教育: \r美国哈佛大学(Harvard University) 物理系博士 (1987年);\r美国哈佛大学(Harvard University) 物理系硕士 (1983年);\r北方交通大学应用数学物理系物理师资班工学学士(1982年)。\r\r工作经历:\r清华大学物理系教授 (2002.5-);\rVisiting Scientist, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics,\rThe University of Chicago (2002-);\rVisiting Professor, National Astronomical Observatories,\rChinese Academy of Sciences (2001-);\rSenior Research Associate,\rDepartment of Astronomy and Astrophysics,\rThe University of Chicago (2001);\rVisiting Professor, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics,\rAcademia Sinica (ASIAA), Taiwan (1999-2000);\rResearch Scientist, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics,\rThe University of Chicago (1995-2001);\rVisiting Scientist, International Space Science\rInstitute (ISSI), Bern, Switzerland (1998 summer);\rResearch Associate, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics,\rThe University of Chicago (1991-1995);\rResearch Assistant Professor, Geophysical Institute,\rUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks (1989-1991);\rPostdoctoral Fellow,\rAdvanced Study Program and High Altitude Observatory,\rNational Center for Atmospheric Research(1987-1989);\rVisiting Scientist, Institut fur Theoretische Astrophysik\rder Universitat Heidelberg (1986, 1988).研究领域
流体和磁流体理论天体物理: Theoretical and computational investigations of solar, space, magnetospheric, stellar, galactic, pulsar and galaxy cluster astrophysical fluid dynamics and relativistic magnetohydrodynamics.""近期论文
中文译校\r\r The Facts on File SPACE AND ASTRONOMY Handbook by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr., 2004年6月,光明日报出版社。 Solar and Space Physics:\r\r“Standing Magnetohydrodynamic Wave Modes in a Viscous, Gravitationally Stratified Cylindrical Plasma\ 相关热点
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