教育背景\r1984.03 日本信州大学毕业,工学学士\r1986.03 日本信州大学硕士毕业,工学硕士\r1989.03 日本东京大学博士毕业,工学博士\r\r工作履历\r1989.06—1991.03 日本松下电器产业公司情报通信东京研究所 博士后\r1991.04—1992.03 日本ORIX系统公司 工程师\r1992.04—1992.12 清华大学精密仪器与机械学系 讲师\r1992.12—1999.07 清华大学精密仪器与机械学系 副研究员\r1997.10—1998.03 日本名古屋大学 特别研究员\r1999.07—2012.12 清华大学精密仪器与机械学系 研究员\r2007.08 Univ. of Minnesota 合作访问学者\r2013.01—今 清华大学精密仪器系 研究员/长聘教授\r\r学术兼职\r中国微米纳米技术学会常务理事\r中国仪器仪表学会微纳器件与系统技术分会常务理事\r全国微机电技术标准化技术委员会委员\r中国仪器仪表学会标准化工作委员会委员研究领域
2022\r\rZeyuan Cao, Zibo Wu, Rong Ding, Shiwen Wang, Yao Chu, Jiani Xu, Junchi Teng, Xiongying Ye*, A compact triboelectric nanogenerator with ultrahigh output energy density of 177.8 J m-3 via retarding air breakdown, Nano Energy 93 (2022) 106891.\r\rShuai Zhang, Yue Wang, Chaoqiang Yang, Junwen Zhu, Xiongying Ye* and Wenhui Wang*, On-chip circulating tumor cells isolation based on membrane filtration and immuno-magnetic bead clump capture, Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering 5 (2022) 013003.\r\r2021\r\rRong Ding, Zeyuan Cao, Zibo Wu, Haitong Xing and Xiongying Ye*, All-in-One high output rotary electrostatic nanogenerators based on charge pumping and voltage multiplying, ACS Nano 15 (2021) 16861–16869.\r\rZibo Wu, Zeyuan Cao, Rong Ding, Shiwen Wang, Yao Chu and Xiongying Ye*, An electrostatic-electromagnetic hybrid generator with largely enhanced energy conversion efficiency, Nano Energy 89 (2021) 106425.\r\rZibo Wu, Shiwen Wang, Zeyuan Cao, Rong Ding and Xiongying Ye*, Rotary disk multi-phase freestanding-electret generator with enhanced power and low ripple output, Nano Energy, 83, 105787 (2021)\r\rZeyuan Cao, Yao Chu, Shiwen Wang and Xiongying Ye*, Theoretical analysis of sensor properties of contact-separation mode nanogenerator-based sensors, Nano Energy, 79, 105450 (2021)\r\rYao Chu, Zeyuan Cao, Jingke Xu, Jinli Zhou, Shiwen Wang, Ruixing Han, Rui Feng, Xiongying Ye, Fei Tang*, Theoretical study of nanogenerator with resistive load and its sensing performance as a motion sensor, Nano Energy 81 (2021) 105628\r\r2020\r\rMingzhao Bi, Zibo Wu, Shiwen Wang, Zeyuan Cao, Yino Cheng, Xiangyu Ma and Xiongying Ye*, Optimization of structural parameters for rotary freestanding-electret generators and wind energy harvesting, Nano Energy, 75, 104968 (2020)\r\rZibo Wu, Mingzhao Bi, Zeyuan Cao, Shiwen Wang and Xiongying Ye*, Largely enhanced electrostatic generator based on a bipolar electret charged by patterned contact micro-discharge and optimized substrates, Nano Energy 71, 104602 (2020)\r\rShuai Zhang, Zengshuai Ma, Yushu Zhang, Yue Wang, Yinuo Cheng, Wenhui Wang* and Xiongying Ye*,On-chip immuno-agglutination assay based on a dynamic magnetic bead clump and a sheath-less flow cytometry, Biomicrofluidics, 13, 044102 (2019)\r\rRuitao Liu, Xiongying Ye, and Tianhong Cui*, Recent Progress of Biomarker Detection Sensors. Research, 2020, 7949037. https://doi.org/10.34133/2020/7949037\r\r2019\r\rZeyuan Cao, Shiwen Wang, Mingzhao Bi, Zibo Wu, Xiongying Ye*, Largely enhancing the output power and charging efficiency of electret generators using position-based auto-switch and passive