教育与工作经历\r2014.12- 现在 \t教授,清华大学化学工程系\r2010.10- 2011.11 \t访问学者,美国特拉华大学化学工程系,合作教授(陈经广教授)\r2009.12- 现在 \t博士生导师,清华大学化学工程系\r2007.8 - 2014.12 副教授,清华大学化学工程系\r2006.7 - 2007.8 清华大学化工系,讲师\r2004.7 - 2006.6 清华大学化工系,博士后。合作导师:王金福教授\r1999.9 - 2004.6 工学博士,化学工程专业,清华大学化工系,导师:金涌院士,王金福教授授\r1994.9 - 1999.7 清华大学化工系,化学工程专业学士学位,自动化与计算机技术专业第二学位\r1996.9 - 1999.7 工学学士第二学位,自动化与计算机技术专业,清华大学自动化系系\r\r主要学术任职\r2017年~至今 中国化工学会过程模拟及仿真专业委员会副秘书长\r2016年~至今 中国化工学会精细化工专业委员会委员\r2020年~至今 中国化工学会混合与搅拌专业委员会委员\r2014年~至今 全国煤化工标准化技术委员会煤制学品分技术委员会委员\r2014年~至今 高校化学工程学报编委\r\r学术荣誉与奖励\r2020 科技部中青年科技创新领军人才\r2020 侯德榜化工科技创新奖\r2017 中国石油和化学工业联合会青年科技突出贡献奖\r2014 侯德榜化工科技青年奖\r2012 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划\r2009 北京市科技新星计划\r2008 清华大学优秀博士后\r2006 全国优秀博士学位论文\r2017 高纯晶体硅绿色生产关键技术自主创新与产业化,中国有色金属工业科学技术一等奖\r2013 浆态床反应器基础研究与工业应用,中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖(第1完成人)\r2012 30万吨/年天然气乙炔法制醋酸乙烯成套技术开发,中国石油化工集团公司科技进步一等奖\r2008 1万吨/年·列天然气制乙炔成套技术开发,中国石油化工集团公司科技进步一等奖研究领域
Liu B, Huang N, Wang Y, Lan X, Wang T. Promotion of inorganic phosphorus on Rh catalysts in styrene hydroformylation: Geometric and electronic effects, ACS Catalysis, 2021: 11: 1787-1796.\r\rLan XC, Wang TF*, Highly Selective Catalysts for the Hydrogenation of Unsaturated Aldehydes: A Review, ACS Catalysis, 2020, 10: 2764-2790. (ESI 高被引)\r\rWang HJ, Lan XC, Wang SQ, Ali B, Wang TF*, Selective hydrogenation of 2-pentenal using highly dispersed Pt catalysts supported on ZnSnAl mixed metal oxides derived from layered double hydroxides, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2020, 10: 1106-1116\r\rZhang HH, Sayyar A, Wang YL, Wang TF*, Generality of the CFD-PBM coupled model for bubble column simulation, Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 219: 115514, DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2020.115514.\r\rLan XC, Xue KZ, Wang TF*, Combined synergetic and steric effects for highly selective hydrogenation of unsaturated aldehyde, Journal of Catalysis, 2019, 372: 49-60.\r\rJia P, Lan XC, Li XD, Wang TF*, Highly selective hydrogenation of furfural to cyclopentanone over a NiFe bimetallic catalyst in a methanol/water solution with a solvent effect, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7: 15221-15229.\r\rLan XC, Huang N, Wang JF, Wang TF*, A general and facile strategy for precisely controlling the crystal size of monodispersed metal-organic frameworks via separating the nucleation and growth, Chemical Communications, 2018, 54: 584-587. (Cover)\r\rWang HJ, Li XD, Lan XC, Wang TF*, Supported ultrane NiCo bimetallic alloy nanoparticles derived from bimetal-organic frameworks: a highly active catalyst for furfuryl alcohol hydrogenation, ACS Catalysis, 2018, 8: 2121-2128.\r\rLi XD, Yan BH, Yao SY, Kattel S, Chen JG*, Wang TF*, Oxidative dehydrogenation and dry reforming of n-butane with CO2 over NiFe bimetallic catalysts, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 231: 213-223.\r\rJia P, Lan XC, Li XD, Wang TF*, Highly active and selective NiFe/SiO2 bimetallic catalyst with optimized solvent effect for the liquid-phase hydrogenation of furfural to furfuryl alcohol, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6: 13287-13295.\r\rYang GY, Zhang HH, Luo JJ, Wang TF*, Drag force of bubble swarms and numerical simulations of a bubble column with a CFD-PBM coupled model, Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 192: 714-724.\r\rGuo KY, Wang TF*, Liu YF, Wang JF, CFD-PBM simulations of a bubble column with different liquid properties, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 329: 116-127.\r\rYang GY, Guo KY, Wang TF*, Numerical simulation of the bubble column at elevated pressure with a CFD-PBM coupled model, Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 170: 251-262.\r\rLiu F, Wang TF*, Zheng YY, Wang JF, Synergistic effect of Bronsted and Lewis acid sites for the synthesis of polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers over highly efficient SO42-/TiO2 catalysts, Journal of Catalysis, 2017, 355: 17-25.\r\rChang K, Wang TF*, Chen JG*, Hydrogenation of CO2 to methanol over CuCeTiOx catalysts, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 206: 704-711.\r\rLi XD, Jia P, Wang TF*, Furfural: a promising platform compound for sustainable production of C4 and C5 Chemicals, ACS Catalysis, 2016, 6: 7621-7640. (ESI 高被引)\r\rZhang Q, Liu YF, Chen TW, Yu XY, Wang JF, Wang TF*, Simulations of methane partial oxidation by CFD coupled with detailed chemistry at industrial operating conditions, Chemical Engineering Science, 2016, 142: 126-136.\r\rLi XD, Wan WM, Kattel S, Chen JG*, Wang TF*, Selective hydrogenation of biomass-derived 2(5H)-furanone over Pt-Ni and Pt-Co bimetallic catalysts: From model surfaces to supported catalysts, Journal of Catalysis, 2016, 344: 148-156.\r\rLi XD, Lan XC, Wang TF*, Highly selective catalytic conversion of furfural to gamma-butyrolactone, Green Chemistry, 2016, 18: 638-642. (Back cover)\r\rXing CT, Wang TF*, Guo KY, Wang JF, A unified theoretical model for breakup of bubbles and droplets in turbulent flows, AIChE Journal, 2015, 61: 1391-1403. 相关热点
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