教育背景\r1998.03-2001.06 清华大学,环境科学与工程系,辐射防护及环境保护,博士\r1994.09-1997.06 兰州大学,地质系,水文地质与工程地质,硕士\r1990.09-1994.06 兰州大学,地质系,水文地质与工程地质,学士\r\r工作履历\r2013.12-现在 清华大学环境学院,教授\r2005.12-2013.12 清华大学环境学院,副研究员\r2004.03-2005.03 法国国家应用科学学院(里昂)环境与土木工程实验室, 博士后\r2001.08-2005.12 清华大学环境科学与工程系,助理研究员\r\r学术兼职\r北京市集中生物燃气利用工程技术研究中心主任\r国际固体废物工作组(IWWG)科学咨询委员会委员\r“生物质与废物能源化”国际会议共同主席\r《Renewable Energy》“生物质废物”特刊客座编辑\r《环境卫生工程》副主编\r《城市管理与科技》编委\r《中国环保产业》编委\r《Biomass and Waste Valorisation》学术顾问\r《Detritus》学术顾问\rISO TC297工作组专家\r国家城镇环境卫生标准化技术委员会委员\r住建部科学技术委员会城市环境卫生专业委员会委员\r中国环保机械行业协会固体废弃物处理装备专业委员会副主任委员\r中国城市环境卫生协会循环经济产业园区专业委员会副主任委员\r中国城市环境卫生协会卫生填埋及生态修复专委会专家组组长\r中国环境保护产业协会理事\r中国循环经济协会专家\r中国技术市场协会专家\r北京城市管理学会副会长\r\r奖励与荣誉\r1. 科学获奖\r2017 环境保护科学技术奖二等奖(生活垃圾焚烧关键技术与应用),排名第3\r2017 辽宁省科技进步二等奖(城镇污泥高效干化与清洁利用关键技术研究及应用),排名第2\r2016 中国产学研合作创新成果一等奖(生活垃圾填埋场安全稳定运行和节能减排关键技术集成及应用),排名第3 \r2015 教育部科技进步二等奖(生活垃圾填埋场快速稳定化及安全运行关键技术集成及应用),排名第3\r2015 环境保护科学技术一等奖(汶川特大地震灾后环境安全评估及应对措施),排名第14 \r2013 华夏建设科学技术奖二等奖(生活垃圾生物反应器填埋与资源能源回收技术研究与工程示范),排名第1\r2012 云南省科技进步二等奖(云南省利用水泥回转窑处理危险废物技术与示范),排名第9\r2. 教学获奖\r2018 国家级教学成果二等奖,多层次构建全球环境人才培养体系,全方位提升学生国际胜任力,排名第7\r2017 北京市教学成果一等奖,多层次构建全球环境人才培养体系,全方位提升学生国际胜任力,排名第7\r2012 清华大学教学成果奖二等奖(环境学科留学生培养跨越式发展的探索与实践),排名第1\r2006 清华大学教学成果奖一等奖(环境学科新型实践教育体系的探索与实践),排名第5\r2006 清华大学教学成果奖二等奖(全面建设《多孔介质污染物迁移动力学》课程体系),排名第2\r3. 个人荣誉\r2020 清华大学“良师益友”\r2020 清华大学“刘冰奖”\r2016 中国环境科学学会第十一届“优秀环境科技工作者奖”\r2016 清华大学“林枫辅导员奖”\r2013 清华大学优秀党建与思想政治工作者\r2012 北京高校优秀辅导员\r2007 北京市科技新星\r2007 2006年度清华大学先进工作者\r2006 2005年度校优秀班(级)主任一等奖\r2003 中国环境科学学会第四届青年科技奖\r2003 清华大学优秀共产党员研究领域
1. 英文期刊论文:\r\rJunxiao Wei, Huan Li, Jianguo Liu*. Heavy metal pollution in the soil around municipal solid waste incinerators and its health risks in China, Environmental Research, 203(2022):111871\r\rJunxiao Wei, Huan Li, Jianguo Liu*. Fate of dioxins in a municipal solid waste incinerator with state-of-the-art air pollution control devices in China, Environmental Pollution, 209(2021):117798\r\rZhang, Man; Wang, Yaqiong; Liu, Jianguo; Thangamuthu, Madasamy; Yue, Yajun; Yan, Zhongna; Feng, Jingyu; Zhang, Dou; Zhang, Hongtao; Guan, Shaoliang; Titirici, Maria-Magdalena; Abrahams, Isaac; Tang, Junwang; Zhang, Zhen; Dunn, Steve; Yan, Haixue. Facile one-step synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic activity of a WC/ferroelectric nanocomposite. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 22861-22870\r\rNing Wang, Dandan Huang, Chao Zhang, Mingshuai Shao, Qindong Chen, Jianguo Liu, Zhou Deng, Qiyong Xu. Long-term characterization and resource potential evaluation of the digestate from food waste anaerobic digestion plants, Science of The Total Environment 794(9):148785\r\rChao Geng, Tao Ma, Jianguo Liu*. Eco‐environmental benefits analysis of EcoPartnerships Program of production technology of calcium carbonate from lime mud produced by alkaline papermaking. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/ep.13697\r\rXin Kong, Jianan Niu, Wenjing Zhang, Jianguo Liu, Jin Yuan, Houfen Li, Xiuping Yue. Mini art review for zero valent iron application in anaerobic digestion and technical bottlenecks. Science of the Total Environment 791(5):148415\r\rWang Qiao, Luxin Yang, Kai Feng, Huan Li, Zhou Deng, Jianguo Liu. Promote lactic acid production from food waste fermentation using biogas slurry recirculation, Bioresource Technology 337(1):125393\r\rChao Chen, Jianguo Liu*, Chao Gen, Qin Liu, Xuetao Zhu, Wenzhi Qi, Fan Wang. Synthesis of zero-valent iron/biochar by carbothermal reduction from wood waste and iron mud for removing rhodamine B. