2023-05-12 11:40
  • 卢滇楠
  • 卢滇楠 - 教授-清华大学-化学工程系-个人资料




1996~2000 清华大学化学工程系 本科\r
2000~2006 清华大学化学工程系 博士\r
2005 美国加州大学河滨分校 交换生\r
2006~2008 清华大学化学工程系 博士后\r
2008~2009 清华大学化学工程系 讲师\r
2011~2012 美国普林斯顿大学 访问学者\r
2009~2022 清华大学化学工程系 副教授\r
2022~至今 清华大学化学工程系 教授\r
2017年~至今 中国环境科学学会 会员\r
2016年~至今 中国化学学会 会员\r
2015年~至今 中国金属学会冶金物化分会 委员\r
2006年~至今 美国化学工程师学会 会员\r
2006年~至今 中国化工学会 会员




Yang JL, Hu XY, Kong X, Jia P, Ji DY, Quan D, Wang LL, Wen Q, Lu DN*, Guo W. Photo-induced ultrafast active ion transport through graphene oxide membranes. Nature Communications, 2019. 10. ARTN 1171\r
Xu WN, Fu ZW, Chen G, Wang ZY, Jian YP, Zhang YF, Jiang GQ, Lu DN, Wu JZ, Liu Z, Graphene oxide enabled long-term enzymatic transesterification in an anhydrous gas flux. Nature Communications, 2019. 10. ARTN 2684\r
Zhang QY, Wang X, Li JP, Lu SM, Lu DN*, How pressure affects confine water inside different nanoslits. RSC Advances, 2019. 9(33): p. 19086-19094.\r
Wang LL, Wen Q, Jia P, Jia MJ, Lu DN, Sun XM, Jiang L, Guo W. Light-Driven Active Proton Transport through Photoacid- and Photobase-Doped Janus Graphene Oxide Membranes. Advanced Materials, 2019, ARTN 1903029\r
Lu CL, Li ZP, Ren LW, Su N, Lu DN*, Liu Z. In Situ Oxidation of Cu2O Crystal for Electrochemical Detection of Glucose. Sensors, 2019. 19(13), ARTN 2926\r
Hu XY, Lu DN*, Intensification of chemical separation engineering by nanostructured channels and nanofluidics: From theories to applications. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019. 27(6): p. 1439-1448.\r
Abe S, Ito N, Maity B, Lu CL, Lu DN, Ueno T. Coordination design of cadmium ions at the 4-fold axis channel of the apo-ferritin cage. Dalton Transactions, 2019. 48(26): p. 9759-9764.\r
Hu X, Kong X, Lu DN*, Wu J. A molecular theory for predicting the thermodynamic efficiency of electrokinetic energy conversion in slit nanochannels. J. Chem. Phys. 2018; 148: ArtNo. 084701\r
Chen G, Xu W, Lu DN*, Wu J, Liu Z*. Markov-state model for CO2 binding with carbonic anhydrase under confinement. J. Chem. Phys. 2018; 148: ArtNo. 035101\r
Chen G, Lu DN*, Wu J, Liu Z*. Detachment of HCO3– from the active site of carbonic anhydrase: Molecular dynamics simulation and machine learning. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2018;122:20539-20549\r
Lu Y, Li J, Su N, Lu DN*. The mechanism for siRNA transmembrane assisted by PMAL. Molecules. 2018;23: ArtNo. 1586\r
Du C, Abdullah JJ, Greetham D, Fu D, Yu M, Ren L, Li S, Lu DN*. Valorization of food waste into biofertiliser and its field application. J. Clean. Prod. 2018;187:273-284\r
Lang Z, Qi D, Dong J, Ren L, Zhu Q, Huang W, Liu Y, Lu DN*. Isolation and characterization of a quinclorac-degrading actinobacteria streptomyces sp. strain AH-B and its implication on microecology in contaminated soil. Chemosphere. 2018;199:210-217\r
Xu CR, He SB, Liu YM, Zhang W, Lu DN*. Bioadsorption and biostabilization of cadmium by enterobacter cloacae TU. Chemosphere. 2017;173:622-629\r
Tang LW, Dong JJ, Ren LW, Zhu QF, Huang WW, Liu YM, Lu DN*. Biodegradation of chlorothalonil by enterobacter cloacae TUAH-1. Int. Biodeter. Biodegr. 2017;121:122-130\r
Lin S, Lin KF*, Lu DN*, Liu Z. Preparation of uniform magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles by co-precipitation in a helical module microchannel reactor. J Environ Chem Eng. 2017;5:303-309\r
Kong X, Lu DN*, Wu JZ, Liu Z*. A theoretical study on the morphological phase diagram of supported lipid bilayers. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2017;19:16897-16903\r
Chen G, Kong X, Lu DN*, Wu JZ, Liu Z*. Kinetics of CO2 diffusion in human carbonic anhydrase: A study using molecular dynamics simulations and the markov-state model. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2017;19:11690-11697\r
Tan X, Lu DN, Wang B. Substrate transport pathway inside outward open conformation of emrd: A molecular dynamics simulation study. Mol. Biosyste. 2016;12:2634-2641\r
Li J, Fu J, Huang X, Lu DN*, Wu J*. Predicting hydration free energies of amphetamine-type stimulants with a customized molecular model. J. Phys-Condens. Mat. 2016; 28: ArtNo. 344001.

