2023-05-12 12:00
  • 叶雄英
  • 叶雄英 - 教授-清华大学-机械工程学院-个人资料




1984.03 日本信州大学毕业,工学学士\r
1986.03 日本信州大学硕士毕业,工学硕士\r
1989.03 日本东京大学博士毕业,工学博士\r
1989.06—1991.03 日本松下电器产业公司情报通信东京研究所 博士后\r
1991.04—1992.03 日本ORIX系统公司 工程师\r
1992.04—1992.12 清华大学精密仪器与机械学系 讲师\r
1992.12—1999.07 清华大学精密仪器与机械学系 副研究员\r
1997.10—1998.03 日本名古屋大学 特别研究员\r
1999.07—2012.12 清华大学精密仪器与机械学系 研究员\r
2007.08 Univ. of Minnesota 合作访问学者\r
2013.01—今 清华大学精密仪器系 研究员/长聘教授\r




Zeyuan Cao, Zibo Wu, Rong Ding, Shiwen Wang, Yao Chu, Jiani Xu, Junchi Teng, Xiongying Ye*, A compact triboelectric nanogenerator with ultrahigh output energy density of 177.8 J m-3 via retarding air breakdown, Nano Energy 93 (2022) 106891.\r
Shuai Zhang, Yue Wang, Chaoqiang Yang, Junwen Zhu, Xiongying Ye* and Wenhui Wang*, On-chip circulating tumor cells isolation based on membrane filtration and immuno-magnetic bead clump capture, Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering 5 (2022) 013003.\r
Rong Ding, Zeyuan Cao, Zibo Wu, Haitong Xing and Xiongying Ye*, All-in-One high output rotary electrostatic nanogenerators based on charge pumping and voltage multiplying, ACS Nano 15 (2021) 16861–16869.\r
Zibo Wu, Zeyuan Cao, Rong Ding, Shiwen Wang, Yao Chu and Xiongying Ye*, An electrostatic-electromagnetic hybrid generator with largely enhanced energy conversion efficiency, Nano Energy 89 (2021) 106425.\r
Zibo Wu, Shiwen Wang, Zeyuan Cao, Rong Ding and Xiongying Ye*, Rotary disk multi-phase freestanding-electret generator with enhanced power and low ripple output, Nano Energy, 83, 105787 (2021)\r
Zeyuan Cao, Yao Chu, Shiwen Wang and Xiongying Ye*, Theoretical analysis of sensor properties of contact-separation mode nanogenerator-based sensors, Nano Energy, 79, 105450 (2021)\r
Yao Chu, Zeyuan Cao, Jingke Xu, Jinli Zhou, Shiwen Wang, Ruixing Han, Rui Feng, Xiongying Ye, Fei Tang*, Theoretical study of nanogenerator with resistive load and its sensing performance as a motion sensor, Nano Energy 81 (2021) 105628\r
Mingzhao Bi, Zibo Wu, Shiwen Wang, Zeyuan Cao, Yino Cheng, Xiangyu Ma and Xiongying Ye*, Optimization of structural parameters for rotary freestanding-electret generators and wind energy harvesting, Nano Energy, 75, 104968 (2020)\r
Zibo Wu, Mingzhao Bi, Zeyuan Cao, Shiwen Wang and Xiongying Ye*, Largely enhanced electrostatic generator based on a bipolar electret charged by patterned contact micro-discharge and optimized substrates, Nano Energy 71, 104602 (2020)\r
Shuai Zhang, Zengshuai Ma, Yushu Zhang, Yue Wang, Yinuo Cheng, Wenhui Wang* and Xiongying Ye*,On-chip immuno-agglutination assay based on a dynamic magnetic bead clump and a sheath-less flow cytometry, Biomicrofluidics, 13, 044102 (2019)\r
Ruitao Liu, Xiongying Ye, and Tianhong Cui*, Recent Progress of Biomarker Detection Sensors. Research, 2020, 7949037. https://doi.org/10.34133/2020/7949037\r
Zeyuan Cao, Shiwen Wang, Mingzhao Bi, Zibo Wu, Xiongying Ye*, Largely enhancing the output power and charging efficiency of electret generators using position-based auto-switch and passive power management module, Nano Energy 66, 104202 (2019)\r
Shiwen Wang, Mingzhao Bi, Zeyuan Cao, Xiongying Ye*, Linear freestanding electret generator for harvesting swinging motion energy: Optimization and experiment, Nano Energy 65, 104013 (2019)\r
Shuai Zhang, Zengshuai Ma, Yushu Zhang, Yue Wang, Yinuo Cheng, Wenhui Wang* and Xiongying Ye*,On-chip immuno-agglutination assay based on a dynamic magnetic bead clump and a sheath-less flow cytometry, Biomicrofluidics, 13, 044102 (2019), doi: 10.1063/1.5093766\r
Mingzhao Bi, Shiwen Wang, Xiaofeng Wang, Xiongying Ye*, Freestanding-electret rotary generator at an average conversion efficiency of 56%: theoretical and experimental studies, Nano Energy, Vol. 41, pp.434-442 (2017)\r
Yinuo Cheng, Yue Wang, Zhiyuan Wang, Liang Huang, Mingzhao Bi, Wenxiao Xu, Wenhui Wang* and Xiongying Ye*, A mechanical cell disruption microfluidic platform based an on-chip micropump. Biomicrofluidics, 2017, 11(2):024112.\r
叶雄英,徐文晓,谢帅,张帅,成一诺,面向航天医学应用的体液预处理仪器研制,光学精密工程,Vol.25, No.8, pp.2083-2089, 2017\r
Liang Huang, Shengtai Bian, Yinuo Cheng, Guanya Shi, Peng Liu, Xiongying Ye, and Wenhui Wang*. Microfluidics cell sample preparation for analysis: Advances in efficient cell enrichment and precise single cell capture. Biomicrofluidics, 2017, 11(1):011501.\r