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-13962-y\r\rJunxiao Wei, Huan Li, Jianguo Liu*. Phase distribution of PCDD/Fs in flue gas from municipal solid waste incinerator with ultra-low emission control in China, Chemosphere, 276(9-11):130166\r\rYili Liu, Jianguo Liu. Mechanism and dynamic evolution of leachate collection system clogging in MSW landfills in China. Waste Management, 120(7):314-321\r\rDayi Zhang, Yunfeng Yang, Miao Li, Yun Lu, Yi Liu, Jingkun Jiang, Ruiping Liu, Jianguo Liu, Xia Huang, Guanghe Li, Jiuhui Qu. Ecological Barrier Deterioration Driven by Human Activities Poses Fatal Threats to Public Health due to Emerging Infectious Diseases. Engineering, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.11.002\r\rWang Qiao, Huan Li, Kai Feng, Jianguo Liu. Oriented Fermentation of Food Waste towards High-Value Products: A Review. Energies, 13(21):5638\r\rMiao Li, Yunfeng Yang, Yun Lu, Dayi Zhang, Yi Liu, Xiaofeng Cui, Lei Yang, Ruiping Liu, Jianguo Liu, Guanghe Li, Jiuhui Qu. Natural Host–Environmental Media–Human: A New Potential Pathway of COVID-19 Outbreak. Engineering, 6(10):1085-1098\r\rYaqiong Wang, Man Zhang, Jianguo Liu, Haibin Zhang, Feng Li, Chiao-Wei Tseng, Bin Yang, Graham C. Smith, Jiwei Zhai, Zhen Zhang, Steve Dunn, HAIXUE Yan. Domain Wall Free Polar Structure Enhanced Photodegradation Activity in Nanoscale Ferroelectric BaxSr1‐xTiO3. Advanced Energy Materials 10(38), DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202001802\r\rXia Yu, Qian Sui, Shuguang Lyu, Wentao Zhao, Jianguo Liu, Zhenxiao Cai, Gang Yu, Damia Barcelo. Municipal solid waste landfills: An underestimated source of PPCPs in the water environment. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c00565\r\rTugui Yuan, Songwei Bian, Jae Hac Ko, Jianguo Liu, Xiaoyu Shi, Qiyong Xu. Exploring the roles of zero-valent iron in two-stage food waste anaerobic digestion. Waste Management, 107, DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.04.004\r\rRaffaello Cossu, Jianguo Liu, Alberto Pivato, Marco Ragazzi. Biomass to biofuels: Challenges and opportunities. Renewable Energy 158(1), DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.04.114\r\rQianqian Yu, Huan Li, Zhou Deng, Xiaocong Liao, Sai Liu, Jianguo Liu. Comparative assessment on two full-scale food waste treatment plants with different anaerobic digestion processes. Journal of Cleaner Production 263:121625, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121625\r\rJianguo Liu*, Shuyao Yu, Yixuan Shang. Toward Separation at Source: Evolution of Municipal Solid Waste Management in China. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2020, 14(2): 36. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11783-020-1232-2\r\rShuyao Yu; Bing Du; Amanjol Baheiduola; Chao Geng, Jianguo Liu*. HCB decontamination combined with heavy metals stabilization in MSWI fly ash by using n-Al/CaO dispersion mixture. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020 (392). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.122510\r\rGuangxia Qi, Yufeng Jia, Wenjie Liu, Yonghong Wei, Bin Du, Yumei Guo, Fang Guo, Yihui Wu, Qiong Zou, Jianguo Liu*. Leaching behavior and potential ecological risk of heavy metals in Southwestern China soils amended by sewage sludge compost under acid precipitation based on lysimeter trials. Chemosphere 2020 (249). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126212\r\rAbdul F. Soomro, Irfan Ahmed Abbasi, Zhe Ni, Li Ying and Jianguo Liu*. Influence of temperature on enhancement of volatile fatty acids fermentation from organic fraction of municipal solid waste: Synergism between food and paper. Bioresource Technology 2020 (304). