for extremal metrics on toric varietiesRuan’s conjecture on singular symplectic flops of mixed typeInterior estimates for the n-dimensional Abreuʼs equationA new gluing recursive relation for linear Sigma model ofℙ1-orbifoldInterior regularity on the Abreu equationThe Abreu equation with degenerated boundary conditionsSmoothness on bubble tree compactified instanton moduli spacesVirtual manifolds and localizationSingular symplectic flops and Ruan cohomologyA deRham model for Chen-Ruan cohomology ring of Abelian orbifoldsA smooth compactification of moduli space of instantons and its applicationA two-step Monge-Ampère procedure for solving a fourth order PDE for affine hypersurfaces with constant curvature.A class of nonlinear second-order elliptic equations related to spacelike hypersurfaces in Minkowski spaces. 相关热点
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