2023-05-12 11:40
  • 刘进元
  • 刘进元 - 教授 博导-清华大学-生物信息学教育部重点实验室-个人资料




1992-现在 清华大学 教授 1999-2000 东京大学 访问教授 1994-1995 John Innes Centre 访问教授 1988-1991 北京大学 副教授 1983-1988 东京农工大学 硕士 博士 1978-1982 南京农业大学 学士


1. 植物应答过氧化氢的分子基础2. 棉花纤维细胞快速伸长的分子机制3. 植物定向蛋白质组学研究


1. Tian Li, Xiu-Yun Wu, Hui Li, Jian-Hui Song, Jin-Yuan Liu* (2016) A dual-function transcription factor, AtYY1, is a novel negative regulator of the Arabidopsis ABA response network. Molecular Plant (on line). 2. Yuan Yao, Bing Zhang, Chun-Juan Dong, Ying Du, Lin Jiang and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2015) Comparative proteomics and biochemical studies reveal different molecular events occurring at cotton fiber initiation process between Xu-142 and its fuzzless-lintless mutant. Plos ONE10(2):e0117049. 3. Shi-Xiang Yao , Yu Zhang , YL Chen , HT Deng , Jin-Yuan Liu* (2014) SILARS: An effective stable isotope labeling with ammonium nitrate-15N in rice seedlings for quantitative proteomic analysis. Molecular Plant 7:1697-1700. 4. Bing Zhang, Yi-Wei Yang, Yu Zhang and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2013). A high-confidence reference dataset of differentially expressed proteins in elongating cotton fiber cells. Proteomics13:1159-1163. 5. Bing Zhang and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2013). Mass spectrometric identification of in vivophosphorylation sites of differentially expressed proteins in elongating cotton fiber cells. Plos ONE 8(3): e58758. 6. Shao-Jun Du, Chun-Juan Dong, Ziding Feng, Tong-Fei Lai, Xiong-Ming Du, You-Lu Yuan, Shu-Xun Yu and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2013). Comparative proteomic analysis revealed the differentially expressed proteins correlated with fuzz-fiber initiation in diploid cotton (Gossypium arboretum L.).Journal of Proteomics 82:113-129. 7. Zheng-Ming Wang, Wei Xue, Chun-Juan Dong, Long-Guo Jin, Shao-Min Bian, ChuanWang, Xiu-Yun Wu and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2012) A Comparative miRNAome Analysis Reveals Seven Fiber Initiation-Related and 36 Novel miRNAs in Developing Cotton Ovules. Molecular Plant 5(4): 889-900. 8. Tian Li, Hui Li, Yun-Xiao Zhang and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2011) Identification and analysis of seven H2O2-responsive miRNAs and thirty-two new miRNAs in the seedlings of rice (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica). Nucleic Acids Research, 39(7):2821-2833. 9. Lu Zhou, Saleem A. Bokhari, Chun-Juan Dong, Jin-Yuan Liu* (2011) Comparative proteomics analysis of the root apoplasts of rice seedlings in response to hydrogen peroxide.PLoS ONE 6(2): e16723. doi:10.1371. 10. Chun-Juan Dong, Jin-Yuan Liu* (2010) The Arabidopsis EAR-motif- containing protein RAP2.1 functions as an active transcriptional repressor to keep stress responses under tight control. BMC Plant Biology 10:47. 11. Binglian Zheng, Zhengming Wang, Shengben Li, Bin Yu, Jin-Yuan Liu, and Xuemei Chen (2009) Intergenic transcription by RNA Polymerase II coordinates Pol IV and Pol V in siRNA-Directed Transcriptional Gene Silencing in Arabidopsis. Genes & Development 23: 2850-2860. 12. Xiang-Yuan Wan and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2008) Comparative proteomic analysis reveals an intimate protein network provoked by hydrogen peroxide stress in rice seedling leaves. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 7: 1469-1488. 13. Yi-Wei Yang, Shao-Min Bian, Yuan Yao and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2008) Comparative proteomic analysis provides new insights into the fiber elongating process in cotton. Journal of Proteome Research. 7: 4623–4637. 14. Xueping Wu, Yongsheng Cheng, Jin-Yuan Liu* (2007) Microwave enhanced ink staining for fast and sensitive protein quantitation in proteomic study. Journal of Proteome Research6(1):387-391. 15. Saleem A. Bokhari, Xiang-Yuan Wan, Yi-Wei Yang, Lu Zhou, Wan-Li Tang and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2007) Proteomic response of rice seedling leaves to elevated CO2 levels.Journal of Proteome Research 6: 4624–4633. 16. Ai-Min Wu, Shi-You Lü, Jin-Yuan Liu* (2007) Functional analysis of a cotton glucuronosyltransferase promoter in transgenic tobacco plants. Cell Research 17(2):174-183. 17. Yuan Yao, Yi-Wei Yang and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2006) An efficient protein preparation for proteomic analysis of developing cotton fibers by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.Electrophoresis 27: 4559–4569. 18. Xiao-Dong Yang, Chun-Juan Dong, Jin-Yuan Liu* (2006) A plant mitochondrial phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase: its precise localization and higher enzymatic activity.Plant Mol Biol 62:951-962. 19. Bo Huang, Jin-Yuan Liu* (2006) A cotton dehydration responsive element binding protein functions as a transcriptional repressor of DRE element-mediated gene expression. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 343:1023-1031. 20. Suxia Cui, Fang Huang, Jie Wang, Xiao Ma, Yongsheng Cheng, Jin-Yuan Liu* (2005) A proteomic analysis of cold stress responses in rice seedlings. Proteomics 5: 3162–3172.

