2023-05-12 11:37
  • 洪波
  • 洪波 - 教授-清华大学-医学院-个人资料




2001年获得清华大学生物医学工程博士学位,2004-2005年在美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院做访问学者,2005年起在清华大学医学院生物医学工程系任教。现为长聘教授,兼任清华大学人工智能研究院副院长、清华IDG麦戈文脑研究院研究员。曾任IEEE Transactions on BME, Frontiers in Neuroscience等期刊编委。


""We may take it for granted of our ability of speaking and listening in daily communication. Surprisingly, we know very little about the brain mechanism of this magic cycle of speech production and perception. Millions of people are suffering from hearing and communication disorder, hoping for innovative treatment and rehabilitation. In my lab, we are searching for the neural code of sound and speech representation in the brain. Collaborating with neurosurgeons, the speech network of the human brain and its neural code are investigated by using the neural activity from inside the patients’ brain, also known as intracranial EEG. With high temporal resolution of EEG and high spatial resolution of MRI, a picture of speaking and listening brain is emerging from the massive human brain data. Besides building a brain-computer interface for disabled patients, the neural circuits and codes that we are finding will surely be a crucial hint of developing a smarter speech recognition system, like Siri on your cell phone.""""


Liu, D., Xu, X., Li, D., Li, J., Yu, X., Ling, Z. and Hong, B., 2022. Intracranial brain-computer interface spelling using localized visual motion response. NeuroImage, p.119363.\r
Cai F, Wang K, Zhao T, Wang H, Zhou W and Hong B (2022) BrainQuake: An Open-Source Python Toolbox for the Stereoelectroencephalography Spatiotemporal Analysis. Front. Neuroinform. 15:773890. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2021.773890\r
Zhang Y, Ding Y, Huang J, Zhou W, Ling Z, Hong B, Wang X. Hierarchical cortical networks of “voice patches” for processing voices in human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Dec 28;118(52):e2113887118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2113887118. PMID: 34930846.\r
Li Z, Li J, Hong B, Nolte G, Engel AK, Zhang D. Speaker-Listener Neural Coupling Reveals an Adaptive Mechanism for Speech Comprehension in a Noisy Environment. Cereb Cortex. 2021 Aug 26;31(10):4719-4729. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhab118. PMID: 33969389.\r
Guo N, Si X, Zhang Y, Ding Y, Zhou W, Zhang D, Hong B. Speech frequency-following response in human auditory cortex is more than a simple tracking. Neuroimage. 2021 Feb 1;226:117545. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117545. Epub 2020 Nov 11. PMID: 33186711.\r
Chen J, Wang Y, Maye A, Hong B, Gao X, Engel AK, Zhang D. A Spatially-Coded Visual Brain-Computer Interface for Flexible Visual Spatial Information Decoding. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2021;29:926-933. doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2021.3080045. Epub 2021 May 24. PMID: 33983885.\r
Liu Y, Wang S, Hong B, Wang H, Lin J, Shi J, Zhao T, Bai J, Li J, Zhou W. Electroclinical features of lateral and medial orbitofrontal epilepsy: a case series. Epileptic Disord. 2020 Dec 18. doi: 10.1684/epd.2020.1230. Epub ahead of print.\r
Liu Z, Tang J, Gao B, Li X, Yao P, Lin Y, Liu D, Hong B, Qian H, Wu H. Multichannel parallel processing of neural signals in memristor arrays. Sci Adv. 2020 Oct 9;6(41):eabc4797. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abc4797. \r
Yan Y, Dahmani L, Ren J, Shen L, Peng X, Wang R, He C, Jiang C, Gong C, Tian Y, Zhang J, Guo Y, Lin Y, Li S, Wang M, Li L, Hong B, Liu H. Reconstructing lost BOLD signal in individual participants using deep machine learning. Nat Commun. 2020 Oct 7;11(1):5046. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18823-9.\r
Liu Z, Tang J, Gao B, Yao P, Li X, Liu D, Zhou Y, Qian H, Hong B, Wu H. Neural signal analysis with memristor arrays towards high-efficiency brain-machine interfaces. Nat Commun. 2020 Aug 25;11(1):4234. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18105-4.\r
Guo N, Si X, Zhang Y, et al. Speech frequency-following response in human auditory cortex is more than a simple tracking[J]. NeuroImage, in press\r
D. Liu, C. Liu, J. Chen, D. Zhang and B. Hong, “Doubling the Speed of N200 Speller via Dual-directional Visual Motion Encoding,” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TBME.2020.3005518.\r
Peng, Q., Ouyang, M., Wang, J., Yu, Q., Zhao, C., Slinger, M., Li, H., Fan, Y., Hong, B. and Huang, H., 2020. Regularized-Ncut: Robust and homogeneous functional parcellation of neonate and adult brain networks. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, p.101872.\r
Yan, Y., Qian, T., Xu, X., Han, H., Ling, Z., Zhou, W., Liu, H. and Hong, B., 2020. Human cortical networking by probabilistic and frequency-specific coupling. NeuroImage, 207, p.116363.\r
Ding Y, Zhang Y, Zhou W, Ling Z, Huang J, Hong B, Wang X. Neural Correlates of Music Listening and Recall in the Human Brain. J Neurosci. 2019 Oct 9;39(41):8112-8123. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1468-18.2019. Epub 2019 Sep 9.\r
Liu, Y.O., Zhou, W.J., Hong, B., Zhao, T. and Wang, Y.F., 2019. Surgical outcomes in patients with epilepsy after viral encephalitis: contribution of SEEG study. BMC neurology, 19(1), p.165.\r
Yi’Ou Liu, W.Z., Hong, B., Zhao, T., Xu, C., Ruan, J., Bai, J. and Wang, S., 2019. Multiple Stereoelectroencephalography-Guided Radiofrequency Thermocoagulations for Polymicrogyria With Startle Seizures: A Case Report. Frontiers in neurology, 10.\r
Lin S, Liu J, Li W, et al. A Flexible, Robust, and Gel-Free Electroencephalogram Electrode for Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interfaces. Nano Lett. 2019;19(10):6853-6861. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b02019\r
Zhang Y, Zhou W, Wang S, et al. The Roles of Subdivisions of Human Insula in Emotion Perception and Auditory Processing. Cereb Cortex. 2019;29(2):517-528. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhx334