power management module, Nano Energy 66, 104202 (2019)\r\rShiwen Wang, Mingzhao Bi, Zeyuan Cao, Xiongying Ye*, Linear freestanding electret generator for harvesting swinging motion energy: Optimization and experiment, Nano Energy 65, 104013 (2019)\r\rShuai Zhang, Zengshuai Ma, Yushu Zhang, Yue Wang, Yinuo Cheng, Wenhui Wang* and Xiongying Ye*,On-chip immuno-agglutination assay based on a dynamic magnetic bead clump and a sheath-less flow cytometry, Biomicrofluidics, 13, 044102 (2019), doi: 10.1063/1.5093766\r\r2017\r\rMingzhao Bi, Shiwen Wang, Xiaofeng Wang, Xiongying Ye*, Freestanding-electret rotary generator at an average conversion efficiency of 56%: theoretical and experimental studies, Nano Energy, Vol. 41, pp.434-442 (2017)\r\rYinuo Cheng, Yue Wang, Zhiyuan Wang, Liang Huang, Mingzhao Bi, Wenxiao Xu, Wenhui Wang* and Xiongying Ye*, A mechanical cell disruption microfluidic platform based an on-chip micropump. Biomicrofluidics, 2017, 11(2):024112.\r\r叶雄英,徐文晓,谢帅,张帅,成一诺,面向航天医学应用的体液预处理仪器研制,光学精密工程,Vol.25, No.8, pp.2083-2089, 2017\r\rLiang Huang, Shengtai Bian, Yinuo Cheng, Guanya Shi, Peng Liu, Xiongying Ye, and Wenhui Wang*. Microfluidics cell sample preparation for analysis: Advances in efficient cell enrichment and precise single cell capture. Biomicrofluidics, 2017, 11(1):011501.\r\r2016\r\rYinuo Cheng, Yue Wang, Zengshuai Ma, Wenhui Wang* and Xiongying Ye*, Bubble- and clogging-free microfluidic particle separation platform with multi-filtration, Lab on a chip, Vol.16(23), pp.4517–4526 (2016)\r\rYuanfang Shang, Xiongying Ye*, Liangcai Cao*, Pengfei Song, Jinyang Feng, Coaxial Dual-wavelength Interferometric Method for a Thermal Infrared Focal-plane-array with Integrated Gratings, Scientific Reports, 6:25993 (2016)\r\rYinuo Cheng, Xiongying Ye*, Zengshuai Ma, Shuai Xie, and Wenhui Wang, High-throughput and clogging-free microfluidic filtration platform for on-chip cell separation from undiluted whole blood, Biomicrofluidics Vol.10, No.1, p.014118 (2016)\r\rZengshuai Ma1,#, Yunhao Zheng2,#, Yinuo Cheng1, Shuai Xie1 , Xiongying Ye1,* , and Maosheng Yao2,*, Development of an Integrated Microfluidic Electrostatic Sampler for Bioaerosol, Journal of Aerosol Science Vol. 95, pp.84–94 (2016)\r\r2015\r\rZengshuai Ma, Pan Zhang, Yinuo Cheng, Shuai Xie, Shuai Zhang, and Xiongying Ye*, Homogeneous agglutination assay based on micro-chip sheathless flow cytometry,Biomicrofluidics Vol.9, No.6, p.066501 (2015)\r\rMin Wang, Xiongying Ye*, Xian Wan, Yitao Liu and Xuming Xie, Bright-white polystyrene microsphere film as a diffuse back reflector for solar cells, Materials Letters, Vol.148, pp.122–125 (2015)\r\r2014\r\rYuanfang Shang, Xiongying Ye*, Jinyang Feng, Huaiyu Zhou, Yang Wang, Fabrication and characterization of a polymer/metal bimorph microcantilever for ultrasensitive thermal sensing, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 14, No.4, pp.1304-1311 (2014)\r\rZhifeng Wang and Xiongying Ye*, An investigation on piezoresistive behavior of carbon nanotube/polymer composites: II. 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