Yinuo Cheng, Yue Wang, Zengshuai Ma, Wenhui Wang* and Xiongying Ye*, Bubble- and clogging-free microfluidic particle separation platform with multi-filtration, Lab on a chip, Vol.16(23), pp.4517–4526 (2016)\r
Yuanfang Shang, Xiongying Ye*, Liangcai Cao*, Pengfei Song, Jinyang Feng, Coaxial Dual-wavelength Interferometric Method for a Thermal Infrared Focal-plane-array with Integrated Gratings, Scientific Reports, 6:25993 (2016)\r
Yinuo Cheng, Xiongying Ye*, Zengshuai Ma, Shuai Xie, and Wenhui Wang, High-throughput and clogging-free microfluidic filtration platform for on-chip cell separation from undiluted whole blood, Biomicrofluidics Vol.10, No.1, p.014118 (2016)\r
Zengshuai Ma1,#, Yunhao Zheng2,#, Yinuo Cheng1, Shuai Xie1 , Xiongying Ye1,* , and Maosheng Yao2,*, Development of an Integrated Microfluidic Electrostatic Sampler for Bioaerosol, Journal of Aerosol Science Vol. 95, pp.84–94 (2016)\r
Zengshuai Ma, Pan Zhang, Yinuo Cheng, Shuai Xie, Shuai Zhang, and Xiongying Ye*, Homogeneous agglutination assay based on micro-chip sheathless flow cytometry,Biomicrofluidics Vol.9, No.6, p.066501 (2015)\r
Min Wang, Xiongying Ye*, Xian Wan, Yitao Liu and Xuming Xie, Bright-white polystyrene microsphere film as a diffuse back reflector for solar cells, Materials Letters, Vol.148, pp.122–125 (2015)\r
Yuanfang Shang, Xiongying Ye*, Jinyang Feng, Huaiyu Zhou, Yang Wang, Fabrication and characterization of a polymer/metal bimorph microcantilever for ultrasensitive thermal sensing, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 14, No.4, pp.1304-1311 (2014)\r
Zhifeng Wang and Xiongying Ye*, An investigation on piezoresistive behavior of carbon nanotube/polymer composites: II. Positive piezoresistive effect, Nanotechnology Vol.25, No.28, 285502 (2014)\r
叶雄英,李子尚,冯金扬,马增帅,基于二氧化硅溅射的PMMA和PDMS亲水改性,光学精密工程,Vol.22, No.8, pp.2096-2102, 2014\r
王敏,薛旭峰,叶雄英,表面无序亚微米结构高效扩散膜,光学精密工程,Vol.22, No.11, pp.2937-2944, 2014\r
Min Wang, Xiongying Ye*, and Jinyang Feng, Fabrication of length-controlled polymer nanopillars using poly(dimethylsiloxane) filled anodized aluminum oxide templates, IET Micro & Nano Letters, Vol. 8, Iss. 10, pp. 713–717 (2013)\r
Jin-yang FENG, Xiong-ying YE*, Yuan-fang SHANG, Kang WU, Feng CHEN, Integrated Dual-grating Inteferometric Detection with Polymer Microbeams for Bio-chemical Sensing in Liquid Environment, IET Micro & Nano Letters, Vol. 8, Iss. 10, pp. 629–632 (2013)\r
马增帅,叶雄英*,商院芳,杜敏,疏水网覆盖的开放微管道中液体输运特性研究,光学精密工程, Vol. 21 (8): 286-292 (2013)\r
ZhifengWang and Xiongying Ye*, A numerical investigation on piezoresistive behaviour of carbon nanotube/polymer composites: mechanism and optimizing principle, Nanotechnology Vol.24, No.26, 265704 (2013)\r
YuanFang SHANG, XiongYing YE*, JinYang FENG, Theoretical analysis and simulation of thermoelastic deformation of bimorph microbeams, SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, Vol.56, No.7, pp. 1715–1722 (2013)\r
Min DU, ZengShuai MA, XiongYing YE*, ZhaoYing ZHOU, On-chip fast mixing by a rotary peristaltic micropump with a single structural layer, SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, Vol.56, No.4, pp.1047–1054 (2013)\r
Litao Liu, Zhifeng Wang, Jinyang Feng and Xiongying Ye*, Benzene Sensors Based on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Networks Decorated with Metal Nanoclusters, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol.13, No.2, pp.989-992 (2013)\r
Jinyang Feng, Feng Chen, Yuanfang Shang, Xiongying Ye, An alignment method for lift-off on shallow grooves in transparent substrates, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 503, pp 447-450 (2012)\r
Min Du, Zhengmao Lu, Xiongying Ye, Experimental study on a small flux, high pressure peristaltic micropump,Key Engineering Materials Vol. 503, pp 354-358, (2012)\r
Liang Zhu, Yanying Feng, Xiongying Ye, Jinyang Feng, Yanbin Wu and Zhaoying Zhou, An ELISA chip based on EWOD droplet platform, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 26, No.12-17, pp.2113-2124 (2012)\r
冯金扬,叶雄英,陈烽,商院芳,集成双光栅干涉微梁位移测量方法,光学精密工程,2012 Vol. 20 (8): 1747-1753\r
杜敏,叶雄英,冯金扬,马增帅,周兆英,一种基于微流控芯片的生物样品循环給样富集方法,分析化学,2012, 40 (11): pp 1668-1673\r
陈烽, 叶雄英, 伍康, 冯金扬,双波长集成光栅干涉微位移测量方法,光学精密工程,2012 Vol. 20 (11): 2433-2438

