2023-05-12 11:42
  • 李琦
  • 李琦 - 副研究员-清华大学-深圳国际研究生院-个人资料




2014/09-至今 清华大学深圳研究生院 副研究员 2013/03-2014/08 苏黎世联邦理工学院 计算机系 科学专家 2012/02-2013/01 美国德州大学圣安东尼奥分校博士后研究员 2009/11-2010/06 香港中文大学 研究助理 2008/09-2012/01清华大学计算机科学与技术工学博士学位 (Ph.D.)


研究领域包括互联网与云安全、移动安全和大数据安全。在互联网与云安全方面,重点研究互联网和云中的安全威胁并提出安全增强方案,并针对云访问中的授权问题,在确保租户隐私的前提下设计和实现了细粒度的访问控制模型。在移动安全方面,主要研究Android系统漏洞,研究发现了可导致Android系统提权和拒绝服务的等70多个漏洞,这些漏洞均得到Android安全团队的确认并分配了Bug ID。在大数据安全方面,研究利用机器学习等算法实时检测数据流的异常和攻击事件,并研究机器学习算法本身的安全问题和对抗学习问题,在不泄露用户数据和机器学习模型等隐私信息的前提下实现健壮的机器学习算法。


[1] Qi Li, Xiaoyue Zou, Qun Huang, Jing Zheng, and Patrick P.C. Lee. Dynamic Packet Forwarding Verification in SDN, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, to appear. [2] Songrui Wu, Qi Li, Guoliang Li, Dong Yuan, Xingliang Yuan, Cong Wang. ServeDB: Secure, Verifiable, and Efficient Range Queries on Outsourced Database. To appear in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2019. [3] Yixiao Xu, Tao Wang, Qi Li, Qingyuan Gong, Yang Chen, Yong Jiang. A Multi-tab Website Fingerprinting Attack. To appear in the Proceedings of Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), 2018. [4] Man Zhou, Qian Wang, Jingxiao Yang, Qi Li, Feng Xiao, Zhibo Wang, and Xiaofeng Chen. PatternListener: Cracking Android Pattern Lock Using Acoustic Signals. In the Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Toronto, October 15-19, 2018. [5] Qi Li, Yanyu Chen, Patrick P. C. Lee, Mingwei Xu, and Kui Ren. Security Policy Violations in SDN Data Plane, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 26(4): 1715-1727, 2018. [6] Jie Zhu, Qi Li, Cong Wang, Xingliang Yuan, Qian Wang, and Kui Ren. Enabling Generic, Verifiable, and Secure Data Search on Cloud, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 29(8): 1721-1735, 2018. [7] Jing Zheng, Qi Li, Guofei Gu, Jiahao Cao, David K.Y. Yau, and Jianping Wu. Realtime DDoS Defense Using COTS SDN Switches via Adaptive Correlation Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 13(7): 1838-1853, 2018. [8] Yuan Yang, Mingwei Xu, and Qi Li. Fast Rerouting against Multi-link Failures without Topology Constraint, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 26(1): 384-397, 2018. [9] Yacong Gu, Kun Sun, Purui Su, Qi Li, Yemian Lu, Lingyun Ying, Dengguo Feng, JGRE: An Analysis of JNI Global Reference Exhaustion Vulnerabilities in Android. In the Proceedings of the 47th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Denver, Colorado, June 26-29, 2017. [10] Peng Zhang, Qi Li, and Patrick P. C. Lee, Achieving Content-Oriented Anonymity with CRISP, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE, 14(6): 578-590, 2017. [11] Qi Li, Ravi Sandhu, Xinwen Zhang, Mingwei Xu, Mandatory Content Access Control for Privacy Protection in Information Centric Networks, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE, 14(5): 494-506, 2017. [12] Dong Yuan, Guoliang Li, Qi Li, and Yudian Zheng. Sybil Defense in Crowdsourcing Platforms. In Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Singapore, November 6-10, 2017. [13] Lingguang Lei, Yi He, Kun Sun, Jiwu Jing, Yuewu Wang, Qi Li, and Jian Weng. Vulnerable Implicit Service: A Revisit. In the Proceedings of the 24nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Dallas, Texas, October 30-November 3, 2017. [14] Jun Tang, Yong Cui, Qi Li, Kui Ren, Jiangchuan Liu, Rajkumar Buyya, Ensuring Security and Privacy Preservation for Cloud Data Services, ACM Computing Surveys, ACM, 49(1):1-39, 2016. [15] Qi Li, Xinwen Zhang, Xin Zhang, and Purui Su. Invalidating Idealized BGP Security Proposals and Countermeasures, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE, 12(3):298-311, 2015. [16] Meining Nie, Purui Su, Qi Li, Zhi Wang, Lingyun Ying, Jinlong Hu, and Dengguo Feng. Xede: Practical Exploit Early Detection. In proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID), Kyoto, Japan, November 2-4, 2015. [17] Qi Li, Xinwen Zhang, Qingji Zheng, Ravi Sandhu, and Xiaoming Fu. LIVE: Lightweight Integrity Verification and Content Access Control for Named Data Networking, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE, 10(2):308-320, 2015. [18] Qi Li, Mingwei Xu, Yuan Yang, LixinGao, Yong Cui, and Jianping Wu. Safe and Practical Energy-Efficient Detour Routing in IP Networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE, 22(6):1925-1937, 2014.

