2023-05-12 11:35
  • 郭炜
  • 郭炜 - 助理研究员-清华大学-药学院-个人资料








Shudan Wang, Hongyang Yao, Yihua Xu, Rui Hao, Wen Zhang, Hang Liu, Ying Huang, Wei Guo*, Bai Lu*. (2020) Therapeutic potential of a TrkB agonistic antibody for Alzheimer’s disease. Theranostics. doi:10.7150/thno.44165; in press. (*Correspondence author).\r
He You, Pengcheng Chu, Wei Guo, Bai Lu*. (2020) A subpopulation of Bdnf-e1–expressing glutamatergic neurons in the lateral hypothalamus critical for thermogenesis control. Molecular Metabolism. 31: 109-123.\r
Wei Guo#, Keliang Pang#, Yanbo Chen, Shudan Wang, Heng Li, Yihua Xu, Fang Han, Hongyang Yao, Hang Liu, Vanessa Lopes-Rodrigues, Dang Sun, Jingyu Shao, Jianying Shen, Yang Dou, Wen Zhang, He You, Wutian Wu, Bai Lu*. (2019) TrkB agonistic antibodies superior to BDNF: Utility in treating motoneuron degeneration. Neurobiology of Disease. 132: 104590. (#These authors contributed equally to this work.)\r
Jianying Shen, Dang Sun, Jingyu Shao, Yanbo Chen, Keliang Pang, Wei Guo, Bai Lu*. (2019) Extracellular Juxtamembrane Motif Critical for TrkB Preformed Dimer and Activation. Cells. 8, 932; doi:10.3390/cells8080932\r
Fang Han, Xiaoming Guan, Wei Guo*, Bai Lu*. (2019) Therapeutic potential of a TrkB agonistic antibody for ischemic brain injury. Neurobiology of Disease. 127: 570–581. (*Correspondence author)\r
Wei Guo, Guhan Nagappan and Bai Lu. (2018) Differential effects of transient and sustained activation of BDNF-TrkB signaling. Developmental Neurobiology. 2018 July; 78 (7): 647-659, DOI 10.1002/dneu.22592\r
Zuying Chai#, Changhe Wang#, Rong Huang, Yuan Wang, Xiaoyu Zhang, Qihui Wu, Yeshi Wang, Xi Wu, Lianghong Zheng, Chen Zhang, Wei Guo, Wei Xiong, Jiuping Ding, Feipeng Zhu, Zhuan Zhou*. (2017) CaV2.2 Gates Calcium-Independent but Voltage-Dependent Secretion in Mammalian Sensory Neurons. Neuron. Dec 20; 96(6): 1317-1326.e4. (#These authors contributed equally to this work.)\r
Keliang Pang, He You, Yanbo Chen, Pengcheng Chu, Meiqing Hu, Jianying Shen, Wei Guo, Can Xie, Bai Lu (2017) MagR alone is insufficient to confer cellular calcium responses to magnetic stimulation. Frontiers Neural Circuits. 11:11.doi: 10.3389/fncir.2017.00011.\r
Petti T Pang, Guhan Nagappan, Wei Guo, Bai Lu. (2016). Extracellular and intracellular cleavages of proBDNF required at two distinct stages of late-phase LTP. npj Science of Learning. 2016. 1, 16003; doi:10.1038/npjscilearn.2016.3; published online 11 May 2016\r
Wei Guo, Yuanyuan Ji, Sudan Wang, Yun Sun, Bai Lu. Neuronal activity alters BDNF-TrkB signaling kinetics and downstream functions. J. Cell Sci. 2014 May 15; 127(10): 2249-2260.\r
Wei Guo, Hui Jiang, Virginia Gray, Shoukat Dedhar and Yi Rao. Role of the Integrin-Linked Kinase (ILK) in Determining Neuronal Polarity. Developmental Biology. 2007 Jun 15; 306(2): 457-68.\r
Hui Jiang, Wei Guo, Xinhua Liang and Yi Rao. Both the Establishment and the Maintenance of Neuronal Polarity Require Active Mechanisms--Critical Roles of GSK-3β and Its Upstream Regulators. Cell. 2005 Jan 14; 120(1): 123-35. (该文章是Cell杂志继1980年发表中科院微生物研究所陆德如等三位学者文章后,25年来发表的第一篇完全在国内完成的研究论文。)\r
Weiying Yu#, Wei Guo# and Linyin Feng. Segregation of Nogo66 receptors into lipid rafts in rat brain and inhibition of Nogo66 signaling by cholesterol depletion. FEBS Letters, 2004 Nov 5; 577(1-2): 87-92 (#These authors contributed equally to this work.)