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2020.122980\r\rChao Geng, Chao Chen, Xianfeng Shi, Shichao Wu, Yufeng Jia, Bing Du, Jianguo Liu*. Recovery of metals from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash and red mud via a co-reduction process. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 2020(15). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.104600\r\rChao Geng, Jianguo Liu*, ShiChao Wu, Yufeng Jia, Bing Du, Shuyao Yu. Novel method for comprehensive utilization of MSWI fly ash through co-reduction with red mud to prepare crude alloy and cleaned slag. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020(384). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.121315\r\rAbdul F. Soomro, Zhe Ni, Li Ying, Jianuo Liu*, The effect of ISR on OFMSW during acidogenic fermentation for the production of AD precursor: kinetics and synergies, RSC Advances, 9 (2019) 18147-18156. https://doi.org/10.1039/C9RA02898F\r\rBing Du, Jiantao Li, Wen Fang, Jianguo Liu*, Comparison of long-term stability under natural ageing between cement solidified and chelator-stabilised MSWI fly ash, Environmental Pollution, 250 (2019) 68-78.\r\rGuangxia Qi, Wei Meng, Jin Zha, Simeng Zhang, Shuyao Yu, Jianguo Liu, Lianhai Ren, A novel insight into the influence of thermal pretreatment temperature on the anaerobic digestion performance of floatable oil-recovered food waste: Intrinsic transformation of materials and microbial response, Bioresour Technol, 293 (2019) 122021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2019.122021\r\rShen Qu, Yuhua Guo, Zijie Ma, Weiqiang Chen, Jianguo Liu, Gang Liu, Yutao Wang, Ming Xu. Implications of China’s foreign waste ban on the global circular economy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 144(2019):252-255.\r\rYuhui Jiang, Yixuan Shang, Shuyao Yu, Jianguo Liu*, Dechlorination of Hexachlorobenzene in Contaminated Soils Using a Nanometallic Al/CaO Dispersion Mixture: Optimization through Response Surface Methodology, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15 (2018). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15050872\r\rBing Du, Jiantao Li, Wen Fang, Yili Liu, Shuyao Yu, Yu Li, Jianguo Liu*, Characterization of naturally aged cement-solidified MSWI fly ash, Waste Manag, 80 (2018) 101-111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2018.08.053\r\rBofeng Cai. Ziyang Lou, Jinnan Wang, Yong Geng, Joseph Sarkis, Jianguo Liu, Qingxian Gao, CH4 mitigation potentials from China landfills and related environmental co-benefits, Science Advances, 04 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aar8400\r\rRaffaello Cossu, Maria Cristina Lavagnolo, Alberto Pivato, Jianguo Liu, Preface to the special issue “biofuel from biowaste”, Renewable Energy, 124 (2018) 1-2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2018.02.127\r\rWen Fang, Guangxia Qi, Yonghong Wei, David S. Kosson, Hans A. van der Sloot, Jianguo Liu*. Leaching characteristic of toxic trace elements in soils amended by sewage sludge compost: A comparison of field and laboratory investigations. Environmental Pollution 237, 244-252, 2018\r\rXin Kong, Shuyao Yu, Wen Fang, Jianguo Liu*, Huan Li. Enhancing Syntrophic Associations among Clostridium butyricum , Syntrophomonas and two types of Methanogen by Zero Valent Iron in an Anaerobic Assay with a High Organic Loading. Bioresource Technology, 257, 181-191, 2018\r\rXin Kong, Shuyao Yu, Shuang Xu, Wen Fang, Jianguo Liu, Huan Li. Effect of Fe0 addition on volatile fatty acids evolution on anaerobic digestion at high organic loading rates. Waste Management, 71: 719-927, 2018\r\rYili Liu, Weixin Sun, Bing Du, Jianguo Liu*. The Physical Clogging of the Landfill Leachate Collection System in China: Based on Filtration Test and Numerical Modelling. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(2): 318-332, 2018\r\rM. Kania, M. Gautier*, Z. Ni, E. Bonjour, R. Guégan, P. Michel, P. Jame, J. Liu, R. Gourdon. Analytical indicators to characterize Particulate Organic Matter (POM) and its evolution in French Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands (VFCWs). Science of the Total Environment, 622–623, 801–813, 2018\r\rZongguo Wen*, Shuhan Hua, Djavan De Clercq, M. Bruce Beck, Hua Zhang, Huanan Zhang, Fan Fei, Jianguo Liu. Design, implementation, and evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) network system for restaurant food waste management. Waste Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.054\r\rZhe Ni, Jianguo Liu*, Mingwu Zhang. Short-term pre-aeration applied to the dry anaerobic digestion of MSW, with a focus on the spectroscopic characteristics of dissolved organic matter. Chemical Engineering Journal, 313: 1222-1232, 2017\r\rWen Fang, Rossane C. Delapp, David S*. Kosson, Hans A. van der Sloot, Jianguo Liu*. Release of heavy metals during long-term land application of sewage sludge compost: percolation leaching tests with repeated additions of compost. Chemosphere, 169: 271-280, 2017\r\rYili Liu, Zhe Ni, Xin Kong, Jianguo Liu*. Greenhouse gas emissions from municipal solid waste with a high organic fraction under different management scenarios, Journal of Cleaner Production, 147: 451-457, 2017\r\rYili Liu, Peixuan Xing, Jianguo Liu*. Environmental Performance Evaluation of Different Municipal Solid Waste Management Scenarios in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 125, 98–106, 2017\r\rYili Liu, Weixin Sun, Jianguo Liu*. Greenhouse gas emissions from municipal solid waste with a high organic fraction under different management scenarios based on carbon and energy flow analysis. Waste Management, 68: 653-661, 2017.\r\rWen Fang, Yonghong Wei, Jianguo Liu*, David S. Kosson, Hans A. van der Sloot, Peng Zhang. Effects of aerobic and anaerobic biological processes on leaching of heavy metals from soil amended with sewage sludge compost. Waste Management, 58: 324-334, 2016\r\rWen Fang, Yonghong Wei, Jianguo Liu*. Comparative characterization of sewage sludge compost and soil: heavy metal leaching characteristics, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 310: 1-10, 2016\r\rZhe Ni, Jianguo Liu*, Francesca Girotto, Raffaello Cossu, Guangxia Qi. Targeted modification of organic components of municipal solid waste by short-term pre-aeration and its enhancement on anaerobic degradation in simulated landfill bioreactors, Bioresource Technology, 216: 250-259, 2016\r\rShuang Xu, Xin Kong, Jianguo Liu*, Guangqi Zhao, Amanjol·Bahdolla. Effects of high-pressure extrusion pretreatment on MSW upgrading and hydrolysis enhancement, Waste Management, 58: 81–89, 2016\r\rXin Kong, Yonghong Wei, Shuang Xu, Jianguo Liu*, Huan Li, Yili Liu, Shuyao Yu. Inhibiting excessive acidification using zero-valent iron in anaerobic digestion of food waste at high organic load rates. Bioresource Technology, 211: 65-71, 2016\r\rXin Kong, Shuang Xu, Jianguo Liu*, Huan Li, Ke Zhao, Liang He. Enhancing anaerobic digestion of high-pressure extruded food waste by inoculum optimization. Journal of Environmental Management, 166: 31-37, 2016\r\rBing Du, Changbo Zhou, Zhigang Dan, Zhiyuan Zhao, Xianjia Peng, Jianguo Liu, Ning Duan. Aging of solidified/stabilized electrolytic manganese solid waste with accelerated carbonation and aging inhibition. Environ Sci Pollut Res., 23: 24195–24204, 2016\r\rBing Du, Zhigang Dan, Changbo Zhou, Tingzheng Guo, Jianguo Liu, Haiyan Zhang, Feifei Shi, Ning Duan. Morphology characteristics and mode of CaO encapsulation during treatment of electrolytic manganese solid waste. