2023-05-12 11:40
  • 刘磊
  • 刘磊 - 副教授-清华大学-机械工程学院-个人资料




2011 哈尔滨工业大学,材料加工工程,博士\r
2007 哈尔滨工业大学,材料加工工程,硕士\r
2005 哈尔滨工业大学, 焊接技术与工程,学士\r
2017.08-至今 清华大学,副教授\r
2017.01-2017.08 清华大学,助理教授\r
2013-2016 清华大学,助理研究员\r
2011-2012 University of Waterloo,博士后\r
2008-2011 University of Waterloo,访问学者,联合培养博士生




D. Shen, M. Xiao, G. Zou, L. Liu*, W.W. Duley Y. Zhou*. Self-Powered Wearable Electronics Based on Moisture Enabled Electricity Generation. Advanced Materials. 2018; 30 1705925 (8pages, cover paper)\r
L. Lin, L. Liu*, K. Musselman, G. Zou, W.W. Duley, N.Y. Zhou*,Plasmonic-Radiation-Enhanced Metal Oxide Nanowire Heterojunctions for Controllable Multilevel Memory. Advanced Functional Materials. 2016, 26(33): 5979-5986(cover paper)\r
L. Lin, G. Zou, L. Liu*, W.W. Duley, Y.N. Zhou*,Plasmonic Engineering of Metal-Oxide Nanowire Heterojunctions in Integrated Nanowire Rectification Units. Applied Physics Letters. 2016, 108(20): 203107.(IF3.1,Editor’s Pick highlight)\r
D. Shen, G. Zou, L. Liu*, W.W. Duley, Y.N. Zhou,Investigation of Splashing Phenomena During the Impact of Molten Sub-Micron Gold Droplets on Solid Surfaces. Soft Matter. 2016, 12:295-301.\r
Z. Zhao, L. Liu*, H.S. Choi, J. Cai, Q. Wang, Y. Wang, G. Zou*. Effect of Nano-Al 2 O 3 Reinforcement on the Microstructure and Reliability of Sn–3.0 Ag–0.5 Cu Solder Joints. Microelectronics Reliability. 2016, 60: 126-134\r
Y. Zhang, G. Zou, L. Liu*, A. Wu, Z. Sun, Y. Zhou. Vacuum Brazing of Alumina to Stainless Steel Using Femtosecond Laser Patterned Periodic Surface Structure. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2016, 662: 178-184.\r
L. Liu*, P. Peng, A. Hu, G. Zou, W. Duley, Y.N. Zhou,Highly Localized Heat Generation by Femtosecond Laser Induced Plasmon Excitation in Ag Nanowires. Applied Physics Letters. 2013, 102(7): 073107\r
D. Montiel, L. Liu, L. Xiao, Y. Zhou, N. Provatas. Microstructure analysis of AZ31 magnesium alloy welds using phase-field models. Acta Materialia, 2012, 60(16): 5925–5932.\r
L. Liu, L. Xiao, S. Esmaieli, J.C. Feng, L.Q. Li and Y. Zhou. Bonding of immiscible Mg and Fe by nano-scale Fe2Al5 layer, Scripta Materialia, 2011, 65:982-985.\r
L. Liu, L. Xiao, J.C. Feng, Y.H. Tian, S.Q. Zhou, and Y. Zhou. The mechanisms of resistance spot welding of magnesium and steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2010, 41(10): 2651-2661.

