2023-05-12 11:32
  • 杜春光
  • 杜春光 - 副教授-清华大学-理学院-个人资料




教育:  \r
工作经历:  \r




Chunguang Du, Qingli Jing, and Zhengfeng Hu,Coupler-free transition from light to surface plasmon polariton,Phys. Rev. A 91(1), 013817 (2015)\r
Ming Gao, Fu-Chuan Lei, Chun-Guang Du, and Gui-Lu Long,Self-sustained oscillation and dynamical multistability of optomechanical systems in the extremely-large-amplitude regime,Phys. Rev. A 91(1), 013833 (2015)\r
Lei, Fu-Chuan; Gao, Ming; Du, Chunguang; Jing, Qing-Li; Long, Gui-Lu; Three-pathway electromagnetically induced transparency in coupled-cavity optomechanical system, Optics Express, Vol. 23(9), 011508 (pp.11508-11517) (2015)\r
Fuchuan Lei, Ming Gao, Chunguang Du, Shi-Yao Hou, Xu Yang, and Gui Lu Long, Engineering optomechanical normal modes for single-phonon transfer and entanglement preparation, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 32(4), 588–594 (2015)\r
Hu Zheng-Feng; Du Chun-Guang; etc., Transient responses of transparency in a far-off resonant atomic system,CHINESE PHYSICS B 23 (5), 054204 (2014)\r
Jing Qing-Li; Du Chun-Guang; Gao Jian-Cun, New application of surface plasmon resonance-measurement of weak magnetic field,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 62(3), 037302 (2013)\r
Du, Chunguang,Quantum surface plasmon resonance system based on electromagnetically induced transparency, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 109(4) 797-803 (2012)\r
Du, CG; Chen, HY; Li, SQ Stable and bistable SQUID metamaterials J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 345220\r
Du, CG; Chen, HY; Li, SQ Quantum left-handed metamaterial from superconducting quantum-interference devices PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 74 (11): Art. No. 113105 SEP 2006\r
Fang, YF; Du, CG; Li, SQ Quntum interference of four-level atomic system embedded in photonic band gap structure ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 55 (9): 4652-4658 SEP 2006\r
Hu, ZF; Du, CG; Wang, YZ Buffer-gas-induced narrowing of electromagnetically induced transparent spectra for an open system JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 53 (4): 513-523 MAR 10 2006\r
Hu, ZF; Wang, Y; Du, CG; et al. Quantum interference effects of two coherent population trapping states on the atomic spectral lines of a F-e=0 -> F-g=1 transition JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 38 (11): 1719-1726 JUN 14 2005\r
Du, CG; Hu, ZF; Li, SQ Reservoir-induced transparency and coherent population trapping JOURNAL OF OPTICS B-QUANTUM AND SEMICLASSICAL OPTICS, 6 (7): 263-268 JUL 2004\r
Zhou, B; Du, CG; Li, SQ Slow light by modified reservoir induced transparency with a non-singular density of modes CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 21 (5): 856-859 MAY 2004\r
Du, CG; Hu, ZF; Li, SQ Transient properties of atomic coherence induced by an nonsingular-DOM reservoir OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 233 (1-3): 139-147 MAR 15 2004\r
Hu, ZF; Du, CG; Li, SQ Nonadiabatic effects on population transfer of two Bose-Einstein condensates induced by atomic interaction CHINESE PHYSICS, 12 (7): 708-713 JUL 2003\r
Hu, ZF; Du, CG; Li, SQ Light-induced nonlinear effects on dispersion relation of ultracold Bose gas CHINESE PHYSICS, 12 (4): 403-407 APR 2003\r
Du, CG; Hou, CF; Hu, ZF; et al. Atomic coherence via an nonsingular-DOM reservoir PHYSICS LETTERS A, 307 (4): 196-201 FEB 3 2003\r
Hu, ZF; Du, CG; Li, DJ; et al. Atomic interaction effects on electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light in ultracold Bose gas CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 19 (12): 1805-1807 DEC 2002\r
Hu, ZF; Du, CG; Li, DJ; et al. Stimulated Raman adiabatic population transfer of two Bose-Einstein condensates CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 19 (9): 1234-1237 SEP 2002\r
Hou, CF; Jiang, YY; Yuan, BH; et al. Incoherently coupled soliton pairs in photorefractive polymer OPTICAL MATERIALS, 19 (3): 377-381 MAY 2002\r
Du, CG; Li, SQ Dephasing time of a positron accelerated by a laser pulse CHINESE PHYSICS, 11 (4): 375-378 APR 2002\r
Du, CG; Hu, ZF; Hou, CF; et al. Transparency and strong gain without population inversion in photonic bandgap crystals CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 19 (3): 338-341 MAR 2002\r
Hou, CF; Du, CG; Abdurusul; et al. Manakov soliton pairs in biased photovoltaic photorefractive crystals CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 19 (1): 63-65 JAN 2002\r
Hou, CF; Du, CG; Abdurusul; et al. Incoherently coupled bright-dark soliton pairs in biased centrosymmetric photorefractive media CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 18 (12): 1607-1609 DEC 2001\r
Hou, CF; Abdurusul; Du, CG; et al. Spatial solitons in photorefractive organic polymers ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 50 (11): 2159-2165 NOV 2001\r
Du, CG; Li, SQ Optical multistability from a squeezed vacuum in the presence of quantum interference AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 53 (5): 689-696 2000\r
Du, CG; Li, SQ Positive-particle acceleration by a short laser pulse in a plasma JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 69 (8): 2498-2502 AUG 2000\r
Du, CG; Xu, ZZ Positron acceleration by a laser pulse in a plasma PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 7 (5): 1582-1585 Part 1 MAY 2000\r
黄湖,杜春光,李师群,《近代物理学进展》(第2版)第17章 (298页-317页)光子晶体导论。清华大学出版社 , 2009年12月。
中国物理学会《中国物理快报》、《物理学报》、《Chinese Physics》特约评审专家;英国IOP系列刊物审稿人。