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 23: 21861–21871, 2016\r\rZhe Ni, Jianguo Liu*, Mingying Song, Xiaowei Wang, Lianhai Ren, Xin Kong. Characterization of odorous charge and photochemical reactivity of VOC emissions from a full-scale food waste treatment plant in China, Journal of Environmental Science, 29: 34–44, 2015\r\rXin Kong, Jianguo Liu*, Mingying Song, Xiaowei Wang, Zhe Ni, Xiaoqin Nie. Spatial and temporal variability of odorous VOC in a food waste treatment plant using hydrothermal hydrolysis and aerobic fermentation technology, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 17: 626-636, 2015\r\rXin Kong, Jianguo Liu*, Lianhai Ren, Mingying Song, Xiaowei Wang, Zhe Ni, Xiaoqin Nie. Identification and characterization of odorous gas emission from a full-scale food waste anaerobic digestion plant in China, Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 187: 624, 2015\r\rSong Minying, Jianguo Liu*, Xu Shiqin. Characterization and solidification/stabilization of iron-ore sintering gas cleaning residue, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 17(4): 790-797, 2015\r\rBofeng Cai*, Jinnan Wang, Ying Long, Wanxin Li, Jianguo Liu, Zhe Ni, Xin Bo, Dong Li, Jianghao Wang, Xuejing Chen, Qingxian Gao, Lixiao Zhang. Evaluating the impact of odors from the 1955 landfills in China using a bottom-up approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 164: 206-214, 2015\r\rLiu Jianguo*, Nie Xiaoqin, Zeng Xianwei, Su Zhaoj. Long-term leaching behavior of phenol in cement/activated-carbon solidified /stabilized hazardous waste. Journal of Environmental Management, 115: 265-269, 2013\r\rNie Xiaoqin, Liu Jianguo, Yue Dongbei, Zeng Xianwei, Nie Yongfeng. Dechlorination of hexachlorobenzene using lead-iron bimetallic particles. Chemosphere, 90(9): 2403-2407, 2013\r\rJianguo Liu*, Xiaowei Wang, Xiaoqin Nie, Rundong Li, Minying Song. In-situ emission characteristics of odorous gases from two food waste processing plants. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 15: 510-515, 2013\r\rNie Xiaoqin, Jianguo Liu*, Zeng Xianwei, Yue Dongbei. Rapid degradation of hexachlorobenzene by micron Ag/Fe bimetal particles. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 25(3): 473-478, 2013\r\rGuangxia Qi, Dongbei Yue*, Jianguo Liu, Rui Li, Xiaochong Shi, Liang He, Jingting Guo, Haomei Miao, Yongfeng Nie. Impact assessment of intermediate soil cover on landfill stabilization by characterizing landfilled municipal solid waste. Journal of Environmental Management, 128: 259-265, 2013\r\rChengpeng Ling, Qiyou Zhou*, Yuwei Xue, Yuanyuan Zhang, Rui Li, Jianguo Liu. Application of electrical resistivity tomography to evaluate the variation in moisture content of waste during 2 months of degradation. Environmental Earth Sciences, 68: 57-67, 2013\r\rZhang Yuanyuan, Yue Dongbei*, Liu Jianguo, Lu Peng, Wang Ying, Liu Jing, Nie Yongfeng. Release of non-methane organic compounds during simulated landfilling of aerobically pretreated municipal solid waste. Journal of Environmental Management. 101: 54-58, 2012\r\rZhang Yuanyuan, Yue Dongbei*, Liu Jianguo, He Liang, Nie Yongfeng. Effect of organic compositions of aerobically pretreated municipal solid waste on non-methane organic compound emissions during anaerobic degradation. Waste Management. 32: 1116–1121, 2012\r\rJianguo Liu*, Xiaoqin Nie, Xianwei Zeng, Zhaoji Su. Cement-based solidification/stabilization of contaminated soils by nitrobenzene. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 6(3):437-443, 2012\r\rPengfei Du*, Jining Chen, Chao Chen, Yi Liu, Jianguo Liu, Hongtao Wang, Xiaojian Zhang. Environmental risk evaluation to minimize impacts within the area affected by the Wenchuan earthquake. Science of the Total Environment, 419: 12-24, 2012\r\rWei Song, Jianguo Liu*, Yongfeng Nie. Pyrolysis behaviors of oil sludge based on TG/FTIR and PY-GC/MS, Frontiers of Environmrntal Science & Engineering in China, 4(1): 59-64, 2010\r\rZhang Junli, Liu Jianguo, Li Cheng, Jin Yiying, Li Jinhui. Comparison of the fixation effects of heavy metals by cement rotary kiln co-processing and cement based solidification/stabilization. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 165 :1179–1185, 2009\r\rMahar, Rasool B, Liu Jianguo, Li Huan, Nie Yongfeng. Bio-pretreatment of municipal solid waste prior to landfilling and its kinetics. Biodegradation, 20(3): 319-330, 2009\r\rLi Rui, Yue Dongbei*, Liu Jianguo, Nie Yongfeng. Size fractionation of organic matter and heavy metals in raw and treated leachate,Waste Management, 29(9): 2527-2533, 2009\r\rZhang Junli, Liu Jianguo, Li Cheng, Nie Yongfeng, Jin Yiying. Comparison of the fixation of heavy metals in raw material, clinker and mortar using a BCR sequential extraction procedure and NEN7341 test. Cement and Concrete Research, 38(5):675-680, 2008\r\rLiu Jianguo*, SONG Wei, NIE Yongfeng. Effects of Temperature on Pyrolysis Products of Oil Sludge. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China. 2 (1): 8-14, 2008\r\rRasool B. Mahar, Jianguo Liu, Dongbei Yue, Yongfeng Nie. Biodegradation of Organic Matters from Mixed Unshredded Municipal Solid Waste through Air Convection before Landfilling, Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 57: 39-46, 2007\r\rRasool B. Mahar, Jianguo Liu, Dongbei Yue, Yongfeng Nie. Landfilling of Pretreated Mixed Un-Shredded Municipal Solid Waste by Natural Convection of Air and its Effects, Journal Of Environmental Science And Health, 42(3): 35-39, 2007\r\rLIU Feng, LIU Jianguo, YU Qianfeng,Yiying Jin, NIE Yongfeng. Leaching Characteristics of heavy metals in MSWI fly ash, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, 40: 1975-1985, 2005\r\rLIU Feng, LIU Jianguo, YU Qianfeng, NIE Yongfeng. Chemical speciation and mobility of heavy metals in municipal solid waste incinearator fly ash, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 16(6): 885-888, 2004\r\rLIU Jianguo, NIE Yongfeng. Fractal Scaling of Effective Diffusion Coefficient of Solute in Porous Media, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 13(2): 170-172, 2001\r\r2. 中文期刊论文:\r\r尚奕萱, 梁立军, 刘建国*. 发达国家垃圾分类得失及其对中国的镜鉴. 环境卫生工程, 2021, 29(3): 1-11\r\r方文, 黄玉洁, 刘苗苗, 黄蕾, 马宗伟, 刘建国, 毕军. 固体废物全过程精细化环境风险评估框架研究. 环境科学研究, 2021, DOI: 10.13198/j.issn.1001-6929.2021.12.01\r\r刘建国*. 求真务实推动北京垃圾分类高质量可持续发展. 城市管理与科技, 2021(1): 21-22\r\r李天骄, 王涵; 李水坤, 张捷报, 殷铭, 杜昕睿, 黄珺, 周颖君, 孙国芬, 李欢, 刘建国. 深圳市生活垃圾分类系统的物质流变化. 环境卫生工程, 2021(4): 7-13\r\r李欢; 周颖君; 刘建国; 孙国芬. 我国厨余垃圾处理模式的综合比较和优化策略. 环境工程学报, 2021(7): 2398-2408\r\r刘建国*. 擘画\ 相关热点
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- 立花广美 (立花ひろみ H 05-31